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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Trump Administration Looking Into State Laws That Give Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf has asked the agencies involved in Homeland Security to study how state laws that allow illegal aliens to obtain drivers' licenses affect their departments' enforcement efforts. The acting secretary's request comes in the wake of recent state laws passed in New York and New Jersey that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses without having to show proof that they are lawfully present in the Unites States. The laws also restricts what information state agencies can share with federal immigration authorities.

(Via NBC News)

The laws prohibit state Department of Motor Vehicles officials from providing data to agencies that enforce immigration law unless a judge orders it. New York cut off database access to at least three federal agencies last week when the law went into effect.

Wolf said in his memo, obtained by The Associated Press, that the department must be “prepared to deal with and counter these impacts as we protect the homeland.”



  1. Would you rather have them with NO insurance and hit you or at least there covered ?

    1. 9:18 it is possible to to obtain insurance without a license.

  2. These laws make no sense logically to me. Allowing someone that is here illegally a drivers license is idiotic...

  3. I ask again if these licenses given to illegals will include the federal ID star which all of us citizens must painstaking prove for a SECOND time we are citizens?

    1. No it doesn't.

    2. Doesn't matter they can fly or not. Why is they are breaking the law are we creating laws to protect them. Cut off all federal funding until they get in line.

  4. But yet those of us born and raised in the United States have to take in our birth certificate and 2 or 3 other forms of ID to get a license. Just makes perfect sense doesn't it?

  5. @9:18-You don't need insurance for a license. Plenty of uninsured drivers w/ licenses.

  6. next big question are they giving them a drivers license or do they have to take a test

  7. Trump ( or any President) needs to stay out of State’s laws.

    1. Driving from state to state is a form of interstate commerce which the feds do have control over. If it was intrastate then your license would only be good in the state which issued it!

  8. Why is there any restrictions on reporting this to the Feds when MD MVA sells our personal info to anyone they want without our permission / knowledge? MD gives illegals drivers license and register them to vote. Wish Trump would stop all this and fine them heavily.

  9. It's about damn time!

  10. 11:33 hit the nail on the head. It's all about getting them registered to vote.

    1. It states on the license they CAN'T VOTE

    2. I have my doubts about that 329

    3. You don't really need a license to vote

  11. Are all these illegals bringing birth certificates across the boarders with them?
    I bet not.
    For all us legal citizens sure have to show all our papers now a days (gestopo?)
    What's that all about ?

  12. Lock-Up the state officials !!!!

  13. George Sorros provides insurances to illegals

    Progressive and Geico are two car insurances that Sorros owns,
    and provides illegals minimum insurance

    any reader here
    who uses those insurances are a traitor to the United States Constitution

  14. It's hard to go back in time, but MD was issuing driver's licenses to illegals since the very early 2000, and on. MD and the overbearing interpreters were getting rich off of them, so that's why it was allowed to go on. We workers at MVA were harshly scolded if we did not smile and kiss the illegals butts and graciously hand them their license, as they signed up to vote with their motor voter card, given to them knowing full well they were illegal and not eligible to vote.

    1. Exactly what I thought was happening

  15. Federal Law is OVER the states & should make them ALL be on
    the SAME page !!!! Marajuana / Driver Lic & everything else

  16. January 2, 2020 at 9:18 AM:

    FYI, you don't need insurance to obtain a driver's license in Maryland. You need insurance to tag a vehicle in Maryland, but not for a driver's license. The two issues are totally unrelated. Having a license in no way assures that a vehicle is insured.


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