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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Poor Drunk (1-6-19)

"Loosing the election really messed with the drunks head. She even went so far as to change her name! She may be able to hide on FB but the police briefs will always show the truth"!


  1. Takes a frightening picture. She should be so embarrassed but shows no sign of remorse or wrong doing. Glad her campaign failed, talk about a "nothing burger".

  2. She's all over you-tube , enough bashing .
    It takes a while to get your name changed legally , you must have a very good reason also , been there , done that. I hope she hasn't decided to change her name illegally . The alcohol drug is hard to kick without some help , maybe Dr. Phil . She's down , so stop kicking her . The Lord is my shepherd , who is your shepherd ?

    1. You don't need anything to get your name changed but money and lawyer. Stop giving untrue statements. It's embarrassing. You sound like the woman your bashing. STUPID!!

    2. My prayers go out to you Julie! I truly hope you can get all the help and support you need.

  3. She’s a terrible bar patron. Demanding and loud.

    1. Agreed, but that is the face (and voice) of ignorance. She is such a loser.

  4. She is who she is. There are lots of others much like her.

  5. It's "losing", not "loosing". Work on that one for 2019.

  6. It's her maiden or middle name.

  7. Julie BREWington.

  8. Anyone can change their name on Facebook. She will be back.

  9. pray for her. she's addicted and really needs help.

  10. Rumor is she is now separated from her husband. She probably changed her name to save any more embarrassment to her family and especially her two daughters.

    1. Good for him finally kicking drunk loser a$$ to the curb. Can't believe it took that long.

  11. I know this is off topic, but I have a feeling that Dan Satterfield is no longer with wboc. I think he has been replaced by Heidi Werosta.
    The introduced her on Delmarva Life yesterday. She comes with many credentials and degrees in meteorology. I don't see him listed anymore on the WBOC website and I noticed there are no more commercials showing him has a kid boasting about weather!

    1. So desperate to be heard you felt the need to inject your irrelevant drivel into this thread. Pathetic.

  12. She is an alcoholic it is a disease that is hard to beat. She really needs help. When she is sober she can be nice but between the pills and booze it is hard to find her completely sober.

    1. It is not a disease. Cancer is a disease. Polio is a disease. Drinking too much is a choice.

    2. Wrong it’s a disease like any other addiction. A diabetic who doesn’t say no to a 32 ounce soda is the same as an alcoholic who can’t say no to a vodka tonic.

    3. Baloney. It's bad choices that become habitual. With effort they can stop.

  13. Dilworth is her maiden name.

  14. I thought she won ? For real!

  15. Dilworth is her maiden name. Know her in highschool.

    1. Did you mean "knew". That Wicomico county education shining thru.

    2. Did you mean “knew”? Question mark at the end of that sentence. With your top education, I’m sure you knew that.

  16. Julie Brewington AKA Dilworth AKA drunk bimbo has real issues! She is her worst nightmare because everything she does is self-inflicted. No character, manners or proper social behavior girl you need professional help.

  17. This woman is delusional and never should have had any votes at all. I can remember when asked she never knew where her children were, her dog roamed the streets attacking cars and motorcyclists. Her rants on this blog when stopped by the police and then trying to bribe the officer. She needs professional help and real jail time before she drives and kills someone, even herself.

  18. Salisbury is FULL of Julie Dilworth- Brewington. Your city is a cesspool of drunk pill popping homosexual. Then a group of wife swapping "slingers" that get drunk off their asses. Salisbury you are a freak show

    1. And mayor Day promotes their lifestyles with your tax dollars

    2. Well that's the liberal ideology. Be as perverse as you want. All we want is your liberty.

  19. so who saw the post from her about Donna Hanlin where she told her to F#ck You and told her to go eat a d@ck? Julie has some serious issues. Hope she gets help but she will not for she sees nothing that she had done wrong. Its all everybody else's fault and she is always the victim.

    1. Julie is a classless, drunk, bimbo.

  20. just because she changed her name on FB means nothing. You can use any name you want to. I did hear that she and Mike are having some very serious problems. Julie go get yourself some help. How much further into the muck do you need to go? Get help now while you still can. Keep on you will end up behind bars....Or dead.....The booze, drugs are gonna kill ya in some form or fashion if you don't get help. Go get help! If nothing else do it for those daughters.

  21. 8:01 and 8:21 It's very easy to have your name changed. You don't even need a lawyer. All you do is fill out a form with the court and sometimes but not always it has to be published in a newspaper. After that a judge signs the petition.

  22. Pillworth Brew'a'ton

  23. "Loosing" Really? The "viewer" is no more intelligent than the "poor drunk."

  24. yeah ive also heard that her husband has left her. Finally i guess he got tired of her drunken escapades. If this is true i hope the takes those kids with him and not leave them there with her.

  25. She has a new page Julz Katherine .

  26. January 2, 2019 at 12:05 PM - Satterfield

    His picture is still on WBOC website and he lists employment on his fb pages. Ever hear of a vacation?

  27. As a recovering alcoholic with six years of sobriety, I can only speak for myself. My recovery was a complete stripping of all ego and developing enough humility to allow people to tell me about my character defects that were impacting their lives and destroying mine. I hit bottom. Actually I had hit bottom lots of times and everybody knew that but me. Bottom for me was becoming homeless and ending up in a shelter. It opened my eyes. All my enablers had left me. I had to lose everything to gain everything. And I don't mean just materially.

    I'm praying for this woman. She's got a long way to go. There are options. Death,insanity or institutions.

    1. She has too much pride. She will die drunk, homeless, and alone. A wasted life.

  28. Look her up on Maryland judiciary case search. She's a hot mess. Looks like she has a bunch of unpaid medical bills, DUI, criminal charge for her dogs. I don't see a divorce filing . Smarten up Mike. Get yourself and your children as far away as possible. She will destroy all of you .

  29. To 1:00 PM poster who said he thought Julie won.

    She did not win but she surely gave McCann a close run for his money even with her DWI. The final tally was very close - and the candidate who should feel embarassed is Jim McCann.

  30. Well well, it makes more sense now. According to Maryland Judiciary case search, it seems that hubby has the same issue. He has several impaired run ins with the law. Must be a bit of a mommy fetish as well. He's 8 years her junior. Kind of makes you feel bad for the children. Born into a home with two addicts.

  31. Why are we still talking about this women. She's sooooooo ole news.

  32. So who is the fool man that she is supposedly being seen around the bury with? Is that the reason she is trying to hide on facebook? Does he not know the mess that she is and she will only bring him down if he does not have the lifestyle of drunkenness that she has? Her husband did the right thing in finally getting away from that mess.

    1. Her husband has several DUI's and a felony assault on LEO record. There are both well practiced losers.

    2. Just another fool about the be brought down by her destructive habits.

  33. Jullie has made some bad life choices. None were my fault but, I personally cut her a break to climb out of the holes she's ended up in. It beats digging a deeper hole.

    I hope she does better and I wish her well. It's all that anyone of us can do but it is something we can offer to help her.

  34. This person is better than I am.She's better than most of you to be honest.Come up with something better than this.

  35. She's a good woman,and that won't be forwarded on this site.I have issues as does she,but I am not susceptible to an agenda.She is no worse than the rest of us.

    1. Your are delusional to believe that.

  36. If addiction is a disease how does a person catch it? It's the result of life style choices,it's not a disease in the normal sense.

  37. Just curious why this is even a topic?

  38. You ask how you catch addiction? How do catch diabetes (can be caused by wrong choices as well) or sickle cell?

  39. A bunch of old men obsessing about a woman's facebook. Who really has a problem here?

    1. Its always someone else isnt it Julie? Wake up you foolish drunk.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury is FULL of Julie Dilworth- Brewington. Your city is a cesspool of drunk pill popping homosexual. Then a group of wife swapping "slingers" that get drunk off their asses. Salisbury you are a freak show

    January 2, 2019 at 3:07 PM

    ie. Michael Dunn

  41. Anonymous said...
    so who saw the post from her about Donna Hanlin where she told her to F#ck You and told her to go eat a d@ck? Julie has some serious issues. Hope she gets help but she will not for she sees nothing that she had done wrong. Its all everybody else's fault and she is always the victim.

    January 2, 2019 at 6:56 PM

    I've got it screen captured. I will sell it to you.

    BTW, she was right on target about Hanlin.

  42. Anonymous said...
    To 1:00 PM poster who said he thought Julie won.

    She did not win but she surely gave McCann a close run for his money even with her DWI. The final tally was very close - and the candidate who should feel embarassed is Jim McCann.

    January 6, 2019 at 3:28 PM

    To the 3:28 PM poster, WTF are you talking about. Who TF is Jim McCann? You are the one who should be "embarrassed."

  43. Sickle Cell is inherited and involves the red blood cells. It is not a choice nor is it an addiction but a disorder. Why do some people even comment when they don't know what they are talking about?

  44. I think 3:28 Poster was referring to Jim McCain. And he/she was right as he barely won over Julie.

  45. Barely won, Barely lost. Who cares a win is a win and a loss is a loss and she lost. Nobodies fault but her own. Boo boo hoo hoo. she is Better then you or better then us?? i hardly think so. Even a gutter dweller has it better then her, she is the slime down on the bottom of the gutter that ajax wont even take off.


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