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Sunday, March 08, 2020

More Proof The Wicomico County Council Is Dead Wrong On Finance Director Position

This is a picture of the ballot put out to the voters and the questions put in front of every voter. It does not say Department Heads for confirmation. There are no strike through or capitalized additions. This was a charter change. By Maryland law, every single voter has to be presented any changes to it's entirety (posted at the voting booth or on the ballot). This is exactly what was given.

Regardless of Council’s intent during these amendments, this is the charter sections. They need to quit manipulating the public.

Council does not have the Counties best interest in mind. It is all personal vendetta based on the feelings for the Executive. Therefore, they are blindsiding the voters with Charter changes. The everyday voter does not know what is going on internally. Therefore, they are manipulating the voters for their own personal agenda with little regard to the citizens best interest.


  1. Time for new council members.

  2. You mean to tell me that for 2years theyve ignored these very same facts that Joe has produced in 2 days? Pure spiteful negligence!
    One would think they would rather start acting more professional rather than pay their own attorney fees over this mess.

  3. All this time they've been spinning around on their own thumbs boasting how they've got the power to screw someone! I hope they get sued for the jeopardy they've put us all in, not to mention the "laws"...damn bunch of queens!

  4. If this is still about Michelle Ennis, the Executive appoints, but Council confirms. The 6 months only applies to the Director of Admin, which was Ted Shea, and I think now it's that railway guy, and Asst. Director of Admin. She would be a Deputy Director of Finance, subject to confirmation by the Council.

  5. Finance Director is a Deputy Department Director, not Director of Administration or Assistant Director of Administration.

  6. Joe Holloway what in tarnation have you been thinkin all this time?!
    You need to get your a$$e$ back in gear pronto!
    An if you ever foller that john cannons lead ever again youll flat out loose our votes!

    1. We are watching you Joe Holloway

  7. What the hell has this lady done to deserve this crap?

  8. Let me just briefly explained how all this happened. Wicomico County use to be governed by just seven council members with both the Executive and Legislative responsibilities both in the seven member council. They would pass legislation in a Legislative Session and then turn their hats around and approve whatever they wanted in the Executive Session. In other words this was putting the Fox in charge of the Hen House. What a good deal for them. They could do whatever they wanted.
    Now after some very stupid moves by the council the citizens decided it was time for a change thus the introduction of a County Executive form of government. This really #issed off the seven members of the County Council. How dare the peon citizens tell the Council what they could do. So the Council contrived a way to get even. They would introduce seemingly small changes in the form of Amendments to the Charter to Sloowly take power away from the County Executive.
    Now many voters don't bother reading all the small print in those changes and after all just a small change must surely be an improvement. Right? And after all there has been so many at one time so who the heck takes the time to read ten changes at one time?
    So slowly the Council has weaseled power away from the County Executive which is just what the citizens didn't want. The Exec kept telling everyone that these changes were a power grab and he was RIGHT! That's exactly what they are and are directly against the citizens wishes. Just look at the situation our county is now in because of this power grab. I'm totally surprised at a couple of our Councilmen who have swallowed this BS hook, line and sinker.
    They better wake up before the citizens step in with a referendum to remove all the power grab amendments. It's been done before when the council got stupid and it can happen again.

  9. Lawyers and taxpayer money will figure it out.Maybe they can head over to 411 and pick thru all the inmates who think they are lawyers. They would probably be better at "due process" than the 500 buck a hour ones.

  10. I guess the State of Maryland performed their constitutional amendments incorrectly during the election as well because their amendments were formatted the same as the county's

    1. What do you mean? Is this amendment not what the public voted on?

  11. JW said...
    If this is still about Michelle Ennis, the Executive appoints, but Council confirms. The 6 months only applies to the Director of Admin, which was Ted Shea, and I think now it's that railway guy, and Asst. Director of Admin. She would be a Deputy Director of Finance, subject to confirmation by the Council.

    March 6, 2020 at 4:40 PM

    WTF are you talking about?

  12. This issue needs resolved. Stop the childish acts.

    They need a charter review committee. Not just throw up power hungry amendments focusing on people they dislike rather than county business.
    I did hear that if they try to blind side the voters again with these power changes there was going to be a huge campaign educating the public on amendments. Good! A large majority of these voters trust the leaders placed in office and don't understand. These council call them stupid if they question and manipulate them. That is not cool.

  13. I think the council knows how a bad choice Ennis is for the position. They should allow the exec to do his job. This choice will end badly for Culver in the long run

  14. March 7, 2020 at 1:40 PM. How would the part-time, non operational council know how she is at this job. From what I hear it is personnel and they never requested her resume.

    By the way, council did not have any problem approving the 2020 budget that she was heavily involved with. If I recall the council only zoned in on the Executive Department (cutting peanuts to millions..like children). Joe, show Council's budget changes last year...point will be proven.


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