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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Salisbury Maryland Police Chief Duncan Lied About Investigation And More...

There are two cases at hand within the Salisbury Police Department. One is the investigation of thousands of pieces of missing evidence and the other is for three officers who are, (according to Duncan) on suspension based on her belief that they may have lied and I'll just leave it at that. 

Duncan held a press conference last week stating the WCSO and the Maryland State Police are conducting their own investigation. That is just NOT TRUE. There is only ONE investigation and that is an INTERNAL one within the Salisbury Police Department, the fox watching the hen house.

Last night States Attorney Dykes confronted the County Council requesting funding for TWO new prosecutors and ONE investigator. Now let me tell you why. They are being requested exclusively to handle the Salisbury Police Department investigation. 

There are approximately 8,640 pieces of evidence allegedly missing for the evidence room. Each piece/case must now be looked into and that means contacting each individual and what evidence is missing. I was told by one source that this could actually take up to TEN years. Dykes request would cost Wicomico County taxpayers at least $300,000.00 additional a year. Dykes stated she needed top quality people to do this job and you can't hire them for basically chump change. 

It's no wonder Jake Day refused to stand by his Police Chief's side during that press conference and why Chief Duncan looked so nervous. The BIG question is, will the City/Mayor reimburse the States Attorneys  Office to investigate and prosecute? Will the City pay the WCSO or ANY outside source to investigate these two cases? I'm sure Sheriff Lewis would also need to hire new investigators to handle this particular case alone. 

Ultimately, no matter what, there may be a ton of civil lawsuits. The Mayor is hiding behind just how serious these cases are and what it may cost City taxpayers. In the mean time the Zoo is failing, the roads are in horrible condition, construction Downtown is killing businesses and they're leaving, he's spending millions on bike paths no one is using, roundabouts, he's selling prime properties to his good ol' boy friends for pennies on the dollar, there's no parking, his Police Department is corrupt and the list just goes on and on. 

Finally, shame on your local media pampering all of these stories and not truly informing the public as to what is really going on.


  1. I've contacted both Andy Harris and Mary Beth corroza office about Jake Day's corruption both with this investigation and the SU incident to see about the City of salisbury and Jake day being investigated and have heard NOTHING!!

    1. That's because you are calling the wrong people,U.S.Department of Justice 202-514-2000,they are responsible for local law enforcement conduct/misconduct. They police the police.

  2. Its incredible that no matter how low Salisbury becomes, the mayors friend will still come to his defense. Priorities are what the mayor deems, no one else's opinion or the real needs of the city matters. Maybe Gillis Gilkerson should have to make repairs and improvements for the sweet deals they get rich on because of the mayor.

    I wonder how many millions the upcoming lawsuits will cost Salisbury as well as the loss of tourism and it's long treasured attractions.

    1. Wake up!

      His Freemason Brothers don’t defend him, he works FOR them!

      Learn the truth about Masonry

  3. Who is going to investigate the failure to prosecute Jake Day for his DUI offenses?

    1. Laws for thee not for me. The corruption in this city is astounding.

  4. I am a law enforcement officer in Wicomico County with 20 plus years and I have lost all confidence in the majority of our leaders!

  5. word on the street is DiCarlo is leaving downtown too. guess they can always put a bar there now. smh.

  6. So what? Doesn't bother me.

  7. The Wicomico County Office of the State's Attorney has NO BUSINESS to investigate their own. The FBI needs to take over this investigation.

    1. Where can we find the name of the prosecutor from the state's attorney's office who is involved?

    2. U.S.DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, 202-514-2000

  8. Why in the world should the state's attorney's office get more money to investigate its own corruption? Why aren't we hearing anything about the prosecutor from Dykes' office who is also under investigation? Perhaps someone needs to investigate the connection between some of our local defense attorneys and the state's attorney's office. Why are there so many plea deals in this county? Are the accused in Wicomico County more guilty than those in other counties across the state? Perhaps there is much more corruption than we are being led to believe. I am embarrassed to admit that I live in Wicomico County, particularly Salisbury. Don't tell me to move if I don't like it; let's drain our own swamp and improve the situation here.

  9. 10:14 you are clueless maybe somewhere else would fit you better, good bye!!!

  10. 10:14, your attitude is what is wrong with this town now. When will it bother you? Do you live in Salisbury? Are you of voting age? Do you vote? Did you vote for Jake to continue on this path of destruction of Salisbury? So many questions of people like you with the attitude of so what.

  11. So, evidence is missing, yet they don't know what that evidence is? Plus, why is it they don't tell us who those officers are?

    1. Id like to know that too, they will crucify anyone else who isn’t a friend.

  12. As I always said if I am guilty, and I am asked to investigate myself I am always innocent....
    Get someone out of the sate to come in and make sure prosecution happens..

  13. 10:14 is just trolling. Ignore the loser.

  14. Look into that cop pistol whipping a guy recently...he was arrested in delaware..its def a true story

    1. Ron Brown. He quit Salisbury PD after he was arrested in DE.

  15. Sounds like some fancy jobs for the Boy Mayor's liberal arts degree friends.

  16. Everyone in Jail right now should get an appeal

    1. We need an outside investigation on theseMarch 4, 2020 at 7:48 PM


      can you imagine if you were convicted, sent to jail on evidence that was tampered with ?

      Wow....Jake Day has screwed Salisbury and Wicomico County tax payers with his Transgender leaning bullchit ways as a Mayor

      once these wrongful convictions start heading to Civil Court....Jake Day will use our hard earned tax dollars
      to pay off all these lawsuits

  17. The evidence was money

  18. Why has she not been fired with no compensation and have possible charges against her?

  19. If they are suspended it is with pay,unless they are charged with a felony. You are missing all of the cases that she has kept quiet. What about the crime stats.

  20. Stop blaming all cops for the acts of a few. If anyone covered up anything they should be suspended pending criminal charges. The Attorney Generals office should be investigating this case. The Maryland Special Investigatory Unit should be covering this case. They have jurisdiction and the funds to complete this. The only reason to keep it here is an attempt to cover up the facts. There is so much more that will be uncovered if an outside investigation takes place. Funny how it rolls when the hunters become the hunted. Lewis has no reason to be involved he is a politician with ties to many involved. Annapolis needs to get involved. The hypocrisy is only outweighed by the arrogance of these local politicians. Have a Delmarvalous Day lol

  21. The problems that have been created by the City Police are truly mind blowing. With that said most of the information is this post is to some extent inaccurate.
    1. It's not 8000 pieces of evidence missing it is 80,000 pieces that need to be reviewed.
    2. The States Attorneys office is not requesting money to investigate what happened they are asking for money to hire additional attorneys to retry the cases that will be appealed.
    3. Local law enforcement agency including SPD are not investigating this the Maryland Attorney Generals office is in charge.
    With that said at this moment in time the County is 100% on the hook for a screw-up that is not their fault. What are the chances of the city stepping up to pay for this mess... my guess, without the county suing the city Jake will do his best to walk away from this.
    Additional 3 officers have been suspended does anyone think for a minute they are the only three involved? Were these (3) FTO's for any of the other SPD officers, if so what does that do to the credibility of those officers. In my opinion this is just the tip of the iceberg. This may be all the WCSO needs to finally get a County Police Force eliminating SPD, DPD, FPD and WPD. Stay tuned for the next Ax to drop.

  22. If evidence is missing is that for cases that haven't been tried yet?

  23. When the Police of a town are corrupt, you can bet your ass that most of the other elected officials are corrupt as well. Salisbury needs to clean house and has needed to for quite a while. One of the reasons I got the hell out of that town and off the Eastern Shore. The ppl of Salisbury need to stand up and make their voices heard. IF they want to clean the town up they need to let it be known that they won't stand for this shit any longer.

  24. Not all police are corrupt but its obviously a partnership to have each others backs- Duncan-Day-Dykes. The 3 Ds need replaced. This town is going to hell. We will have bike routes and roundabouts and murals of black people.

  25. We need Krah Plunkert!!!

  26. Shhht rolls downhill , she won't get Anything !!!

  27. maybe jakey day's daddy will pay for jakey's city police screw up instead of having the taxpayer pay... hasn't jakey's daddy bailed him out before

  28. Where's Mike Lewis in all of this?

  29. Anonymous said...
    Where's Mike Lewis in all of this?

    March 6, 2020 at 12:03 AM

    That's a good question, Mr. Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the County, where are you?

  30. Anonymous said...
    I've contacted both Andy Harris and Mary Beth corroza office about Jake Day's corruption both with this investigation and the SU incident to see about the City of salisbury and Jake day being investigated and have heard NOTHING!!

    March 4, 2020 at 9:19 AM

    No need to contact those two worthless clowns, they support Gay Day and Child Molester Liz!

  31. Wow Sheriff lewis is as quiet as a church mouse. Where is his hype on this issue. One has to wonder why he has been so quiet. I think this is the first time in his life he prays all eyes stay off of him.

  32. Anonymous said...
    The Wicomico County Office of the State's Attorney has NO BUSINESS to investigate their own. The FBI needs to take over this investigation.

    March 4, 2020 at 10:33 AM

    They aren't! Where are you clowns getting that information from?

  33. Anonymous said...
    Wake up!

    His Freemason Brothers don’t defend him, he works FOR them!

    Learn the truth about Masonry

    March 4, 2020 at 11:42 AM

    WTF are you talking about?? Coward!

    1. See?
      Masons are thugs and criminals
      Sex perverts too

  34. Anonymous said...

    The problems that have been created by the City Police are truly mind blowing. With that said most of the information is this post is to some extent inaccurate.
    1. It's not 8000 pieces of evidence missing it is 80,000 pieces that need to be reviewed.
    2. The States Attorneys office is not requesting money to investigate what happened they are asking for money to hire additional attorneys to retry the cases that will be appealed.
    3. Local law enforcement agency including SPD are not investigating this the Maryland Attorney Generals office is in charge.
    With that said at this moment in time the County is 100% on the hook for a screw-up that is not their fault. What are the chances of the city stepping up to pay for this mess... my guess, without the county suing the city Jake will do his best to walk away from this.
    Additional 3 officers have been suspended does anyone think for a minute they are the only three involved? Were these (3) FTO's for any of the other SPD officers, if so what does that do to the credibility of those officers. In my opinion this is just the tip of the iceberg. This may be all the WCSO needs to finally get a County Police Force eliminating SPD, DPD, FPD and WPD. Stay tuned for the next Ax to drop.

    March 4, 2020 at 4:06 PM

    Thank you! Why this had to be explained is mindboggling. You have know it all Joe being spoonfed information from Bob and neither of them has it right and then he lets this entire thread get spun out of control with misinformation.

  35. Anonymous said...
    When the Police of a town are corrupt, you can bet your ass that most of the other elected officials are corrupt as well. Salisbury needs to clean house and has needed to for quite a while. One of the reasons I got the hell out of that town and off the Eastern Shore. The ppl of Salisbury need to stand up and make their voices heard. IF they want to clean the town up they need to let it be known that they won't stand for this shit any longer.

    March 4, 2020 at 5:07 PM

    Ladies and Gentleman, Let me present to you the Crooked and Corrupt City of Salisbury Leadership

    Jake Day - Boi Mare
    Jack Heath - City Council President
    Manure Bota - City Council Vice President
    Michele Gregory - Councilman(Welfare Queen II)
    Angela Blake - Councilman
    April Jackson - Councilman(Welfare Queen I)

    Julia Glanz - City Administrator(The Husband)
    Andy Kitzrow - Deputy City Administrator(Cutie Pie)
    Kim Nichols - City Clerk
    Barbara Duncan - Chief Holster Sniffer
    John Tull - Far Cheef
    Tom Stevenson - Field Operations Director(Formerly Jimbeau's Arm Candy)
    Keith Cordrey - Finance Director
    Jeanne Loyd - HR Director(Ms. Smoko)
    Bill Garrett - IT Director
    Amanda Pollack - Infrastructure and Development Director
    Jennifer Miller - Procurement Director
    Cori Cameron - Water Works Director(Hasbro's Monopoly)

    Does anyone else think that the City of Salisbury is top heavy with administrators and departments??


    Patricia Marie Dudek has been missing for 18 years. On January 10, 2002, Salisbury Police Department officers responded to a report of a missing person. The investigation determined that Patricia Marie Dudek was last seen in the early morning hours of January 7, 2002, at her residence. Dudek has not been seen since that time and indications are that she would not have voluntarily disappeared for such an extended period.
    What do you know?

    One thing is always true: SOMEONE KNOWS SOMETHING. Even if you know nothing — you could actually help solve a murder by simply sharing this post. The friend, of a friend, of a friend, could know something; we just have to get this post in front of their eyes. Will you help solve a murder by sharing this post?

    If you have a tip, call Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore anonymously by dialing 410-548-1776, call Salisbury Police Department at 410-543-3165, or send us a message.

  37. @6:06 - There are some department heads who are really good and are an asset. Pollack in particular. Is there a need for a deputy city administrator? Probably not.

  38. Anonymous said...
    @6:06 - There are some department heads who are really good and are an asset. Pollack in particular. Is there a need for a deputy city administrator? Probably not.

    March 8, 2020 at 6:25 PM

    Ummm... They are all worthless!

  39. Babs has a girlfriend named Michelle.

  40. @6:40 - Don't act like a child. Regardless of some things that happen with the administration, the city still operates. It takes some talented people to pull that off. A blanket statement like "They're all worthless" is both childish and uninformed.

  41. Anonymous said...
    @6:40 - Don't act like a child. Regardless of some things that happen with the administration, the city still operates. It takes some talented people to pull that off. A blanket statement like "They're all worthless" is both childish and uninformed.

    March 9, 2020 at 8:01 AM

    Oh lookie the boi mare shows up to speak or should i say NNNNAAAAYYYYYY. How ya doing you old goober? Not that i care to ask.

  42. And the cops and States Attorney who were suspended are the only honest ones in the bunch!

  43. Correction: The States Attorney that was suspended is the ONLY honest one in the bunch...that's why they got her out. Outrageous!

  44. @6:48 - You assume because I form coherent sentences and spell properly that I'm the Mayor? Nope. Just a concerned citizen who is sick of local yocals like yourself who have no concept of anything larger than a mom and pop grocery store when it comes to business.


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