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Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Viewer Writes......Acme - Senior Hour

How far are we going to take this chaos?

A customer service representative (some grouchy chick with a medical boot on) in Acme decided to berate me for being in the store during "senior hours ".

Can Acme please define what a "senior" is, because I am over 60 and have underlying medical issues, so I always shop as early as possible to avoid crowds.
I also shop for my 86+ year old parents, and try to minimize their exposure by what I am bringing into their home.

If the only time I can go to the store because of my circumstances is 7AM, am I no longer allowed to shop and should starve to death, because of some judgmental wayward employee is going to harass me? Why do they wait until we are in the store, shouldn't they be checking ID's at the door?

Is this what we have come to? Few people are in the store at 6-7AM. Is my presence really that threatening? And who's to say one of those other seniors isn't already a carrier?

Someone over there at Acme needs to get a grip, get their facts straight and quit harassing customers without proof.


  1. Did you try to explain your circumstances?

  2. 60 isn’t that old. 7 am is still plenty early to avoid crowds. Wear gloves and a mask. If you don’t have disposables use a regular scarf and gloves.

  3. Another person who thinks rules and policies are for other people...

  4. Mask is good, gloves are bad. If your wearing gloves you will still pick up the virus on those gloves. Anything you touch with those gloves will still spread the virus and with gloves on your less likely to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. So basically instead of walking around with clean hands you can easily sanitize you have dirty gloves on that can still spread the virus.

    On with the topic at hand...

    The issue with having Senior hours or limiting the amount of people to enter the store at once is that you run the risk of lines and crowds forming outside trying to get in which in turn creates community spread. It makes much more sense to let everyone in and let them shop at their pace which is normally a few feet from each other shopper.

    I never shop and end up real close to other shoppers but if there is a line then you will certainly be a little to close to others during this time.

    1. What about the check out line?

  5. Maybe the grouchy chic should be sent for retraining in customer service. Is there a manager?

  6. Does Food Lion have senior hours?

  7. You should have just told her,

    "thanks, I'm actually 80 but most say I don't look a day over 55"

    That would have shut her up, LOL!

  8. OMG they are doing this so the elderly can get groceries. A lot of stores are doing this. PLEASE CLAM DOWN
    And maybe appreciate that they thought you were younger! My god with everything going on you want to complain about this? Just like you are trying to help your parents they are trying to help other elderly people. DUDE GET A GRIP

    1. Calm as a clam,happy as a pismo clam, cool as a cucumber

    2. You were not there. It was important to this individual because it appears he was embarrassed and belittled in an environment that is public and is required not to bully.

  9. Now all the criminals are going to be lying in wait, first thing in the morning, for old folks to rob

  10. I agree with 11:26, CLAM DOWN!

  11. Senior hours create a safer shopping window for the population most vulnerable to the virus. Fewer potential carriers in the store equates to lower transmission risk.
    If you have a problem, ask to speak to a manager.

    By the way, seniors get a 10% discount on Tuesdays at Acme.

    1. Also, like me who usually goes out in afternoon, better chance of being able to get a product such as tp before everybody grabs it. More stires are doing it for the protection if seniors.

  12. I called the store yesterday and the girl said they weren’t given an age so she thought 55 is elderly.
    Of course that is probably what I thought thirty years ago.

  13. All I can say is anytime a shopper comes in with sweats and slippers with socks on don't think I want to shop there. That whole shopping center is trashed now

  14. March 18, 2020 at 11:11 AM
    I am actually 64.
    Are there more people being monitored by the grouchy lady and have complained that I do not know about?

  15. Its a precursor for martial law, get your head on straight people... They won't lock down the country over the flu which kills more people so far than corona, so the numbers say by the govt and yet they shut down everything over this virus, and on top of that, NY brought in the military, Nevada is in 100% total lock down and you can't be outside, some state I forget which, someone has video of cops raiding a downtown area making people go home and go inside, and what if they don't listen, go to jail???? Then you have PA who said they won't even arrest people for theft, burglary and other small crimes, while California or some state is releasing criminals from prison...

    But remember folks the anti-gun people say you never need a gun, and the govt will protect you, are you feeling protected now????

    It is coming, get ready!!!!!

  16. A hundred years ago being 50 meant you'd already outlived half of your peers.

  17. Same thing happened to me this morning. I picked up a couple items before work, I am over 60 and at the check out some middle aged clerk was scowling at me and made a comment.

    I wondered why they were not checking ID's at the door instead of insulting customers at the self check out counter.

    I laughed stating I saw younger people than me going in and I wanted to warn them!

  18. They're a nasty bunch at Acme anyway. They were nasty at Giant too. Alot of them are Giant flunkys with an attitude. Acme needs to weed them out.

  19. Let the college girls in !!! Good for business !!!!

  20. 5:07 Sounds like you have had some bad experience with Acme. I have found them to be especially nice, friendly, & helpful. You won't find better managers than Ken & John!

  21. Almost everyone needs to get a grip like every company its different at every location depends on how its managed. As far as shoppers go they're alot of people with lower immune issues due to asthma , chemo diabetes etc etc and many more !

  22. Sorry CALM not CLAM...11:26 post. Was so insanely mad that this person took the time to bitch about stores helping people, I did not spell check.

  23. Open ALL the damn REGISTERS !!!! or we won't come !!!!

  24. 11:26 and 8:48 we knew you meant calm, we just got our daily chuckle with your finger slip. Agreed it was stupid of them to get so upset over something like this. I have been having fun reading all the different comments and thought processes going on during this troubling time. The one thing I am sure of when a real devastating crisis happens we are doomed. I feel sorry for all the employees out there having to put up with angry entitled customers while they themselves are putting their lives on the line to keep the business open for sometimes just minimum wage. I also feel sorry for all the employees of businesses that are temporarily out of work and a paycheck while this is happening. Most of these people live paycheck to paycheck and this is going to destroy a lot of lives.


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