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Sunday, March 22, 2020

'This virus ain’t that serious': Spring breakers defy government recommendations and shutdowns by heading to the beach

Thousands of U.S. college students are openly defying warnings from government officials at the highest levels by making the trip to Florida to celebrate spring break.

“If I get corona, I get corona,” spring breaker Brady Sluder told Reuters. “At the end of the day, I’m not going to let it stop me from partying.”

The beach in Clearwater Beach, Florida, a popular tourist and spring break attraction, was not closed as of Monday and was reportedly “packed” with people, according to WFLA 8 News.



  1. Stupid and infinitely selfish. There will always be people like these.

  2. Good. They are outside, not causing trouble, enjoying life. All young and healthy. Stop the restrictions and let people live.

    1. And bring the virus home. We need to reenstate the draft. That teaches respect, love for your country.

  3. And they are the reason it is still spreading.....

  4. Just mimicking what they heard from adults and our government up until about a week ago. Shameful.

  5. The same idiots that want to destroy our way of life with the green new deal.

  6. 1120...bigger picture for ALL

  7. Good answer Brady
    The panic is unnecessary

  8. That’s the problem. They may do well with handling the virus, but they become carriers of the virus and infect others who don’t do as well. So because they want to “party” or “live life” they disregard the potential life threatening damage they can do to others!! Stay home. Do everyone a favor.

  9. Being a nonconformist and contrarian my self, in a small way I am doing the same thing. I am going about life as I normally do, except from a hygiene standpoint, I am washing my hands and practicing a little more intense hygiene behavior, but other than that I am continuing to march forward.
    I have not allowed myself to be consumed by fear and apprehension. Included in my daily prayers is the request that the virus dissipate or be conquered by a new vaccine.
    It is sad to see a Nation brought to its knees. All of the closures and precautions may be necessary, but I am having a very difficult time in believing and accepting it, based upon reviewing the data that has and continues to be presented. Will someone please stand up and say, let’s get on with life and accept its consequences.

  10. 12:01

    You are part of the problem. With a 7 day incubation period you can infect a lot of people before you show symptoms.
    One way we CAN get our arms around this is to STAY THE HECK HOME for a while. How hard is that?

  11. Millennials with their "you can't tell me what I can and can't do" attitude, are America's newest enemy in this war on the coranavirus.

  12. March 19, 2020 at 12:01 PM:

    You and your ilk are the problem now. You don't care how many you infect. And your ilk is why EVERYTHING has to be shut down. You won't practice social distancing and won't stop spreading the virus until you have nowhere to go. The government is taking care of that for the rest of the socially responsible citizens. Now you have nowhere to go. It's your fault. Don't blame others.

  13. Pretty hard for a lot of people with as constantly nagging wife.

  14. I guess it could be expected. You look forward to partying after working so hard in school all winter 😫 The virus doesn't seem to be that bad so why give up what I paid to party $$. Their attitudes will change if a love becomes ill. That's life so let's live it. Now -go home people - Florida is tired of youπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  15. Tammy said D I V O R C E

  16. Children of the corn , no parents , no education , no morals , no values . No religion .

  17. Those college Hormones in action > Need for Sex on the Fly !!

  18. Boys got to get to those Hot college Girls while they can !!!!

    Kegs of Corona seen on the beach !!!

  19. They will be Glad to Lock-Down together after they Hook-up !!!


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