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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

World COVID-19 Animated Chart

The below link includes China


  1. This is a scratch compared to the Obama era H1N1 that infected over 60 million, hospitalized nearly 300,000 and killed nearly 13,000 in America alone in 2009. Globally up to 1/2 a million!
    Yes, it is a fearful time, BUT,
    The Chinese - Globalist Communist Party and the anti Trump agenda has punked the world!

  2. Well said 5:53 AM. Wife and I are hunkered down, we are in our 70s, we live in the rural areas so not much interaction. We are strong in our faith. Originally from the great lakes area when we would be shut in from blizzards. We are optimistic that learned scientists will find solutions and chart us through this. Trump and his administration will abide by common sense and an abundance of caution.


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