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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Wicomico County Council Interfering With County Executives Office, Here's Proof

The Director of Finance is appointed as a Director with specific job duties and qualifications under section 505 of the County Charter. There are only three Directors with specific specifications in the County Charter, the Director of Finance, Director of Public Works, and County Attorney. Per Charter, the Director holds the duties of the County Treasurer. This position is directly appointed under 502 by the County Executive. The Charter directly states this. Which makes sense, because treasury should NOT be subject to this political chaos.

Council continues to violate section 314 of the Charter, where they continue to interfere with the executive branch operations concerning the appointment and removal of any person from office or employment. Section 314 clearly states Council is not to interfere with the executive branch - specifically in an attempt to influence the head of any department of the county government concerning the appointment of any person to, or his/her removal from, any office or employment.

Just because they did it in the past under the old form of government does not mean that is the way it is supposed to go. There is an obvious failure to read, comprehend, and fully implement the Charter under the Executive form of government.

OK local lawyers, chime in and tell us what YOU get out of this. It seems petty clear to me, hence why I continue to back and support the County Executive on this matter. It appears the County Council simply wants to prove who has a bigger,,,, TRUCK!


  1. But Joe, you ignore Section 315: Confirmation of appointments.
    [Amended 8-2-2016 by Res. No. 101-2016]

    Director of Administration, Assistant Director of Administration, department heads and the initial appointment of deputy directors. Appointment by the County Executive of the Director of Administration, the Assistant Director of Administration, department heads or the initial appointment of a deputy director of a department in the executive branch of the county government shall be subject to confirmation by the County Council.

    Bob Culver appoints (selects). County Council confirms the Executives appointments. The County Executive is required to submit his Department Head appointments to the County Council for confirmation. If the County Executive fails to submit his appointments for confirmation, then the person is not authorized to execute the responsibility of that job. Like it or not, if the County Executive does submit his appointments to the County Council, the County Council has no obligation to confirm the appointment. Michele Ennis is likely very capable of performing the job of Director of Finance. But for whatever reason, the County Council is not obligated to confirm her appointment.

    1. That's my understand of the charter as well. That's why when the elections are held, department heads have to be reconfirmed. Right before I moved away a couple years ago the IT Director had to be reconfirmed. Of course then he ended up retiring right behind me.

  2. So if it is here in black and white what the Council talking about she is not qualified?

  3. If she is capable then why wouldn't they confirm ? And she is a Director from what I am reading not a Department Head. What am I missing?

    1. You are correct! 505 specifically identifies her as a Director, not Department Head. The Treasurer. The departments are made up of ”officers”. The Charter was never fully implemented under the Executive form of government. Bigger, is the interference violation of Council. That is really clear.

    2. Council needs to say why. We want to know why.

    3. Directors are Department Heads. You will not find a single job title of an County employee like; Department Head of Finance, Department Head of Human Resources, Department Head of Airport, Department Head of Correction. They are all titled Director, but legally and for the purposes of the County Charter and Codes, all are Department Heads.

    4. You are incorrect. Take it to court. Until proven, it is the Council’s obligation to prove it, or shut up.

  4. 11:21am Ahh but you forget.

    If the council cant Confirm an appointee who is clearly qualified and is the choice of the County Exec than why are they really holding up the confirmation?

    The confirmation process is not about who likes who. I expect more from these immature privileged fools. Whatever the reason it has little to do with the job that will be performed.

    Its the choice of the Exec and unless there are very real problems they need to suck it up and vote to confirm. Otherwise I have to assume that they dont like the person for reasons having nothing to do with work.

    Cannon stop playing at politics. Start doing your jobs.

    1. 11:47, 11:21 here. Your right. Maybe the majority of the County Council don’t like Michele and all this bickering is childish. Or maybe there is some unknown reason as to why the County Council will not confirm Michele’s appointment. I don’t know. But one thing is for sure. At this moment, Wicomico County is operating without a legally sitting Director of Finance and County Attorney.

      BTW: I’m sure you saw the entire first video that Joe posted. Then you saw Joe Holloway backing up John Cannon claims.

    2. Looks like you have a legal Finance Director to me by Executive appointment. Why do they keep interfering? What is Council’s consequence for interference?

  5. Joe, is it true the Wicomico Republican Central Committee is being run by a little kid now? What is going on? I hear a lot are very concerned.

    1. Nathaniel Sansom. My daughter was in the same Cherokee Lanes Youth Bowling League with Nathaniel a few years back. He’s a pretty good bowler.

  6. OK people, I agree with 12:03, prove it! I have delivered evidence proving Culver to be correct. I'll add, Culver is the highest authority on this mater and until your side can prove he is guilty or wrong, this is America and you are innocent until proven guilty. That being said, the Council needs to STOP this crap about how you can't make legal decisions or move forward with things FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS because the Council disagrees with the Executive. You need to prove it. You have had 2 years to do so and the Council has failed. Again, I challenge you to deliver me your side. FUNNY, (once again) how this is of major importance and not one local media source has published the TRUTH. While none of us, (media) are judge and jury, at least I am delivering factual evidence for the court of public opinion to decide.

  7. That’s the problem. Prove it! Easy to say but proving it will only be done in court when someone residing in Wicomico County has had enough and either sues the County Executive or County Council. You won’t see Bob Culver suing the County Council that will bring this issue to a final close. You won’t see the County Council suing the County Executive that will bring this issue to a final close. It will become the responsibility of someone who cares and sues Wicomico County over this issue of appointments, confirmations, whether the sitting Director of Finance and County Attorney are legally authorized to perform their duties. But something had better happen quick and before Wicomico County comes crashing down.

    Oh, and that person who resides in Wicomico County and needs to bring a lawsuit against the County Executive and/or County Council isn’t going to be me. Like Joe, I don’t live in Wicomico County.

  8. 1:24 Nathaniel Sansom. My daughter was in the same Cherokee Lanes Youth Bowling League with Nathaniel a few years back. He’s a pretty good bowler.

    Isn't he some 18 year old college republican?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Merry christmas John!

  11. And this is the problem (Section 315: Confirmation of appointments.
    [Amended 8-2-2016 by Res. No. 101-2016)

    There was no reason for that amendment to be put on the ballot, other than to stymie the executive!
    Just another example of county council trying to have upper hand, over the county executive.
    The county voted for county executive style of government and the council has been playing games ever since.
    It's bad enough council seats have been lost to liberals, let alone RINO's paying into liberal agendas.

    1. Blame the stupid registered voters of Wicomico County who overwhelmingly voted for this Amendment.

  12. Do to a personal rumor the council is keeping the county in gridlock. In their individual capacity they refuse to cooperate. They should be sued in their individual capacity so we citizens can see just how important it is. We need names of those who voted to not confirm.

  13. They are acting like children. They are tabling county projects that affect local businesses and those they employ to get back at her appointment. I voted for most of them last time but not next time.

  14. Joe post section 315 of the charter

    1. Section 413: Administrative appointments.
      [Amended 8-13-2018 by Res. No. 82-2018]

      The County Executive shall appoint a single officer to head each department or agency of the executive branch, the Director of Administration, and the Assistant Director of Administration and may remove the same at his discretion, and shall also appoint the deputy directors of each such department or agency. Within six months after each election for County Executive, the County Executive shall appoint the Director of Administration, and the Assistant Director of Administration and all heads of each department or agency of the executive branch as defined by Section 502 and 503 of this Charter and the Code of Wicomico County, subject to confirmation by the Council as required by Section 315 of this Charter, provided that this sentence does not apply to the then appointed and serving deputy directors. The County Executive shall also appoint the members of all boards and commissions in the executive branch, except as otherwise provided for by law, subject to confirmation by the Council as required by Section 315 of this Charter. All employees of the executive branch, other than those specifically provided for in this Charter or the Code of Wicomico County, shall be appointed and removed by the heads of the several agencies of the county government in accordance with the provisions of the County Personnel Law.

  15. What does Larry Dodd have to say about this? He's now the council President, and he's certainly not a man of privilege. Call him Joe. Get a statement from him and ask him what the hell they think they are doing! Someone must have read the charter to him. Is he a puppet Prez??????? For Cannon, the slum lord.

  16. Apparently Robin Cockey doesn't understand the Wicomico County Code or did he intentionally leave out the rest of the truth! I'm saying he intentionally left out Section 315 because it's directly below Section 315.

    Section 315 - Confirmation of appointments.
    [Amended 8-2-2016 by Res. No. 101-2016]

    Director of Administration, Assistant Director of Administration, department heads and the initial appointment of deputy directors. Appointment by the County Executive of the Director of Administration, the Assistant Director of Administration, department heads or the initial appointment of a deputy director of a department in the executive branch of the county government shall be subject to confirmation by the County Council. If the Council fails to act to confirm or reject any appointment within 45 days of its submission to the County Council, at its legislative session, by the County Executive, the appointment shall stand approved.
    [Amended 7-3-2018 by Res. No. 65-2018]

    Here is the link to the entire county code. It is the law!

  17. Anonymous said...
    If she is capable then why wouldn't they confirm ? And she is a Director from what I am reading not a Department Head. What am I missing?

    March 5, 2020 at 11:45 AM

    If you don't understand what a director or department head is in Wicomico County then you are too stupid to comment. You are also too stupid to vote.

  18. This is not what was on the voters ballot. Show the actual ballot the voters were given.

    The Council needs to stop wasting time, do their legislative job, and take this to court if they want a valid voice. Stop bullying and interfering personnel. It is not their job to run day to day operations.

    They should take this through the proper judiciary channels and stop embarrassing the county. We are tired of hearing it. Grow up.

  19. Anonymous said...
    11:21am Ahh but you forget.

    If the council cant Confirm an appointee who is clearly qualified and is the choice of the County Exec than why are they really holding up the confirmation?

    The confirmation process is not about who likes who. I expect more from these immature privileged fools. Whatever the reason it has little to do with the job that will be performed.

    Its the choice of the Exec and unless there are very real problems they need to suck it up and vote to confirm. Otherwise I have to assume that they dont like the person for reasons having nothing to do with work.

    Cannon stop playing at politics. Start doing your jobs.

    March 5, 2020 at 11:47 AM

    "If the council cant Confirm an appointee who is clearly qualified and is the choice of the County Exec than why are they really holding up the confirmation?"

    You obviously don't know the law. Show us what rules the council has to follow while doing confirmations? I've been looking through the code and can't find it.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Council needs to say why. We want to know why.

    March 5, 2020 at 11:57 AM

    Who is we?

  21. Anonymous said...
    Section 413: Administrative appointments.
    [Amended 8-13-2018 by Res. No. 82-2018]

    The County Executive shall appoint a single officer to head each department or agency of the executive branch, the Director of Administration, and the Assistant Director of Administration and may remove the same at his discretion, and shall also appoint the deputy directors of each such department or agency. Within six months after each election for County Executive, the County Executive shall appoint the Director of Administration, and the Assistant Director of Administration and all heads of each department or agency of the executive branch as defined by Section 502 and 503 of this Charter and the Code of Wicomico County, subject to confirmation by the Council as required by Section 315 of this Charter, provided that this sentence does not apply to the then appointed and serving deputy directors. The County Executive shall also appoint the members of all boards and commissions in the executive branch, except as otherwise provided for by law, subject to confirmation by the Council as required by Section 315 of this Charter. All employees of the executive branch, other than those specifically provided for in this Charter or the Code of Wicomico County, shall be appointed and removed by the heads of the several agencies of the county government in accordance with the provisions of the County Personnel Law.

    March 5, 2020 at 7:17 PM

    Section 413?? Sorry, but I can't find that section.

    1. Log on to the Wicomico County Internet home page. Search Department of Law and click the link to County Code. Then click County Charter and scroll through to Section 315, then Section 413. They’re all in there. I’ll recommend that you read the entire County Charter. No need to read the entire County Code unless you want to understand how all of Wicomico County is ruled.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Directors are Department Heads. You will not find a single job title of an County employee like; Department Head of Finance, Department Head of Human Resources, Department Head of Airport, Department Head of Correction. They are all titled Director, but legally and for the purposes of the County Charter and Codes, all are Department Heads.

    March 5, 2020 at 11:57 AM

    Thank you!

  23. If this keeps up the county will never fill a dept had position. Who would take it of any quality? If you are in fear of making a councilMAN upset they can walk you out regardless of your job performance.

    1. 11:39 you bring forward an interesting observation that many Department Heads fear. Under Wicomico County’s Executive form of government, Department Heads really have two bosses. First is the County Executive who is the Department Heads direct supervisor. Second is the County Council. The County Executive May think his Department Head is the greatest and should continue in the Department Head position when he is required to submit that persons name as the County Executives appointee. The County Council however, may think the appointee is terrible at the performance of his job and choose not to confirm. Of course this also works in reverse. Department Heads are well aware of this and often struggle with trying to please all and not piss off one or the other. They’re only guaranteed the job for 4 years. Remember what happened to several long term Department Head just prior and immediately following Bob Culver taking over the County Executive’s job from Rick Pollitt?

  24. If you don't understand what a director or department head is in Wicomico County then you are too stupid to comment. You are also too stupid to vote.

    March 5, 2020 at 8:19 PM

    EXCUSE ME??? Who the h*** are you it was a legit question so keyboard warrior you have no idea who I am what I know what my education is and what my influence is and I can assure you in the REAL world my voice has more influence than yours ever will.

  25. Anonymous said...
    This is not what was on the voters ballot. Show the actual ballot the voters were given.

    The Council needs to stop wasting time, do their legislative job, and take this to court if they want a valid voice. Stop bullying and interfering personnel. It is not their job to run day to day operations.

    They should take this through the proper judiciary channels and stop embarrassing the county. We are tired of hearing it. Grow up.

    March 5, 2020 at 8:20 PM

    If you didn't vote then it's none of your business what was on the ballot. I remember seeing over 80% of the voters voted overwhelmingly for the amendments that were on the ballot. I even watched the hearings on PAC 14.

    Not our concern if you don't pay attention like we the people do.

    1. Exactly! Those who bothered to vote on these Amendments voted in favor of limiting the County Executive’s role in hiring whoever the County Executive chooses (son, daughter, cousin, biggest donor). The County Council has the final decision. Like it or not. Now, was/are the majority of registered voters in Wicomico County simply to stupid to understand what it is they’re cast vote upon???

  26. It appears this post is spot on. Council has power - ego problems and can’t accept they are wrong. For sure can not comprehend that section 314 states no interference or authority. Who cares about their stupid acceptance (confirmation). The have no authority to appoint, remove, or interfere with operations. They are driving Ford Rangers. Get over it. Do your jobs or stay home. Embarrassing.

    1. Sounds like Council needs a basic civics class. To scared to take it to court. Proof is in the judicial system, not their “interpretation”. Amazing how the cry and go on like babies thinking people are listening when they are tired of it. Grow up and hush up until provable facts. Leave the personnel alone. You have totally lost their respect. The worst council in history of this government.

    2. Council can not interfere or have authority in the selection process that the County Executive implements in his search and appointment submitted for confirmation of a Department Head. Another words, Bill McCain, Nicole Atle or John Cannon for that natter can not approach Bob Culver and “encourage” (if you know what I mean) to hire a specific person. The selected appointee rests solely on the County Executive’s shoulder. However, the County Council has no obligation to confirm the County Executive’s appointment. Sorry, but that’s the power granted to the County Council by the Wicomico County Charter. This is no different than President Trump appointing whoever he believe is suitable for a cabinet position, a federal judge, etc., and a Democrat controlled House not confirming the President’s appointee. At that point, it’s up to the President (in our case, Bob Culver) to tell his now non-confirmed appointee, “Sorry but I tried” and select another appointee to go before confirmation. Apparently, Bob Culver has said, “Screw you County Council and screw the County Charter, I’ll do whatever I want to do.” That’s a bad decision which will eventually fall hard upon Wicomico County. And you want to know who’s fault that will be? Bob Culver

  27. Council does not get it. We are tired of it. It is ridiculous behavior.

  28. The Charter Amendment was placed on the ballet by McCain and Cannon as an obstacle to the County Executive because they lost control of the entire county government. Now , they only have partial control and they are stomping their little feet like cry babies. Because of the problems this amendment has caused it should be placed back on this years ballot and have it removed from then Charter. What say you voters? If the council members can't play nice in the sand box then take away their sand.

    1. McCain was not even on the council that put these ballots up in the last election

  29. David l. HumphreysMarch 9, 2020 at 1:36 AM

    I helped get the County Executive on the ballet some years ago you should try too deal with the council about anything, They will send the boys to get you if you don't do right. Most people have not a clue what goes on in this county. One thing you can count on is how LAZY THEY ARE. I voted for Bob Culver an I hope he will be ok, And for Joe you have a much bigger hand than Mayor or Council. My prayers go out to Bob.


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