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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Maryland General Assembly Passes Kirwan Commission Education Funding Plan

The Maryland General Assembly gave final approval Tuesday night to a far-reaching education measure aimed at improving K-12 education throughout the state.

The House of Delegates voted 96-38 Tuesday night, sending the legislation to Gov. Larry Hogan, who has vowed to oppose tax increases to pay for the plan projected to cost billions of dollars over the next decade.

Supporters say the legislation is needed because Maryland students are falling behind.

“We are failing kids,” said Del. Eric Luedtke, a Montgomery County Democrat and a former teacher. “Half of them are not career and college ready.”



  1. And whose been running this State for years? That’s right.. democrats. They failed our education system. Time for a change Maryland.

  2. There won't be any businesses left after this virus and these ridiculous tax increases. This should leave you with NO DOUBTS what your Maryland elected officials are all about. You're being robbed people, STAND UP

    1. 12:27- Just what are you doing about it? HMMMM?

    2. Girdle
      What would any of us do about an out-of-control Government?

      What do you suggest?

      A protest? If so, that is laughable! They are lying to all of us about everything.

    3. 1:12- Stop putting words in my mouth! Trolling is not activism!

  3. You can't keep throwing money at a problem and expecting a different result. But then again, this is not about education or kids now is it. There way of getting a tax increase through with a label. I'm sure most of the money will end up in Baltimore...smh

  4. Not college ready? Maybe we should lower standards to make it easier for the uninspired.

  5. The real problem is the school boards WASTING the money they already get. Throwing more money at the problem is not the answer!

  6. Fire all those Teachers and Administrators that are under performing. If I have to be punished with higher taxes then the under achievers and lifetime Teachers have to be punished. Taking money from my retirement money for scum bags is counter productive. Tax the ones making the money as a penalty for not doing their job. Cut all Politian's salary and benefits to reflect 3 months work since they only in session 3 months of the year drawing a yearly salary from the State while holding a fulltime job.

  7. Education is all about stealing from the Treasury

  8. All that has been accomplished is that the teacher's Union has been assured a big raise. Nobody knows how it's going to be paid for.

  9. Hogan praised Kirwan as a great friend and has done great work on this outrageous Kirwan plan. Hogan has said no new taxes also. Now lets see what this "rogue chameleon" that calls his self a Republican does. Make the areas who has the worst schools pay the higher taxes and then maybe they will call for more reform and accountability that does not raise taxes.

  10. The majority of the failing schools are in the Baltimore / DC corridor. Why should the rest of us have to pay higher taxes? These are the Democrats strong holds.

  11. Our government is out of control from top to bottom and they KNOW there's not a damn thing we can do about it unless we're willing to die for our rights. They've already shown you from 9-11, almost 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq that sacrificing American lives is part of the process.

  12. The test grades are down simply because of all the non English speaking/ reading kids have brought the average scores down.
    But any excuse to increase taxes is acceptable to Dems.


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