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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Stampede kills 40 mourners at funeral of Qassem Soleimani and leaves more than 200 injured

Forty mourners have been killed and more than 200 injured after a stampede broke out on the final day of Qassem Soleimani's funeral in Iran today.

Iran's farewell to the general descended into chaos after thousands of people thronged to his home town of Kerman, where he was due to be buried later on the third day of his funeral.

With a sea of mourners rushing to see Soleimani's coffin, state media said the overcrowding had caused a stampede which left 40 people dead and 213 injured.

Footage which circulated online appeared to show emergency workers desperately trying to rescue mourners who had been thrown to the ground and badly hurt during the crush.



  1. They where shot protestors by the militants.

  2. Daaamn, them folks be craaazy.

  3. Very sad. Wow truly lost souls..All over a luciferian warrior for ISLAM

  4. Could be Fake news? The spin could be they were protesting or happy he is dead?

    1. Agreed, there were more celebrating than mourning.

  5. But Obama said burial at sea was proper when bin Laden was supposedly killed?

  6. Well it's no smothering stampede at Mecca but.......it's a start.

  7. 500
    I'm with you.
    Which end is up?

    We are being lied to everyday by a rogue criminal government and its propaganda mouthpieces, the MSM

    I no longer believe any of it.

  8. Damn, I hope my funeral is that well attended.

  9. Great news! One bomb that keeps on giving!! They’d rather we would be dead so I ain’t cryin over spilled goats milk.

  10. Sounds to me like a good start, need to kill more!

  11. Good > More Terrorists Out of the Way !!!!!

  12. They have been killing each other for centuries in one form or another. We have no business being there to begin with. We went in got rid of Saddam Hussein and we should have left like all other coalition forces. Let them deal with the aftermath of poor decisions.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Interesting that these sort of events occur frequently in third world countries most we don’t hear about. I don’t recall anything of this magnitude ever occurring in the US So much for multiculturalism. I would rather view it from afar than experience it in my own backyard.

  14. Anonymous said...
    But Obama said burial at sea was proper when bin Laden was supposedly killed?

    January 7, 2020 at 5:29 PM

    And everyone fell for it hook, line and sinker. I think that was BS and Bin Laden was already dead or he is still alive somewhere. Since we haven't heard from him in years I will say he is already dead.

    The most wanted man in the world and they supposedly dumb his body overboard. Wouldn't it have been appropriate to get an autopsy done to confirm it was indeed Obama and then give the body to his family? Change my mind!

    1. Blood, eye scan, finger print, teeth and hair and positive Id. The body was brought back to camp.


  16. They kill each other All the time !!! They live in HELL !!!

  17. No stampede They were just SHOT !!

  18. The most wanted man in the world and they supposedly dumb his body overboard. Wouldn't it have been appropriate to get an autopsy done to confirm it was indeed Obama and then give the body to his family? Change my mind!

    January 8, 2020 at 12:19 PM:

    Your Freudian slip did not go unnoticed. Obama's autopsy. Got to love it.

  19. Trump 45 (5 with drone strike + 40 stampede), Iran 1 (US contractor). Trump just keeps on winning. I don't think Iran likes this guy. They loved Obama. He sent them billions, and promised not to mess with them while they continued to secretly work on production of nuclear weapons. As their counter attack shows, they are a long way from having a missile that reach the US. Heck, they can't even hit targets in the country next door.

  20. That's what they get for siding with a Terrorist !!! See YA !!!


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