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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Hogan Administration Announces Agreements with State Employee Labor Unions

Provides Salary Increases, Additional Potential Bonus Contingent on Revenues

ANNAPOLIS, MD—The Hogan administration today announced that the state has completed negotiations and reached agreements with state employee unions for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021.

The Maryland Professional Employees Council, the American Federation of Teachers, the Baltimore Washington International Professional Firefighters Local 1742, and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees have all reached agreements with the Hogan administration for the upcoming fiscal year. The agreements affect approximately 26,000 employees.

“I am thrilled that we were once again able to collaborate with the exclusive bargaining representatives of the state’s employees and reach agreements that benefit our hardworking and dedicated employees,” said Department of Budget and Management Secretary Brinkley.

Most employees will receive a 2% cost-of-living increase effective January 1, 2021 with the opportunity to receive a one-time $500 bonus effective January 1, 2021 if FY 2020 revenues exceed projections by $75 million. Approximately 2,700 social workers, direct care workers, licensed practical nurses, teachers, pretrial release investigators, lab scientists, veterans benefits specialists, and other employees in positions that are challenging to recruit and retain will also receive an additional 6% pay adjustment to assist with state recruitment and retention efforts. Furthermore, over the next four years, correctional officers eligible to retire will be offered a Retention and Longevity Pay Incentive of up to $37,500 to continue working for four years.

“These bonuses will help us retain our retirement-ready correctional officers (COs) while the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services capitalizes on the 9.5% increase in CO pay since January of last year to fill long term vacancies,” said Secretary Brinkley. “Public safety organizations throughout the country are experiencing similar recruitment and retention challenges, but we are confident our package of stay bonuses and pay raises will put us in a good position to improve staffing our correctional facilities.”

Approximately 6,500 employees across the bargaining units will also be eligible to participate in a Student Loan Repayment Plan that will reimburse employees for up to $20,000 in student loan debt repayments.

It is estimated that these salary enhancements will reward state employees with $33 million more over the next fiscal year. These increases are in addition to the 5.5% cumulative increase in wages that state employees have received since January 2019.


  1. Meanwhile the private sector has had no raises in years because the businesses they work for are overtaxed

    1. Then get a State job and quit bitching.

    2. so we should just fff gita bout it right! Get a taste? No thanks 5:40! get rid of unions to reduce the tax burden on working stiffs. Its not the 1930s anymore. Unions destroy jobs and Increase cost to all of us..

    3. so we should just fff gita bout it right! Get a taste? No thanks 5:40! get rid of unions to reduce the tax burden on working stiffs. Its not the 1930s anymore. Unions destroy jobs and Increase cost to all of us..

    4. 5:40- Got up bright and early to troll, didn't ya?

  2. I don't think Unions are needed in today's society. Members pay dearly for the Union protection and yet the abuse my Union leaders is never ending.

    1. There is a massive wage gap between upper management and the actual workers. Rich get richer, poor get poorer. This is happening right in front of our eyes at an alarming rate and you anti-union people can't see it. Unions are the working man's only way to prosperity.

    2. That's the dumbest thing I've heard. If employees took personal responsibility for there jobs that would almost make sense but they don't so the manager that has to answer for your laziness gets paid more do to the fact of more responsibility = BIGGER PAYCHECKS.
      I see your point it's someone else's responsibility to make you richer not yours LOL

  3. Just like the Liberal that RINO Larry is! I true Democrat wouldn't have coddled the damn unions like Larry has.

  4. Govt employees are public servants they should NOT have unions! No one stands up for the tax payer in these negotiations . The politicians love to give and give at our expense to guarantee their reelections. This is why we get such shoddy service and indifference from govt employees as they cant be fired!

    1. 4:44 says "no one stands up for the tax payer in these negotiations". The anti-union officials working for the state stands up for the tax payers, that's why they call it negotiating.

  5. It is 2% in January 2021 for most employees. Quit your bitching!

  6. F THE BONUSES! wtf hogan, we didn't agree for you to take money from us to give to others. just another GD socialist! That money should go back to the taxpayers not public employees!
    waiting patiently for the day when these pos are to afraid to show their faces!

  7. I am in a Union and I bet I make double what most people on the shore make. We fight for our wages and benefits. Union strong. Only people who hate Unions are the people who are not in them.

    1. And you ma'am are the reason Unions have a bad name...

    2. “ma’am”? You sure?

  8. Unions are one of the reasons schools are so expensive to build.

  9. If you got rid of the unions then the Democrats would have to figure out where to get all those donated dollars the union gives them every election year for payoff.

  10. 2 percent is nothing. I was a tenured state employee with over a decade of experience. When I apply for a promotion my raise was capped because I was a state employee they could hire someone from the private sector for 10K more so what ever.

  11. I am in a union, but, I get a annoyed at them. Not because I only make 27,000 a year. Rather, the lazy incompetent employees that hide behind the union. I suit up and show up and do the best I can. We all have off days, but when you have coworker that flat out doesn't care if the screw up or even try to do the correct thing it burns me. They run to union if you try to reprimand them.
    Alas. I dont have the health to work at McDonald's for more money.

  12. These aren't unions. AFSCUM us not a union. It's a freaking club of State employees with dues for the Democratic party.


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