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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Cold Classrooms (1-27-19)

Just letting parents know that at Wicomico middle school that I'm getting complaints that its so cold its like Antarctica and heaters not working or are none in the class when the teachers have told students to complain and report classes are art, Mrs. Gonzales class, music, Mr. Baxin class and history, Mrs. Harmons class.


  1. Apparently no heat in the CTE wing of Parkside either.

  2. Wah,wah, it's cold, bittercold outside. Feels like summer inside those classrooms, compared to outside. Its all relative. Surely the complainer embellishes a bit, as they have NEVER been to Antarctica, and have no clue how cold it actually gets there.

    1. Board of ed just called and the school admitted they were wrong and have people fixing all three classrooms as of today go figure after i report to the real news sbynews and a big deal because several kids have got sick because no one did anything so wah wah that and no thanks to delmarvanow or wboc they reported nothing so thanks again joe sad have to report just to get things done that shouldnt of been a problem in these schools

    2. Hummmm, you don’t get “sick” because of cold air. You get sick by coming in contact with someone who is infected with a virus. If cold air was the cause of people getting sick, them no one would live in a cold air environment.

    3. Amen January 24,2019 at 4:17 pm... anyone who lives in a cold climate now would be sick all the time. Imagine the entire state of Alaska sick all at the same time just because it's cold. People are just so stupid.

  3. Maybe the person who wrote this should be sitting in a grammar class with or without heat.

    1. Oh no !!! The grammar police strikes again LMAO

    2. I think the grammar should be policed when it is a person employed to teach your children at the taxpayers expense. This is one of the reasons kids today sound like idiots.

  4. Waiting for global warming as a learning lesson...

    1. It's actually part of the new high school science classes mandated by the state.

  5. Can you explain what happened at James M. Bennett yesterday?

  6. The average temperature in Antarctica is -40 degrees F. Get a grip.

  7. Cte has heat today. It was out over the weekend and took all day yesterday to warm back up.

  8. So? I went to WiHi jr. and sat thru many classes with my coat on.
    No sympathy at all. Tough it up!!!!!!!
    And, we sat thru the hot classrooms in the late spring with the windows open. No release early in the 70's.

  9. Layer up kiddo's, its WINTER time!

  10. I love peoples comments on here, Its either "so what ! I used to walk 10 miles in the snow barefoot when I was a kid" or "These kids are freezing".

    I get what everyone is saying though, but I do feel for the ones who were not prepared for a cold class. I hope the teachers let them go back to their lockers to retrieve the coats for the classes in the section with no heat.

    Come on spring, Hurry up!

    1. The kids don't use their lockers anymore. Classes are so spread out they don't have time to use them.

    2. Walked barefoot! Feet?! You had feet?!

  11. Take a thermometer in the class room and then report it. I'm sure, since it's warmer today, the temp has increased in the classrooms. Of course we will hear complaints in the late spring re: heat...

  12. Bennett High school had no heat yesterday. Apparently the Geothermal units were down, and rooms had not heat in the classrooms... Office workers all had personal heaters beside their desks, though.

  13. You need to go to English class and stay there for a few years.

  14. OH but don't you love how they want to keep raising your taxes for schools, and its for the children, and they won't even give them heat in the winter... You people are so god damn stupid and gullible you actually deserve it now... Higher taxes... The politicians should just come out and say, we want higher taxes and the reason is, you people are just to stupid so why not raise taxes...

  15. 9:34....looks like we understood what the message meant, there are 17 comments following up on the subject.
    Let me apologize to the writer for those that feel superior. "They" say it makes some feel good about themselves to criticize others (must be true).
    Now check my mess out. But you can save your time commenting, because I know I'm not the English major like yourselves.

  16. Hard for kids to put on extra clothes in some cold schools due to the consistent attire policy. Winter coats aren't the proper colors, etc and aren't allowed.

  17. Why the complaints today? Today is actually the warmest day of the week thus far!

  18. Oh Baby it's cold inside

  19. 6:35 I am offended..lol

  20. Put on a jacket. Give me a break!

    Back in my day the entire back wall of every classroom was lots of crank style windows that leaked air in all winter long.

    Snowflake kids and helicopter parents, I swear!

    1. Yea its 2019 not 1960s big difference

  21. why aren't they that cold when they are congregated on a street corner trying to decide what to get into.

  22. All that money the previous superintendent scammed from the WBOE and yet rooms don’t have heat in the schools. That guy should be sitting in prison right now for embezzlement along with all the teachers who helped in the big theft. You still think your kids are priority 1? Seriously? You all should’ve put that criminal and his compadres away but you wussed out as a community.

  23. When I was a kid I had to walk 5 miles to school and 5 miles to get home,uphill both ways.

  24. What is wrong with people so mean and rude ,I am 69 and I went to that school it is time for an update ,if we want children to attend school needs to be comfortable really sad remarks

  25. Half of you have no idea what goes on in these schools...you have elementary children sitting on cold classroom floors with mouse droppings...mold galore...terrible water...no matter the weather, the board of education building is at the proper temperature and schools are "controlled" by them...you can bet they arnt sitting cold or too hot or in poor quality air

    1. Why doesn’t anyone call the county and/or city building inspectors? Would that be the logical thing to do?

  26. What many fail to understand is that students in WCPS middle/high schools are not permitted to wear coats or jackets in school. If they had been told there was a problem with the heat, they could've worn heavier clothing. However, not knowing about it, I have no doubt many were very cold. Of course, no one would perish from being cold in school but, personally, having worked in an office with no heat at times it is very hard to work when I'm that cold. Have a heart, people, if the heat went out in your home you would be quite uncomfortable, too!

  27. Brand new school and the geothermal system isn't working?


  28. I'm sorry that JMB was without heat in certain areas for a day or so. Don't really care to hear about your woes, while sitting in a newer school. You got your new school, fields,etc. Give me a break. Be a little grateful your kids can experience such a nice facility.

    As far as Wi Middle, it been like this for years! This is not new. Some class rooms are hotter than hell, others cold. I would be more concerned with the floods and possible mold in the media center.

    Do not even get me started on Wi High. Talk about cold, ask a student there how it felt last week. They wear parkas in the hallways along with winter caps. 11:03, I have witnessed Wi High allowing or ignoring this, because of the lack of proper HVAC. That school needs to be replaced, but sadly, it is overlooked at every turn. Wonder why?

    10:12, you are correct. The state of our county schools is shameful. The priorities the BOE are politically driven. They need to manage our money a lot better. I am certain that if the books were truly opened, well, the money is there. I could go on and on about the waste (employees and such), but I am sure you already know.

  29. I also work in a building that is always too cold in the winter or to warm in the summer. It's supposed to be state of the art geothermal heat.
    I adjust by dressing accordingly. Just wear extra layers in winter and lite cotton shirt in the summer.

    Just have to adjust for conditions. I personally don't like a warm house or building. I've become accustomed to a cold building and home. I sleep better and I seldom get sick from a cold or flu.

  30. Tough it out, snowflakes!

  31. First it was the air conditioners and now it's the heaters. Are you idiots ever satisfied??

  32. Maybe everyone should remember that if our schools claim to be so great for our kids, then they should adhere to the rules of keeping them safe, that includes from the elements. Wow people really need to stop thinking its ok to let the schools not be heated or cooled in extreme weather. Just ridiculous. Cold is cold is cold. No matter what you weak people who don't want to fight for the right thing want to say, if the room is so cold the teachers can't teach and the kids can't learn its too freaking cold, so fight for it.


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