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Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Viewer Writes.......3-17-20


Just wondering when the world is going to wake up to the fact that whether it’s swine flu, sars, corona virus (all from china) or some other disease, when are the citizens of the countries impacted going to demand reparations from the Chinese government? To the political class and the business community that sold our American dream down the river for a cheap buck! Was it worth it?

Maybe now people will realize that having all our manufacturing and production of drugs along with everything from the chicomms ain’t such a good idea.

Sars was documented having escaped out of their bio labs on many different occasions. Until they let the worlds scientist in to prover otherwise the commie bastards should be held accountable! This isn’t the first time something like this has happened and it won’t be the last. The communist must be held accountable by the world. We’ve seen their own citizens are unable to do the job! Demand no more of anything from China and reparations for all the damage thy have done to countless lives around the globe!!

Time for #chinamustpay!


  1. LOL yeah right. Good luck with that.

  2. That was the entire point of the tariffs. Except no one told POTUS who actually pays for them...

    1. 3:39 Consumers eventually pay for tariffs, POTUS knows that. Manufacturing in America may cost more, but you wouldn't have to worry about every bubble pack or box from china you open being contaminated with a deadly virus, plus the tariffs create jobs and those jobs provide wages. Not to mention tax money our government truly needs to operate and keep the infrastructure sound.

    2. Manufacturing is more expensive here because Democrats had raised corporate taxes to the highest in the world driving production to China

    3. Plus corporate greed, foreign cars are priced comparable to domestic vehicles but are much cheaper to produce.

  3. Should the US give reparations for all the countries they've destabilized during the war for oil. Excuse me, sorry, the war on terror? It doesn't work that way.

    1. At 3:40 p.m. you must be delusional I don't remember the United States taking over any oil facilities anywhere in the world. You're such a loser. Now, go back down in your mommy's basement and play Commando.

    2. Pretty sure the US has largest military and has killed many more people than Mao

    3. 450, you clearly know nothing about history. I'm astounded by your ignorant comment.

    4. Why are you living here idiot

    5. Yea idiot
      We don’t like people who don’t believe MSM and everything the government tells us

      Get out

  4. This virus also escaped from their bioweapons labs. Do not believe the BS from the MSM.

  5. Yes. Exactly. Dittos.

  6. The US has one of the best healthcare system in the World. The problem is the FDA, AMA and the greedy Pharmaceutical companies. These are the ones that the Liberal DumbocRATS should be going after for higher taxes. These three are / have destroyed US healthcare for their multi-million dollar profits and conning US tax payers out of tax dollars that they misuse. I say this because they are always behind the curve instead of ahead of the curve. They also don't want to produce medications because that will cut into their million dollar profits.

    1. I'm sorry but you're flat out wrong, we aren't even in the top 10. Dumbacrats have put countless Bill's into the Senate that have been immediately burned by McConnel. So which is it, do we have the best healthcare in the world or did democrats destroy it? You're not even consistent in your response

  7. Reparations? You are a complete moron

  8. Why don’t you move to a Communist country you coward

  9. Its your choice to know.
    Want to understand whats going on around us?
    Prepared for the Ten Days of Darkness?
    Links arent allowed so search YT for the X22 Report for 3-16-20

    ""It’s Time To Unveil The True Enemy Of The People, Shutdown, Messages Received - Episode 2123b""

  10. But I thought the warmer weather was going to kill this thing.....

    1. It will but it takes a little more time than a few days. Hard to understand for microwave mental midgets like yourself.

  11. It’s like they’re using this as an opportunity in case of a deadly disease is released

  12. Since China holds so much of America’s debt we should stop paying the interest on the debt. All other countries that China holds there debt should do the same!!! They are responsible for this!! Matter of fact don’t pay any of the principle as well!!! There a penalty to pay for what they done to the world!!!

  13. Must be a Bernie supporter.....where’s our free stuff????

  14. And closer to home....

    HB650 – The State Government – Emergency Management – Governor Declarations Bill – Violates the Constitution and Citizens’ Fundamental Rights!
    HB650, the State Government – Emergency Management – Governor Declarations bill, is a broadly unprecedented and dangerous bill which would allow the following:
    Permanent seizure of any and all personal property, including homes and possessions, without due process or notice
    Executive authority to supersede local jurisdictions and require the cooperation of sheriffs, superintendents, etc. for any action deemed necessary
    Suspension of the effect of any statute, rule, or regulation of any agency of the state or of a jurisdiction that the Governor deems unnecessary or counter-productive
    Compulsory evacuation of all or part of the population from any emergency area, specifying the mode of transportation used to force-evacuate citizens (Current law allows for compelled evacuation but does not specify that the state may confiscate private vehicles)
    Compulsory evacuation of citizens from their homes during quarantine into a state-designated quarantine area
    Indefinite incremental extensions of the order: termination of the order would require a joint resolution from the House and Senate
    URGENT: PLEASE CONTACT YOUR STATE SENATOR AND MEMBERS OF THE Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee TO OPPOSE HB650
    Copy and paste these email addresses and add to the BCC section of the email:
    jack.bailey@senate.state.md.us, marybeth.carozza@senate.state.md.us, arthur.ellis@senate.state.md.us, jason.gallion@senate.state.md.us, katiefry.hester@senate.state.md.us, cheryl.kagan@senate.state.md.us, clarence.lam@senate.state.md.us, obie.patterson@senate.state.md.us, paul.pinsky@senate.state.md.us, bryan.simonaire@senate.state.md.us, mary.washington@senate.state.md.us
    Call the offices of the Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee members:
    Senator Phone
    Bailey, Jack 410-841-3673 | 301-858-3673
    Carozza, Mary Beth 410-841-3645 | 301-858-3645
    Ellis, Arthur 410-841-3616 | 301-858-3616
    Gallion, Jason C. 410-841-3603 | 301-858-3603
    Hester, Katie Fry 410-841-3671 | 301-858-3671
    Kagan, Cheryl C. 410-841-3134 | 301-858-3134
    Lam, Clarence K. 410-841-3653 | 301-858-3653
    Patterson, Obie 410-841-3092 | 301-858-3092
    Pinsky, Paul G. 410-841-3155 | 301-858-3155
    Simonaire, Bryan W. 410-841-3658 | 301-858-3658
    Washington, Mary 410-841-3145 | 301-858-3145
    Find your state senator to contact their office by phone and email
    Please spread the word! Let’s flood the offices of our senators with polite, respectful, forceful emails and phone calls. They need to hear our voices!

  15. Reparations? Hell, I just want to make it to another TGIF!

    Psst, only 3 more days until TGIF!

  16. 5:21 I believe 4:51's comment was something called "sarcasm".

  17. tell that to all the businesses that will close. All the people who will be laid off because of this. The financial impact will be widespread. We've sued other countries in the past for their actions and how they impacted americans. The chicomms hold plenty of property, bonds and businesses here in the USA. Just attach liens to them and sell them and pay off all the victims of their stupidity!
    unless of course you think the american taxpayer ought to pay for the chicomms screw up?

  18. LOL you nailed it

  19. It's also a lack of accountability. No one wants to accept that their apathy put the people in power who moved America to the place it is now, a welfare state for the ultra rich.

  20. BAM!!! 5:31 great info, listen daily, sometimes 2x day...listening right now to the latest. love x22

  21. For the comment that United States does not pay other countries for damages during a war truly lives under a rock or has his head stuck in the sand. We today, the United States Government is still paying to rebuild Vietnam. There are others - look it up if you don't believe me. Other countries have better infrastructure, schools that the U. S. Because U. S. Is rebuilding.


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