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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Democrat Clyburn: ‘This Is a Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) reportedly told Democrats on a conference call last week that the party should exploit the coronavirus stimulus: “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

Clyburn’s statement, reported by The Hill, which cited a source on a “conference call featuring more than 200 members of the House Democratic caucus” last Thursday, recalls an infamous statement by Rahm Emanuel, the incoming chief of staff to President-elect Barack Obama during the global financial crisis, who told the Wall Street Journal: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste … This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before.”

The quote became relevant again Sunday night into Monday morning, as Democrats blocked an effort to pass an emergency stimulus, reportedly insisting on changes to suit favored social interests.



  1. If we were real Men this would be the end of the US Government

    But we are sheep

    1. EXACTLY!! It's sad how we just allow these liars and thieves to continue to get away with

  2. I would prefer that Trump veto it. Send the Democrats a strong message and tell the country that they have been betrayed by the Democrats.

  3. Sneaky greasy slimy creatures these democrats.

  4. Yeah, get 'em while they're down, Dems.

  5. Why do some of you refer to American Communists as Democrats? I don’t get it. Is it a joke? Or do you guys really believe they are Democrats? Do you not know the difference?

    1. Hilarious!
      And a great point

      Thank you

  6. 5:34 AM I do know the difference and I do really believe that the Democrats have sold their souls to the Communist and have lined their pockets with many $$$$$ doing it. After all look at the problem we have now. They sold out to China (Communist Country) that make 90% of our medications that they control. Come on now OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOCIALISM IS COMMUNISM FOR SLOW LEARNERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Just another example proving the Democrats are TRAITORS to the US. They profess communist ideas in their Liberal socialist communist agenda that is against the US population. they are examples of a CONARTIST led by OBAM and SOROS and BLOOMBERG.

  8. America was founded by brilliant men. It’s now being run by idiots.


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