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Sunday, March 08, 2020

Hillary Clinton Attributes Female Candidates’ Shortfalls to ‘Unconscious’ Gender Bias

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday attributed the shortfalls of failed female presidential candidates — Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Kamala Harris (D-CA), and most recently Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — to “unconscious” gender bias.

Clinton spoke to Vanity Fair, ahead of the New York premiere of her documentary Hillary, about the Democrat primary race and offered insight on the females in the race, who ultimately failed to resonate with Democrat primary voters.

She called Warren, who dropped out of the race Thursday morning, “an incredible candidate” but mused that “unconscious” gender bias likely affected all of the women who threw their hats in the ring.

“I think we made some progress, but there still was a lot of the unconscious bias and the gendered language that has been used around the women candidates,” Clinton told the magazine. “I think it affected all of the women that ran.”



  1. But your own team is blocking Tulsi Gabbard from making any statements or participating in any debates. Just go away...to jail preferably.

    Throw Condaleeza Rice in there and I'm sure she'll get plenty of support!

  2. No offense,but articles such as this are above the Delmarva mentality.

    1. Really 3:21? Please elaborate, from where did you get the education that authorized you to make a judgement on a geographical area's ability to comprehend a statement made by an unarrested criminal that just may be above the law.

    2. So what's your reply 321, tick toc, tick toc ....

  3. Compared to Hillary, the others look like saints.

  4. Name something or someone Hil-liar-y HASN'T blamed for her losing... At this point Hil-liar-y, what does it matter ? I hope she goes to see e.cummin' down below very, very soon...

  5. The bias is against anything that could remotely be considered of the same temperament and history (and future) as the Queen Swamp Creature herself.

  6. I think most of us are very conscious of the fact that Men are natural leaders with more powerful logical abilities compared to Women who possess more instinctive abilities.

    That is the way God made us

    1. I don't agree with 4:30 pm. As a women I have "logistical abilities" while still maintaining my "instinctive abilities" 😂 Your statement is full of crap. 😂😂😂

    2. 4:30 is correct technically

      Men have more dominant logic thinking ability (left hemisphere)

      Women have more active intuitive thinking ability (right hemisphere)

      That is why men perform better academically in a left hemisphere environment such as our technical modern world

  7. Because they can't lying about themselves, and case in point, always play identity politics. Sure, Biden also does this to no end, keeps lying about himself. Trump wears what he is on his sleeve. Liberals think that is worse for some reason. They want a constant liar in office, it seems.

  8. Like Hildabeast, Pocahontas was simply a bad candidate.

  9. Didn't have an agenda worth voting for. Neither does Bernie or Biden - not voting for them either!

  10. Just when you thought the Beast couldn't come up with another excuse lo and behold the ol' girl digs up another one!

  11. Coming from a party who promotes transgenders to compete against women and call it fair.

  12. Now that's some food for thought 11:28


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