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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Unbelievable! (1-20-19)


  1. I'm so proud of the Wicomico Board of Education . What a piece of crap , this guy and the board.

  2. School guidance counselor, really ?

  3. The Human Resource director should be fired for giving this guy a job , this is typical of our board of education in this county .

  4. The culture of a low life , they think with wrong head.

  5. They have a quota to meet and this is the results. Good ole affirmative action.

  6. Who at the Board of Education was supervising this turd

    1. He has pics of him with Kimani Binns one of the Assistant Principals I believe. Acting all thug in the pic. So pathetic. Binns kid was the one in trouble for a huge fight last year. Let’s just move them around the public will forget or not put two and two together.

    2. Please leave Mr Binns and his son out of this please, thanks

    3. NO NO NO let's NOT leave Bombs out of this. He creates nothing more than a thing ghetto persona over the school. Anytime his own son is responsible for creating an assault gang violence atmosphere let's call it what it is

    4. 4:14 it’s obvious you listen to rumors. Mr Binns son was attacked by a gang over a girl he was talking too so again leave his family out of it and what’s a thing ghetto persona? Creating an assault gang violence atmosphere,lol? I hope your not teaching my kids.

    5. Hmm. Looks like Binns is on leave with Eskridge now so yeah...

    6. They were all involved.

  7. Joe what about the story on MSL being shot at the other day ? The vehicle was hit twice and the MSP BOSS told them to break off the chase ???????? Unreal.

    1. Did you read details in PR? It says Just after midnight on January 11, 2019
      Did you read where first shot was fired? It says Finchville, eastbound lane of Route 392 in Dorchester County heading for Delaware
      Did you bother to look up mileage from Finchville Llight to Delaware Line? It is 3.6 miles

      The MS Trooper had the tag #,the car was within 4 miles of Delaware Line, the guy was shooting at him with a gun, ( Does MSP have authority to chase into Delaware. I do not know, BUT IMO it was not worth a Trooper being killed by speed or bullet to chase a car tagged in Delaware (remember trooper had tag #) . Only the trooper was in danger of being killed/murdered. IMO if the lone thug lost control and died in a car accident, it will save MD and DEL boocoos of cash,
      MSP BOSS made the right call --Good Job

    2. Yep. You are correct. Trooper attempted to stop a violator and they fled. During the pursuit, the suspect fired three rounds at the pursuing Troopers striking their vehicle THREE times. It was after midnight and there was no traffic or pedestrians in danger. The Duty Officer ordered them to discontinue the pursuit. This was after a felony was committed in their presence and he tried to MURDER two Troopers. What message does that send to the criminals? If you want to get away and stop the Troopers from chasing you, just shoot at them. What message does it send to the Troopers? It tells them that MSP doesn’t support them or value their lives. Absolutely disgusting decision by the Sergeant. He has lost all respect of the Troopers. Lt. Garcia and Captain Black are just as bad for defending the decision. I guess that’s what you should expect when you promote people with no road experience. Both of them spent their whole careers in specialized units. Now they are making decisions about things that they have no experience doing themselves. But hey, who cares. As long as the Troopers keep doing the stupid initiatives that Black and Garcia keep inventing so that they can look good to Headquarters and get promoted again. Like the current initiative that Garcia has come up with. Send Troopers to every Greyhound bus stop to ask the bus drivers whether or not they have seen any evidence of human trafficking on the buses. What a waste of time. MSP has their priorities so screwed up it’s ridiculous. No wonder they are having problems recruiting. Who wants to work for an agency that, when someone shoots at you, tells you to “just let them go”. Unbelievable.

    3. To answer your question, yes. Maryland can pursue into Delaware when in fresh pursuit of a confirmed FELONY. Attempted murder is a felony. Who cares if they had the tag number? The owner is going to deny operating the vehicle at the time. They will say they “loaned it” to someone that they only know by their street name “Ray Ray”. At this point, they will never identify who was driving because the Troopers could not see them at night. The ONLY way to successfully identify and apprehend the shooter was to continue the pursuit and stop the vehicle. The Sergeant ordered them to stop. There is no way anyone will be convicted at this point. Sends a great message to criminals. If you want to get away, just shoot at the officers. How many officers has this endangered moving forward? There is NO defense of this moronic decision. If you decide to shoot at the police, who are simply trying to protect the public while everyone else is sleeping, you should be held accountable.

    4. Yes, Maryland law enforcement CAN pursue into Delaware as part of “fresh pursuit” regarding a felony. Attempted murder of a police officer IS a felony. Who cares if they have a tag number. Having a tag number does not identify the driver. Think about it. Whoever owns the car is just going to say “I loaned it to a guy I met at the store. I don’t know his name. I only know him by his street name Pookie”. Neither Trooper can positively identify the shooter because it was dark at midnight. Owning a vehicle involved in a shooting doesn’t make the person guilty of the shooting. He could say “it was stolen”. Then what? The ONLY was to positively identify the shooter is to come to he the pursuit and make the apprehension. If you don’t even know whether or not the police can pursue across state lines, you shouldn’t be commenting. You have no idea whether or not it was a “right call” or not. FYI, it was the WRONG call. Ask any police officer except the bonehead who made THIS call. No one will ever be held responsible for this attempted murder because of the decision of the Sergeant. Nice message to your subordinates. Basically telling them to risk their lives and, if someone wants to shoot at you, they can. With NO repurcussions.

    5. I guess that explains why that Sergeant hasn’t been promoted any higher in 15 years despite numerous attempts during the promotional process. Shooting at a Trooper must have been a question in his oral interview board. Looks like he failed the question then and failed it again in real life application.

  8. It might be rash to lump the entire board with this POS. There are plenty of great people who care about students.

  9. A heroine dealer teacher at Parkside last and now this...

  10. I hope Mike Dunn and Bill McCain are reading this. Is this what you're proposing to remove revenue cap for?? To pay a higher wage to POS like this?

    1. If you pay the more money it will guarantee the staff won't touch children don't you get it ha ha ha ha ha.

  11. FYI
    The wcboe website lists Lori Batts as the Supervisor of Counseling

  12. Who ever was in charge of this hiring decision should be fired.There could not have been any background checks done.This is what is happening when quotas are more important then the content of a persons character!

    1. Just what would a background check show about this??

  13. Any relation to Obama or Clinton?

  14. On Mitchell's Facebook page, he posted on Nov. 26 "Coach Mitchell is..." and the latest comments are LOL funny!

  15. School system in littered with predators like this! If you hunt deer............you go in the woods where the deer are.

  16. FYI he is a registered Democrat!

  17. Disclaimer - I hate the Wic Co BOE. However, I get the emotions, but let this play out. This certainly looks bad, but does not mean he was not competent at his job. It is not clear when people became susupicious of this type of activity. If there were signs and things not addressed then I will be standing next to you with my pitchfork.

    Lets not act like the the liberals and burn everything down until we have all of the facts.

    The comment about affirmative action is just stupid. Come on people show some class here.

    1. Affirmative action is correct

    2. Much more stupid than the statement is the rule itself.

    3. 4:02 Actually I meant it was affirmative action that got him hired .... sorry for the confusion

    4. Affirmative action doesnt apply to teachers brightness in this day and time. There is a shortage of teachers and they are in great need. Apparently you all are out of touch and still asleep in your racist cave.

    5. First off, affirmative action is ridiculous. It is a crybaby way to get people into a job that is way over their head. Since when is it that race is more important than qualifications?? What a bunch of BS!

  18. When will the grown-ups start running the WCBOE? It needs a complete overhaul!!!

  19. His prison life will be great , those guys will use and abuse him , he won't come out of prison , they will shank him.

  20. what do u expect from a WELFARE SCHOOL ?

  21. amazed how the loonies are in charge in this county! boe needs complete house cleaning! from top to bottom! starting with the board members!

  22. He was just doing the "Joe Biden" or the "Bill Cosby".

  23. Unknown 11:13-most of what you state I agree with but I disagree with your belief that bringing up affirmative action is classless. Truth teller are always the classy ones and while this might not be what happened there is a huge problem with "affirmative actions" within the public schools now called "diversifying the teaching profession." During the Obama admin they came up with another in a long line of asinine failure policies that only fooled the democrat voters none of whom are honest and most themselves products of the dumbed down US "education" system. It was a charade masquerading as something it isn't. It was called Our Future Our Teachers and strong emphasis was placed on hiring minorities and was really all it was about.
    Pressure to hire minorities was made great by withholding federal money and creating other grants as rewards.
    This is the mess we are now stuck with (we saw the school massacre in FL was the direct result of another one of obama's policies) and President Trump's Education Secretary DeVos is working to fix.

    1. Racism at its finest. Forget your qualifications you are the wrong race....

    2. Right!! I guess only 1 race can obtain degrees and should be allowed jobs. Most educated people do not utilize their degrees in this shit hole town. Nothing to do w/ affirmative action. Amazing how educated ignorant people sound, but speak so dumb

    3. Affirmative action has everything to do with race and that is its flaw from the start! If you have a degree and all the qualifications for the job then by all means you should have it. It is where the race baitors come in and say we get it automatically for some poilitical gain!!

  24. What a black eye for Wicomico County, City of Salisbury, and the State of Maryland. First it was the female educational worker who was dealing drugs out of Parkside. Now this!!! How much more of this can our community sustain!!!

  25. This is the quality of personnel you get when you created a well, liberal, socialist agenda. The idiots Dunn and McCain will try to turn this around to benefit removing the revenue cap. They'll scream they can hire more quality teachers with more money. Hey idiots you still have a welfare sanctuary city

  26. Wicomico county is notorious for this garbage. The idiot athletics director @ parkside Andy Hall sits back collecting 100,000 per for doing nothing. Why do I say this? His POS brother-in-law was sent to prison for having sex with student at wicomico high back in the 80's. Now he and hall kick back ALL cushy in the home they share on Riverside drive waterfront.

    1. Response to Anonymous 3:05 pm - You should know your facts before you put statements on here! What does Andy Hall have to do with his EX Brother In Laws bad decisions? Nothing! And FYI, his EX brother in law is DIVORCED from from his wife and does NOT live in Salisbury.
      I hope that you never have a family member make such a horrible decision and have people blame you?
      This article has NOTHING to do with Andy Hall! Move on!

    2. Allen Mitchell thought that he was smooth and cool!! He used to refer to Salisbury Middle School as Salisbury “Mitchell” School! He should have spent his time doing his job rather than taking selfies, snapchats and pics with the kids!! WCBOE has ALOT of employees that they need to get rid of for not doing their jobs!! The people at the “top” don’t have a clue as to what goes on INSIDE the schools, it’s very disgusting!

  27. Someone please go ask the "co-owner" of discount carpet what he did with the cheerleaders whole an assistant football coach at parkside back in 80's

  28. @3:05 if my memory serves me correctly UNDERWOOD might have been allowed to keep his teachers pension in part of his plea. Way to go wicomico county brother in law sits back collecting 100,000 year living with pedophile teacher UNDERWOOD and he's still getting money to this day from wicomico county and state of Maryland

  29. Any relationship to Jermichael Mitchell?

  30. Such a proud moment for the Democratic Party, a Joe Biden impersonator trying to be like his hero! He could join the Clinton's now, they are his kind!

  31. Well well well Mitchells produces another pedophile there is a shocker. How many time has R.A. and his buddy Mike Lewis covered for these sick sonsabitches. Anyone that lets their child go there is looking for trouble. I guess where you have a bunch of kids they will follow. R.A. is a turd from the word go. The bottom line is they need to polygraph perspective employees and ask them if they are attracted to children. If they fail they do not get hired. Just my two cents. That goes for the B.O.E. as well. Look at all the coaches that have sexual relationships with mostly female athletes. Volleyball had a real run on creeps abusing young girls. These creeps are in every walk of life time to take them serious. The young people are damaged for life and nothing proactive is being done. I guess a kilo of dope is more dangerous than a perv. They should be hung.

  32. As for the Trooper incident last night when will you learn the Admin. does not give a rats ass about you. It is all about liability. Black is a complete idiot. No wonder they can not fill a class. God bless those that get into this field. Just remember take care of yourself and you fellow road dawgs. The brass seem to lose their minds when they move up the hall. They are as much of the problem as the liberal left. I am sure if you have been there they talk out of both sides of their mouth. You are a number that does not matter. Well if you die on or off duty the Top will jump on t.v. and talk about how much they loved you and what a great worker you were even if you are that twenty year T.F.C. that worked the road your entire career because you do not kiss the ass of those like Black or Jerry Jones etc.. Politics runs every department in this country. Times have changed take care of eachother.

  33. so we go from msp to wcboe? two of the biggest jokes in this country that unfortunately have the ability to impact all our lives negatively!
    This town and state are so f'd up they all keep getting richer while doing nothing.
    There had to be signs of what mitchell was doing, How can the same female student(s) keep coming to his office without anyone asking whats up? how come all my f'd up neighbors are teachers? what gives with that?
    damn didn't realize 30 years ago when I moved here this community/state would get this messed up and turn into such a dump!
    Thanks black, garcia, hanlin, eskridge, day, batts and the rest of you enablers!

    1. Not all teachers or individuals in education are like this and to include others names in with this man is inappropriate. Also, if it is so bad, no one is stopping you from moving back to where you came from.

    2. There you go with the “go back where you came from” crap. It’s everywhere. Just by your response it seems you are fine with this area being the way it is!!

  34. So what was his previous experience and his educational background?

  35. He was also a guidance counselor at Salisbury Middle!

  36. Is this more unbelievable than the allegations of the Salisbury mayor wrecking his truck last weekend and being approached by MSP walking away from the scene where he was found drunk and lied to the trooper? If these rumors are true then the voting public should know along with any consequences lying and DUI carry in his military officer career. The FBI should also investigate why MSP allowed a privileged white male democrat to skate while minorities, women and conservatives are subjected to the full letter of the law. Did anyone else notice his social media hiatus last weekend, his truck missing from downtown? Why is this being covered up at the highest levels? A lie to the police is a crime even if the DUI couldn't be proven. Integrity has no place in Salisbury apparently.

    1. Do tell!

      Was it a city vehicle as well?

      Impeach him!

    2. Yep. Someone do a Freedom of Information request for MSP Salisbury’s PBT (preliminary breath test) log. You will see that Mayor Day blew a .06 one hour after wrecking his car into a ditch. Ran his truck into a ditch at 5am drunk as a monkey. Swept under the rug as usual.

    3. Yet another screw up, by MSP, under Brent Black’s watch. He is the Troop Commander. It is ultimately his responsibility. Someone should tell him that you have to be present to supervise people. All he is worried about is building up his construction business for post retirement.

    4. Hopefully the Trooper didn’t “forget” to log his PBT test result. To administer a PBT and not properly log it is against Agency policy. Barrack Command staff better check to make sure it’s logged. There are too many people who KNOW that a PBT was administered.

    5. Why has no one else seen or heard anything?

  37. Is he related to Jermichael Mitchell aka Jaabri Aatimi? They both have a "history" with children.

    Jaabri Aatimi is a Muslim name and Jermichael Mitchell is a Muslim worshiper.

  38. When does it end. "Don't Tell" Donna and "Five Finger" Freddie are the same. The JMB Riots, the Pedophile Counselor, the Drug Dealing SpEd teacher. Attempted rapes, assaults on staff. Out of control schools that are nothing more than an indoor drug corner. Yup, but somehow graduation rates are up? I left years back. You can only blame yourselves for not standing up and saying enough of this liberal insanity!

  39. The federal government ties the hands of BOE under threat of funding cuts.

  40. Related to Dr Judi Lynn and Freddie Mitchell?

    1. Unlikely - their son is named Fred after his father

  41. Education of Allen Mitchell
    Probably UMES or Sorjourner Douglas

    1. Or....what is the one that Salisbury Fire Department uses....Southern New Hampshire?

  42. 10:36
    Is that you Dr Judy Lyn?
    Btw my family has been here long before you were

  43. Start with firing Donna Hanlin and then hanging that POS who did the dirty deeds.

  44. Democrats have every reason to cover this up for This guy. 1. He is up for re-election this year. 2. He was driving a city vehicle. Any other city employee would be terminated due to driving a city vehicle while consuming alcohol. As of yet there is noting on case search about a court date. So is it being covered up if it happened. Joe you need to dig into this before elections come up and a corrupt crooked drunk gets re-elected. The citizens of Salisbury have a right to know and do informed voting.

  45. Oh no....a whole new side to the story. The Principal and one of the VP’s at Bennett are on leave for possibly covering for the Slime Bag Mitchell! Let’s see if the BOE makes that public!

  46. To those of you defending Andy hall you should be ashamed. He supported the child molester coach Underwood for years and DID share the same residence on Riverside for awhile. Hall was an asshole as well and did alot of emotional damage to young kids going through parkside. Hell he was so disliked he got his ass knocked out by the crowd down at crisfield during a soccer game

    1. You apparently no nothing of Andy hall. He is to this day the #1 most respected admin and prior teacher this county has ever had. I played soccer for him 25 years ago and to this day still consider him a father figure. Sure his brother-in-law committed crimes, he also spent 5 years in prison for it, lost his family and yet you ignorant hillbilly assholes still dont know the real story of what happened. Crisfield...really...can you get any more backwards. Go back to molesting your farm animals you hick.

    2. @12:20 you must have been one of Andy Hall's little chosen ones ass biters. Ask him if he knows any of Denny Laird's brothers?! Ask him what buck Laird did to him when he tried that garage with those joys. Hey Andy you got knocked the F*** out

    3. @12:20 put aside the paedophile Underwood, if Andy hall is such a saint why didn't he come forward about the assistant football coach Louie Amibili screwing a high school cheerleader?? Everyone knew/heard it but Andy Hall being the forward he is just let it go on and never came forward.

  47. Amy Eskridge is a touchy feely woman who my daughter told me is always rubbing on female students. Ive told her to just stay away from her altogether. I bet shes on leave because mitchell ratted her out.

    1. Eskridge probably touches anyone and anything that she can just to get ANY amount of human contact. I’m sorry but, that chick fell through the ugly tree and hit every branch. Can’t be many people lining up and volunteering for contact with THAT!!


  48. Back to Jake's BAC as reported in comment above. If they gave him an hour to sober up before he took the BAC test they should be fired. Rule of thumb is that you metabolize about 1 oz. of alcohol per hour. Meaning that test administered promptly would probably generate higher reading.

    Will he bug out for 28 day rehab program?

    1. Yes indeed. No doubt he was legally drunk at the time of the collision.

  49. I wish the young lady (I won't mention her name) would come forward and expose the garbage and corruption that has and is going on @ parkside. The idiot Amibili should be hung up by his gonads for what he was doing. This idiot was on the 8 year plan at Salisbury State college and had no business being allowed to coach/mentor young kids.

  50. Now the Principle and Vice Principle have been suspended

  51. I cant even begin to tell you idiots how STUPID you sound. Every single comment on here is bullshit. Get your facts straight before you go and tell lies. Mr Binns is an AWESOME human being. He would NEVER ever harm anything or anyone. Lets get that straight real quick. For those of you sitting here talking shit about this and that.. get back to your job or go get a job. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oooh....internet tough guy. Sounds like you need a “safe space”. Everyone is permitted to express THEIR OPINION. Just like you did. Just because our opinion isnt the same as yours doesn’t make us idiots. In fact, it seems like YOU are the only one defending Mr. Binns

    2. 3:44 you're in idiot. Binns was in it neck deep.

    3. Binns covered for his homeboy! They have a history together.

  52. @ 3:44 Go back to your hole and hide before the Big Bad Wolf drags you out little pig.

  53. The board of Ed has thousands of employees, I am one. You go through a state and FBI background check to get hired, what happens after that is not the fault of the BOE. It is the job of the school administration to keep their ship running smooth, and if they fail that, they should be fired, not moved to the BOE office. This has happened to often over the years when administration can’t do the job promoted to, they were move into the BOE. This is something all employees know who have been around a while.sometimes employers need to find other work, not moved up and receiving better job and pay! Some schools in the county are lost, the Federal Government has put such tight restrictions on the school, the inmates, and that is what many of them will be down the road, run the show. You can’t tell the government to pound sand or they will stop funds which the schools need. No one wins in this situation, but the schools lose the most as the criminals run the school! Citizens of Wicomico County, stop spouting off about the schools, they really do try hard to teach and protect your kids. Every once in a while a sleeve ball shows up, hopefully, he gets cut off at the knees! Don’t be so quick to judge when 99% of the employees are trying to do their best.

  54. January 15, 2019 at 12:32 PM Lazy idiots like you are a prime example of why this place is such a shithole. Get off your ass and do the research your self and bring Joe the story. Just another welfare recipient waiting for everyone else to take care of things.

    1. 1/20/19. 11:39- at least he's not the troll that you are

  55. What’s next?? Having a Guidence Consoler selling Herion and other drugs to students and faculty on school grounds?? Ohh wait..that already happened 🤬!!

  56. One should ask how long Donna Hanlin, Amy Eskridge, the Assistant Principal and another Guidance Counselor kept this from the members of the Wicomico County Board of Education?

    The next question is what is the Board of Education going to do with her?

    Time to do another search for a Superintendent.

  57. How does a guy with a theft conviction get hired to work kids?

  58. still no mention of this on wboc tv

  59. Affirmative Action. Hiring scum that should not and do not qualify for the job title. Putting our children at risk. One day we will have to put a stop to this. And not with the voting booth. We will have to confront them face to face.


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