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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Please Tell Me Why States Attorney Dykes Can't Retain An Outside Law Firm To Handle SPD Cases

In the video we provided yesterday at the County Council Meeting Mrs. Dykes and her Asst. States Attorney stated they needed $300,000.00 to hire two attorneys and an investigator from over the bridge. They went on to say no one of quality is going to come here for a temporary job. 

Well, why can't they simply RETAIN a Law Firm to handle these cases? Why is Dykes trying to ram millions of dollars down taxpayers throats for three additional, high paying positions when they can simply pay/retain a firm for a portion of such expenses like Paul Wilber's Firm, for example!

Treat this damn County like a business Mrs. Dykes and do your job. 


  1. Because then she loses control of those involved. All about power, that’s how she and her other Law enforcement family members are. Dig in, there’s more out there and it’s deep.

  2. she can't control the outcome if she hires an outside firm.

  3. Yes, to what Joe said!

  4. Excellent points! Is there more to cover up? Is the fox watching the hen house again? Are ALL of these people friends on Facebook, for example?

  5. Like any politician they don't care ow much of your money they are wasting.

  6. I want the name of the suspended states attorney, who hired them and are they still being paid. Where did her investigator work,msp and spd

    1. It’s a senior assistant state’s attorney.

    2. Who are the current lawyers in the office? They aren’t listed on their website.

    3. Name names Goober 9:17AM, not everyone knows who the senior assistant states attorney is. All you did was regurgitate a title.

  7. You should know, the expense Dykes requested was for salaries only. Add another $100,000.00 for health care benefits. Here's what else she didn't mention. It could take up to ten years to go through all these cases.

    1. It might take 10 years Joe, but tell Bob to sue the city to recoup that money!

  8. Wouldnt those officers need to be named? For goodness sake - every traffic ticket or civil citation they wrote is cgallengable.

    Who are these accused officers? Every other case against another publically names the officer or accuser. They should and must be named.

    Will an attorney file a case to expose and a class action suit for failure to mitigate and expose?

  9. Because outside law firms will cost a lot more money than an employee, just like Paul Wilbur and his firm. You talk about a waste of tax dollars!

  10. 8:47, While your basic comment may seem interesting to some, you obviously don't know how to run a business. If in fact it would take 10 years to get through all these questionable cases, a professional law firm would review the scope of the project and offer a bid to handle them. I can assure you it would take a lot less time for an outside firm to handle these cases and I'd strongly suggest tat Dykes is looking for crazy funding and exaggerating how long it will take to handle these cases so she can get what she wants, 2 attorneys and 1 investigator. It's all about politics and games. So yes, it would cost a lot less to hire an outside firm to handle this situation. By the way, "It was your election to lose" because I'm smarter and more experienced then these kids running the City.

  11. The fact that she admits that no one of quality is going to come here for a temporary job kind of proves that even SHE thinks that Salisbury has gone down hill.

  12. Joe, your 8:35am comment is ludicrous. An outside firm's "bid" would be an hourly rate. And they could milk the job for all it's worth.

    In a traditional situation where a county solicits bids for a traditional job there would be a flat price quoted --- and yes usually private contractors can provide services at much less expense than the government, even county government. But in this situation it makes no sense to hire an outside firm when don't even know how deep the situation is going to get.

  13. They are worse than kids in a sandbox. At least kids in a sandbox will come together and set the rules of play and FOLLOW them! These idiots can't get out of their own way to back out of a driveway!!

  14. Appears once leverage was on these 3 dirty cops they then used them for dirty deeds, since 2011. Now the cats out of the bag noone local can be trusted hence the "no quality locals" statement. Lots of excuses not to have independent investigators, you know these 3 positions will be full time for evermore. Crime is growing rapidly with the elite and no accountability. Tax payers are tire of paying outrageous fees for such incompetence and neglect...criminal. Wnos responsible for hiding the memo.

  15. Oh, you better believe that these positions will become permanent. Like they need another investigator, much less two more attorneys. Go ahead council and violate the county charter. Is that not against the law?

    And how about conflict of interest. Did you see Mr. Kleger there from PKS. The county has a financial audit from an OUTSIDE ACCOUNTING FIRM for good reason. Why would we let State's Attorney, SPD, MSP (Trooper Dykes), or even the Sheriff's Office investigate their own? All of this is completely inappropriate.

    Nothing to see here, I need you to move along.
    For officer safety, I need you to step back.

    Please, people, flood the public hearing on April 7, 2020 with your presence and with letters. Also, consider letters to the governor. The last thing we need is for this one to be on the bench.

  16. She's making much about too little, she doesn't want it to be an outside law firm they may look into more than she wants them too, she is a control child just like Jake Day.

  17. 9:03, We will agree to disagree. It's easy to argue both sides but please don't act like my suggestion is impossible. It resolves both sides. A free and clear outside source to review good ol' boy corruption, which is extremely important while the lawsuits pile up. It also relieves the taxpayers having to FOREVER pay for two attorneys and an investigator, as Dykes suggested. We can't hire them and then fire them. Use your head and stop simply trying to defend your office.

    1. Good Ole Boys

      Do you mean: Freemasons?

  18. I watched the entire first video. I was waiting for her to burst into a sobbing cry.

    1. Why does it matter if you think she was going to sob? Proves to me that she is passionate about what she was hired to do. She is not responsible for this criminal activity perpetuated by the Salisbury police department and Jake Day. I do have a problem with her and Mike Lewis endorsing Fake Jake and then protecting Liz Day with her crimes against School children.

    2. Jamie has skeletons and a lot of them, don’t think for one second that she’s passionate. She buries things to, she knows it

  19. As I have said previously you can't investigate yourself and find you guilty

    1. They are not investigating themselves. You people are the most misguided Libtards out there.

  20. This case should be handled by the Maryland A/G's Office. One has to ask why are they looking at all the cases and not just those of the accused. If money was stolen and only money how does that have any bearing on the prior convictions. I guess we all have to wait and hear the facts. The immoral behavior in the State's Attorney's Office over the last 10 years is a real issue. Deputy State's Attorneys sleeping with married police officers is also an issue. There is a reason there are fraternization policies in place. It is hard to remain objective when you are intimate with the officers involved in the arrest. It is blatantly obvious that policy was never enforced. Dykes needs to clean house.

    1. @9:51am, what makes you think that only money was stolen? Pay attention, goof!!

    2. Have Frosh investigate? He's too busy suing Trump administration...

    3. Corrupt officers 9:51, all testimonies in previous cases should be thrown out.

  21. Is sleeping with the wife of a person you helped bust on trumped up chargues at best a problem? Asking for a uniformed friend.

  22. Fun how she refers it as a temporary job. Make NO mistakes about it - this will turn into a permanent position(s). Ten years is not temporary and if it is approved, those positions will be re-categorized as permanent ten years later (just to keep up the ever expanding case load).
    Heck; just ask the city about their temporary firemen?

  23. What you're failing to comprehend is you won't get any "HELP" from the State of Maryland attorney general's office or State Representatives. This corruption has some very deep running Roots

  24. A law firm would not work here. She has no. friends or relatives that work for a law firm.

  25. Who cares. Sue the city, they are responsible for this cluster f’k!

  26. 10:14, name names!

    1. Are you sure you want me to do that Jason?

  27. Exculpatory evidence was taken. Evidence that proves innocence.

  28. Joe, you do realize the county and government in general are not businesses, right?

  29. 1022 l have not read what is missing if you know what is actually missing please share. I am basing everything from someone not within the circle of trust lol

  30. If exculpatory evidence was taken please share. This is getting more interesting by the minute. If this is the case and can be proven somebody is going to jail. Sad times indeed. I bet many people will be implicated and few will fall.

  31. Can anyone tell me what this person who keeps referencing the Freemasons is on. There are no women in the Masonic Lodge they have their own club lol. The Masons lost their pull many years ago. So go back to A&E and watch another docu-series. I just hope it is not about the Insane Clown Posse lol. This corruption is nothing more than the born here posse. Local elected and non elected Wicomicans. Jason and Jamie are good people. I can honestly say the arrogance comes with the title. Much like actors and athletes who think their political views mean anything. It is a narcistic world they live in. I have no idea why we place anyone who wins a popularity contest on a podium. We all have worth they just seem to forget it. The thing to remember is the higher up the ladder you are the landing on the fall hurts so much more. I am sure our county Sheriff has given Jamie some sound advice in this matter lololollollol. Ultra narcissists' never see the forest for the trees. They only see themselves. Sound like anyone we know ? Mikey maybe. Jaimie time to put you big girl pants on and clean this up. As long as I have known you this was your dream. Well you said you wanted to be one and now you are. Clean your shop up first. Then go after the rest that you have control over.

    1. So your saying she should go after herself, this issue starts at the top, some of us know that! If you know her so well, as her about her secrets

  32. As the Jamaicans say, the higher the monkey climbs the more it exposes.

  33. Jamie I worked on your campaign please do not disappoint me.

  34. Ummmmmmmm, errrrr, ummmmmmmm.

  35. 8:05 has the answer.

  36. I was talking to Joe Flanagan and got the update from him.


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