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Sunday, January 12, 2020

'I'm cancer free. That's good': Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she's beaten back the disease for the fourth time just months after getting radiation treatment for a tumor on her pancreas

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she is ‘cancer free’ after successfully undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer in the summer.

The 86-year-old justice, whose health has long been the subject of speculation due to its potential impact on the court’s makeup, has now beaten cancer for the fourth time.

‘I’m cancer free. That’s good,’ the liberal justice told CNN on Wednesday.

The network said Ginsburg was ‘sounding energized and speaking animatedly’ when she gave the interview.



  1. Now she needs to retire so she can concentrate on her good health!

  2. When you are rich, you get the best healthcare in the world, which is not available to most of us!
    If it was anyone else, she would either be dead or in a hospice center right now.

    1. Sounds familiar!! Look at the situation with magic Johnson. He was diagnosed with HIV back in it's infant stages when everyone else was contracting fill blown AIDS and dying and this jerk off is still going

  3. Her healthcare has nothing to do with being rich. It's all about holding one of the most powerful positions in government. Both the rich AND powerful get the best healthcare in the world. The rest of us only get healthcare for the masses.

  4. The network said Ginsburg was ‘sounding energized and speaking animatedly’ when she gave the interview.

    Drugs will do that.

    12:15 If being rich and getting great health care could keep you alive then Steve Jobs wouldn't be dead.

  5. Did she knock on wood.

  6. She is not well enough to attend Supreme Court "court arguments" in person - she reads what the other judges have said in the luxury of her home and then makes a decision. Not acceptable to me and shouldn't be for the American people. Holding out so Trump doesn't get to select another judge.

  7. I hope she hangs on until Trump gets re-elected then when she dies Trump can nominate a much younger judge.

  8. Cancer free for the forth time??? In how many months/year?? Doesn't look like cancer free at all.

  9. People she has been dead for months. Has anybody seen her? Any recent videos? No way our President will be allowed to nominate another justice. Too many powerful people doing nefarious things.

  10. Cancer free and yet another year older. How old do you need to be before you give it up and retire?

    What a selfish crotchety old bag!

  11. Throw her OUT of SCOTUS > Been there TOOO Long !!!!

    2 Term Limits needed !!!!

  12. I think while she was undergoing treatment Disney made an animatronic replica. Now she will never die.

  13. 2 Term Limits needed !!!!

    January 9, 2020 at 7:49 PM:

    What's a SCOTUS term? Other than lifetime (as it is now).

    What is a two term limit? Two lifetimes? Ruth is on about her third one already.

  14. Unfortunately the Supreme Court cancer free.

  15. Ruth Baiter !!! TOOOOOO Old !!! See ya !!!!

  16. She is just another Govt SPONGE on the Taxpayers !!!!

  17. @12:15 exactly!! If it were you or I we would have already been killed with an overdose of morpheme

  18. 2 Term Limits for ALL incl them at SCOTUS !!!!

  19. Her Old crabby looking ass should have been OUT of SCOTUS
    along time ago !!!!

  20. Someone needs to smack that thing off of her cheek with a cast iron skillet.

  21. January 12, 2020 at 3:26 PM:

    Again, the term for a SCOTUS judge is a lifetime term. The term limit is the rest of their life, unless they retire voluntarily. Two term limits...impossible! They only get one life like the rest of us. The rest of the judicial system requires mandatory retirement at 70 years of age, but allows judges to fill in on the bench for absent judges, or case overload. But I would agree that SCOTUS judges should have an age limit on their term, certainly no longer than 80 years of age. Keeping them alive through their aging mental decline and terminal health issues just for the sake of politics needs to stop. Their decisions are much too important to the nation for them not to be at the top of their mental capacities and jurist abilities.


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