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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Rashida Tlaib to anti-abortion activists: 'Maybe you shouldn't even want to have sex with me!'

Rep. Rashida Tlaib dusted off one of her old insults for anti-abortion activists in response to their stances on reproductive rights.

The Michigan Democrat said in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday that anti-abortion activists are “obsessed” with women’s bodies, and her answer to them was telling them to not want to have sex.

"This past year, I realized, my, my, my are they obsessed with our bodies, how we talk, how we look, what we stand for. I mean, this type of policing of our bodies is so interconnected to all the social justice movements all around the country," she said.

Tlaib continued, “You know, I, in the Michigan legislature for six years, used to say to people, 'Yo, yo, you know what, you're so freakin' obsessed with what I decide to do with my body, maybe you shouldn't even want to have sex with me! Or with you! Or with any woman!'"



  1. Man, she don't have to ask me twice!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You Got That Right

  3. I'd have to ask her to keep the burka on

  4. Ewwwwe!

    Rashida, sorry but you are repulsive!

  5. A bag and and an overdose of Viagra wouldn't be enough.

  6. What, and bring another of her into the world? No, no, no.

  7. Uh, can't you tell them yourself or is this something else you need the Government to do for you. Many don't need to be told though.

  8. Yo, yo?? She is a yo-yo.

  9. She's nasty...who would want to do her?

  10. That is straight up stank nasty. Peeeeeuuuu... NASTY !!!

  11. I don't give a dam what women do to their bodies - I just don't want to pay for it with tax money. If you want an abortion it is on you not me.


  12. The line is around the block and down the road of those seeking to put distance between her and themselves.Eeew!

  13. Definitely falls into category of rhetorical comment.


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