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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Italian Priest Dies from Coronavirus After Giving up Ventilator to Another Patient

ROME — A 72-year-old priest in Italy has died from coronavirus after giving up his respirator to a younger patient, whom he did not know.

Parishioners bought a respirator for Father Giuseppe Berardelli, from the town of Casnigo in the northern Italian province of Bergamo, after the priest had tested positive for coronavirus. Hearing there was another, younger patient suffering from the disease and who had no ventilator, Father Berardelli gave him his own.



  1. As dumb as all of the world has become believing this Kung Flu end of the world "stuff", At 63 I would give up my respirator too just to get away from the rest of you asses.

  2. Got about the same chance if you keep driving 20mph in a 50mph.

  3. How very noble. God bless him.

  4. That priest is an angel and an example of giving to others.


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