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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Thank God It's Friday 3-20-2020

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Apparently, not much.

  2. Waiting for the National Guard to come to my door for "testing"

  3. THE INVESTOR SAYS: Acting upon accurate information in investment decision making that is received legally is not appropriate? I don’t think so. Let’s get real people.

  4. Apparently nothing. Governor Hogan's UNCONSTITUTIONAL gathering ban has essentially killed freedom. I honestly think this is another Amendment grab to see how far they can go.

    1. And it’s because of your ignorance this thing will be rampant. Something to be said for Talbot County who has been sitting at 1 since Sunday. Now if only people in Wicomico were so smart..

    2. You too 1027, don't leave yourself out with the finger pointing, or have you done something righteous enough to save us

  5. Staying home, washing hands, repeat.

  6. Stay inside - practice social distancing and binge watch CNN, Fox News and MSNBC

  7. I will be social distancing

  8. Just a Question I have:
    Of these athletes and celebrities, including politicians, that are coming out positive for Covid 19, most of them state the had NO prior symptoms.
    Why (and how) are they being tested with no symptoms???

  9. Annoy

    You must be crazy

  10. With the corona virus and our President, Governor and Boy Mayor saying stay in side unless it's 3rd Friday time downtown the rest of us will be staying inside which won't help the economy just the orders on line. And no parties of 10+ people or more. I would say our phones, computers and TV's are our only contacts to the outside world. We can bond with our families if they live near us. For a lot of us I hear everyone is climbing the walls, and staring at those same walls. I just hope it doesn't cause people to go real crazy and enhance their mental problems so we don't hear of more crime. Call those inclined often just to check on them and people that are house bound on a regular basis don't forget them. Pray for each other and this whole world.

  11. Apparently making lots of popcorn.

  12. does anyone know where i can get a good chinese massage here in the bury

  13. If you don't want this tiny flu with symptoms less than a cold (or any other MINOR sickness), then avoid everything and become a recluse. Freedom of choice is mine.

  14. March 20, 2020 at 8:27 AM:

    Well, you're just an idiot. You're one of those "you can't tell me what to do" clowns that will infect everybody, if you can (but you can't now, can you?). Take your "unconstitutionality" and shove it up your butt.

  15. Working all weekend

  16. I think I’ll make a trip to the dining room.

  17. Planning rescheduling my OBX trip next month and if not working on getting my money back. For those of you planning a trip to the OBX soon please be advised OBX is shut off to visitors. Realtors will not refund your money if already paid for a beach rental. You have to get it back from the Owner - yes that right. If you have a down payment the realtor must refund your money. Insurance you purchased is no good. Insurance for vacation homes in OBX is for evacuation, if called, due to a Hurricane. Not a pandamic. I didn't make this up from experience - some Commission wrote it. If need say so and I will post it.

  18. 12:08

    I've been pacing between the mancave, dining room and bathroom for days now.

  19. March 20, 2020 at 10:57 AM:

    You're going to be disappointed when you go to buy crabs and find out the season doesn't start until April 1. Better buy some extra beer.

  20. March 20, 2020 at 10:27 AM:

    You speak of another's ignorance, but you are naive to think that only one case reported is all the cases there are in Talbot County. Very naive. If there isn't anything else they know, they know that they have no idea how many are infected. And you don't know either. Reported cases are not the number that are infected. The number is much greater than the cases that have been confirmed. The more tests they do, the more cases that will be discovered. That has been the case wherever colonavirus has been detected. Nobody has only one infection. Talbot's infection is the first one they have found. All it means is that there are more that they don't know about yet.

  21. Is it wrong to hope that 11:38am ends up on a ventilator?

  22. 1:03
    You are missing out. Crab season started March 17th in Virginia.

  23. Watching the virtual reality NASCAR race on Sunday. Gordon, Earnhardt, jr. and many other have set up drivers stations in their home, and the race will be televised on FOX.
    It's sports of a kind.

  24. bourbon...what else am I gonna do?

  25. @1:44p Not if it isn't wrong to wish you in a gulag.

  26. got crabs from 1 fish 2 fish yesterday and they were great

  27. A woman was kicked off of an American Airlines flight wearing a medical boot. They found out it was fake and this is probably the same with the woman in the grocery store.
    The airline stated she did not have the required doctor's letter confirming she needed the boot.


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