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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Worcester, Wicomico Record Property Value Increases

BERLIN — When property owners across much of the Lower Shore get their property reassessment notices in the mail this week, most will find their values have increased since the last reassessment three years ago and some more so than others.

The State Department of Assessment and Taxation (SDAT) on Tuesday announced the results of the triennial assessment of residential and commercial real estate values across Maryland and the news was particularly good statewide with an average increase of around 9%. On the Lower Shore, properties in Worcester County’s Group 2 reassessment area lagged behind the state average, coming in at a combined 4.7%, while Wicomico far exceeded the statewide average increase, coming in at a combined 11%.

Each year, about one third of the residential and commercial properties across the state are reassessed and assigned new values that are used to determine property tax amounts. This year, properties in the Group 2 areas were reassessed as part of a rotating system in which the entire state is not reassessed in a single year. The Group 2 properties were last reassessed in 2017 and the new assessments announced this week represent the values as of Jan. 1, 2020.



  1. Have not seen tax value yet. But with that said, homes in our development sell at about $35,000 more now than 4 years ago. So, I expect taxes on property to go up.

  2. Chris Adams came to our town meeting and WARNED of this.

    1. He warned of massive tax hikes.

    2. Bob Culver said during his Capital Improvement Public Hearing that your taxes will go up. Nobody should be surprised.

  3. Another $ grab to pay for welfare programs.

  4. I assume you know that Property taxes do not fund welfare programs???
    Get informed

    1. All monies in the great state of Maryland end up in the general fund. There was suppose to be a trust fund for all transportation taxes and fees but the Democrats raised it and put it in the general fund. We the tax payers had to have legislation passed so they supposedly can't do it again. So maybe you should get informed, not all the monies from casinos is going to the schools like we were told, "it's for the kids " was a lie. No matter how much the casinos give the state a fixed amount has gone to education, the rest, the general fund!!

  5. Remember this tactic when politicians say they are keeping taxes flat. It is a lie. This is how they get their tax increase. Most people never connect the dots.


  6. Forgive me, but I'm sure part of it is people coming here from NJ/NY/PA and over-paying for properties that seem like a bargain, compared to where they came from.

    It will eventually bite them when their buddies move here and do the same thing.

    The other factor would be whether the increases in assessments are based on theoretical increases in value (from a computer program) or on actual facts-on-the-ground.

  7. What this shows is that despite all the naysayers, Wicomico county and Salisbury are on a good growth trajectory. All should be pretty happy about this.

    1. Till you sell and find out what you are offered compared to state assessment!!

  8. They do the same thing with the piggyback tax. All they have to do is contact Annapolis and they will raise it. They are just lying Politians. Why is our taxes increased more than Statewide, since our salaries are not as high as Statewide / Western Shore salaries?

  9. In Wicomico County, wont the Revenue Cap on Property keep our taxes low? If I understand correctly, Wicomico County can only receive no more than a 2% increase in property tax revenues over the previous year’s revenues. So property values could skyrocket in Wicomico County with little impact upon the property owner. Maybe WCBOE member John Palmer can explain. Wasn’t he the creator of the Revenue Cap and V.O.I.C.E.

  10. Th values of homes in the city of Salisbury are not worth a crap, maybe those more fortunate may see an increase can't even sell a house across from the festival sight they are condemned and owned by slum lords come take a real good look. Since Jake's first 4 years Salisbury in this area is the ghetto.

  11. I own homes in several states. All are paid for because cash is king. I’m very successful. Taxes go up I expand

  12. To 11:36AM: You are absolutely correct regarding the tax revenue cap. Tax revenue can only be increased by 2% over the previous year’s revenue or consumer price index, whichever is the lesser. The County Charter has been amended to require the same. The only thing you got wrong is that John Palmer did not found Voters Opposed to Increased County/City Expenditures (V.O.I.C.E). Don Coffin called the first meeting to organize the group and was subsequently elected President of the group. However, Jon Palmer was very supportive and instrumental in establishing the organization and remained active for many years thereafter.

    The citizens of Wicomico owe both these gentlemen a great debt of gratitude when it comes to protecting them from horrendous property tax revenue increases, along with the many supporters that helped bring the Revenue Cap to fruition.

  13. What this shows is that despite all the naysayers, Wicomico county and Salisbury are on a good growth trajectory. All should be pretty happy about this.
    January 2, 2020 at 11:04 AM

    YOu dont seem very bright or you just have a short memory. Back when Real estate took a dive and values were low they upped the tax to compensate. Now they are upping your value and making even more than before.

    Your community is over 30 in poverty, so can you explain just how higher housing prices proves there is "growth". Besides Royal farms and Wawa's just what other growth has there been.

    Me thinks you are one of jakes little minions to say such a stupid thing without a speck of proof.

    Oh and, Ghettobury still has a 6% FORECLOSURE rate. and it is actually on the rise again.

    So much for your growth.

  14. Wow, aren't you the man 305, my hero.
    Bet you have registered hands too

  15. Isn't increasing property values a good thing?

    1. No, 11:16 Only if you want to sell, why should I want my property value to increase and cause me to pay more county taxes? I suppose some people like to brag about how much their property is worth, but I'm not one of them

  16. Two ways to raise taxes on the county's citizens. Raise the tax rate, or raise the taxable base by raising assessments on the property taxed. This year they are doing both. Hey those overpaid teachers (highest in the state) need a pay raise, and they demand it every year.

  17. figures lie and liars figure! what else do you expect from money grubbing politicians? alwyas looking for another dime to pocket!

  18. January 5, 2020 at 8:03 AM:

    "They" don't pocket the money. They use the money to buy votes for the next election. It's how our politicians run the country.

  19. Of course there’s an increase it gives the local government more taxes

  20. Wicomico county teachers are not highest paid in the state. Get you facts straight, they don’t even make the top 10 on Maryland


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