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Sunday, March 22, 2020

China Instructs U.S. to ‘Correct Its Mistakes’ and Think Proper Thoughts

China censured the U.S. Wednesday for its “incorrect” characterization of the global coronavirus pandemic as Chinese in origin as it re-asserted the “right” to expel three American newspaper journalists and bar them even from working in nearby Hong Kong.

Beijing’s foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang delivered a series of instructions for the U.S. from the Communist state at a regular press briefing, saying it would not hesitate to take further action against U.S. media and journalists in China if the United States did not “correct its mistakes.”

“The U.S. has said that all options are on the table. Today, I can also tell the U.S. that all options are on the table for China,” Geng said.

“Some U.S. political figures have recently been connecting the coronavirus with China,” Geng warned. “We express strong indignation and objection to such stigmatization.”

The official Chinese spokesman said describing the coronavirus as Chinese violates principles set out by various international agencies, although he declined to name them or point to their direct warning against ever publicly criticizing Communist China.



  1. WOW...no thank you...

  2. China should be held accountable for releasing a biological weapon that is now destroying Italy, and effecting the rest of the world. All the deaths from this particular strain of Coronavirus should be on China!

    1. You are right unless you aren’t.

      What if the US attacked China? If so and China knows they are checkmated militarily, then the public utterances are for public consumption.

      The leaders of these Countries are in communication. They are working out a way for China to surrender its markets to the NY and London bankers.

  3. At least Schumer has something to do now.

  4. Sounds like he's spewing the Democratic party agenda

  5. Now we know where Obama, Hillary and Democrats get their tactics from the CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY.

  6. Thanks for the Bioweapon that got out. Now we must all pay the price! There should be hell to pay for doing this!

  7. Enemy China does NOT get to tell America What to do !!!!

  8. China needs a nuke right down their throats

  9. They tried to blame us but Trump out them in their place. Now this. China needs more tariffs which by the way Democrats want to lift.

  10. Come on commenters.
    Focus on the events unfolding and what you can learn about them. If you educate yourself on the topics of Bioweapon and Chemical Weapon, you will realize it may have been the US who released this weapon.

    Either way the vaccine already exists.

    Think about these things. They are important. Search the apparent allergic reaction of NSAID / Ibuprofen and the virus. It may be responsible for many of the deaths. Many cardiac patients take aspirin. This, they are very compromised to this particular weapon.

    Were they targeted?

    Why isn’t this connection being discussed in the MSM?

  11. Intentional Attack from China !!!! Virus Warfare

  12. Democrats and china collusion to disrupt this election

  13. China has no FACE, only two large cheeks!

  14. The arrogant attitude is wearing thin. They couldn't take Japan in a fight do they really think they are untouchable to us?

  15. have dealt with many governments and international entities over my 40 year career. only ever found two cultures that will lie to your face and do anything they could to get the better of you. the chinese and the muslims. both cultures think it's ok. If you dont do it you are considered weak! have no use for them. my colleagues and I would steamroll them every chance we got since we knew their modus operandi!

  16. of course it came from there, EVERYTHING is made in China these days!!!

  17. @725 You're an idiot, shut up. You don't know any muslims and the only reason you're espousing your anti chinese rhetoric is becauise you're a coward who only feels secure talking as such behind the computer screen. Save all your war hero yarns soon to follow because many punk asses served. They signed up in peacetime looking for a free ride.

    Your government lies to your face every single day, they are of your culture and that's just how dimwitted you are to make such an inane and ironic comment.


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