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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Ilhan Omar Attacks Trump For Killing Top Iranian Terrorist, Promotes Conspiracy Theory

Far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) attacked President Donald Trump late on Thursday night for his order to kill top terrorist leaders in Iraq and also promoted a conspiracy theory.

Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani, head of the Quds Force, and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis were the two terrorist leaders who were killed. Al-Muhandis was in charge of the Iranian-linked Popular Mobilization Forces.

The Department of Defense released a statement stating that Trump ordered the strike because “General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.”

Despite the statement from the Pentagon and the clear reasoning behind the attack, Omar responded by suggesting that Trump secretly carried out the strike to provide a “distraction” from the upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

Omar tweeted: “So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction? Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I know I will.”

More here


  1. These Jerks opinions DON'T matter > POTUS in Charge !!!

  2. ALL TOP terrorists in Iran need to be Killed , just like in
    Iraq with Saddam Hussein & his bunch !!! LONG overdue

  3. Omar is a terrorist. So of course she's got a gripe with it...

  4. Omar need to be given a choice. Leave the this country or face treason charges.

  5. Maybe Trump needs to take her worthless @ss out

  6. Who (in Langley) is writing her script?

    1. Now that's funny I don't care who you are lol
      Everybody knows everything comes from langley silly rabbit

  7. Hard to believe Americans voted for this woman.

    1. I think it probably had more to do with the 66,000 Somalis the Obonzo administration plunked down in her Michigan district. Just sayin'.

  8. Did she just make a threat. I am tired of listening to this dumb ass.

  9. Every time I say something about Omar on FB I get suspended. Someone is looking out for this witch.

    1. Get off face book and you won't have to worry about it

    2. I agree 516

      we got off Facebook awhile ago

      Facebook sucks

  10. Anonymous said...
    Hard to believe Americans voted for this woman.
    January 3, 2020 at 7:27 PM

    Mostly illegals that obammy stacked in that state. Like the 2.5 million illegals in Cali that voted for Klinton.

  11. It's a commin folks , very soon now! If you don't have any 223's dick Sports has them , buy now enjoy later.

    1. Dick's destroyed thousands of black rifles so that law abiding citizens couldn't protect themselves when the time comes.

  12. One representative out of 435 in 1/2 of one branch of three branches of government with equal powers, and she thinks she has all the power. Holy crap, those people think they run the whole government. She has so little power that she doesn't matter. Now Trump, on the other hand, has more power delegated to him by the constitution, than her entire House of Representatives. All 435 of them. Only with the senate included, does Congress get a power EQUAL to the presidency. Her impotent House can't even pull off the bogus impeachment. Put that in your pipe and smoke it you Muslim fanatic. You are just a temporary tenant in the House. It is only a short term lease (2 years) that is not going to be renewed. I wonder if she is so stupid that she doesn't even realize that the vast majority of Americans don't give a flying crap about her opinions.

    1. How soon before she can be voted out or "re-elected"
      Just asking ....

  13. Send her over there & they can have her !!!!

  14. Let Iran have Omar & her Fab 4 !!! Sex all day in prison !!!


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