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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Peter Franchot confirms run for Maryland governor

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot plans to run for governor in 2022, he told supporters at an event in Silver Spring Tuesday.

Franchot made the announcement at Denizens Brewing Co., according to political blog A Miner Detail. Bethesda Magazine confirmed the run with a spokesperson for Franchot.

Franchot is a Democrat, though he’s worked closely with Republican Gov. Larry Hogan during Hogan’s tenure. Hogan will be term-limited and thus not able to run for the office again.

The comptroller is the first Maryland politician to confirm he will run for governor in 2022.



  1. The same asswipe that love fake day.

  2. "Franchot is a Democrat, though he’s worked closely with Republican Gov. Larry Hogan during Hogan’s tenure."

    Franchot is a Democrat and so is Hogan. That is why they "worked closely" together.

  3. Did anyone get a statement from Fake Jake?

  4. And why haven't the Republicans found anyone to run yet? They've known the whole time that Franchot was going to run? Lame a$$ Republican Central Committee. Same jerks that endorsed and supported Jake Day for Mare.

  5. The RCC has been searching but there arent many rino's left that havent been exposed. True conservatives are shunned from running, yes the RCC has been infiltrated for years. We should have the choice box to vote to resolve the government rather than be forced a corrupt communist.
    This one will be the worst, he's way to familiar with how to get your money to leave your wallet. Mat God show mercy upon the good slaves of this state.

  6. 6:07 md is screwed we all know it the eastern shore should just become its own state it would be fine

    1. agree 653

      maybe we can get Congressman Harris to do that

      we send Millions of Dollars from the Eastern Shore to Annapolis

      we should be our own State with 10 Electoral Votes for our State

  7. This will be a fun watch. Getting popcorn and beer.

  8. Maybe Pete will hire Jake as a junkie advisor ?

  9. Told ya getting out now is your best bet...electing communist progressive libturds wont help the working class

  10. Do they let wife abusers run for Lt. Governor? I seriously doubt Mr. Day. Don’t get any ideas because it will all come out. You sir are a self serving narcissist who only cares about your career.

  11. Anonymous said...
    The RCC has been searching but there arent many rino's left that havent been exposed. True conservatives are shunned from running, yes the RCC has been infiltrated for years. We should have the choice box to vote to resolve the government rather than be forced a corrupt communist.
    This one will be the worst, he's way to familiar with how to get your money to leave your wallet. Mat God show mercy upon the good slaves of this state.

    January 9, 2020 at 6:07 PM

    The Republican Central Committee(RCC) needs to be disbanded. They elect nothing but Democrats. Worthless Pieces of $hit!!

  12. Anonymous said...
    6:07 md is screwed we all know it the eastern shore should just become its own state it would be fine

    January 9, 2020 at 6:53 PM

    The Eastern Shore is loaded with RINO's, they elected Jake Day.

  13. Jake Day can suck it, he knows what I mean. I am waiting for his announcement so I can get PAID!!!! Hollar at you BRO!

  14. maryland is the east coast version of california, nothing but a bunch of filthy liberal heathens.

  15. Everyone already knew this

  16. I guess Jake Day and Franchot will do a big campaign kickoff at the folk festival? It's criminal how Day used all the city of salisbury resources to pursue a career in Annapolis politics

  17. Well, Maryland politics being what it is, Franchot will be our next Governor. At least he doesn't pretend to be a Republican.

  18. WTF does is say about the whole damn state of Maryland if an idiot like Jake Day could even be considered for a position like lietenant governor? Franchot will use Day's ability to fleece salisbury for a Media platform then dump his ass at the last minute. Do you really think his wife getting jammed up now rather than further down the road is a coincidence?? They ALL knew what she was up to, it's been going on for a while

    1. Jake is too busy in drug rehab with the Wifey.

  19. I attended the chamber luncheon today in somerset where Franchot spoke. He was off his game. Rambling, no complete sentences. It was odd and guess what jake wasn’t there. Very telling.

  20. Franchot May be bad but jealous is worse. It’s gonna be tough next year

  21. Looks like Maryland is going to replace a RINO with a DINO. That should be interesting.

  22. Not much of a choice Maryland. @8:04 nailed it Franchot isn't much but Ben jealous is an absolute turd

  23. Can you imagine this POS becoming governor??

  24. Jack is probably pissing his pants in joy now.


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