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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Maryland Legislator Wants To Steer Low-Income Housing To Affluent Suburban Neighborhoods

A Maryland legislator wants to identify affluent suburban neighborhoods and target them for low-income, high-density housing.

House Del. Vaughn Stewart, a Democrat, wrote Jan. 3 that he will introduce “Homes for All” legislation that would “legalize the construction of modest homes in neighborhoods close to affluent schools, reliable transit, and good jobs.”

“For too long, local governments have weaponized zoning codes to block people of color and the working class from high-opportunity neighborhoods, pushing them to the crumbling margins of cities and towns. We must act boldly to reverse decades of these exclusionary policies,” he wrote.



  1. Set the example - put them in your neighborhood first as a pilot program!

  2. Stewart endorses Bernie Sanders for president.

  3. Its funny that the politician doesn't mention high density housing. The private firm helping to back this effort specifically highlights moderate to low density housing options. There is no formal policy language written yet. But the author of this story keeps implying that the proposal would create high density housing projects. Critical thinking skills people. Use them and realize when you are being lied to. Stop soaking up the bull you are reading on these websites and do some research. And before you come with the same ol' juvenile "libtard" insults, reread my statement and practice some critical thinking to see Im not advocating for or against this specific issue.

  4. Reading the script he was given

  5. Better yet put the new section 8 housing nextdoor to the gated communities on golf courses, you know the homes of our elected officials etc.

  6. Its for the refuges, foreigners, those that have knowledge of Constitutions and freedom. The ones that wont realize their working for slave wages and unaware that 75% wage tax is abnormal. Not to fear though, must of you and I wont be around when it gets really ugly, pray hard for your children and theirs. They numb you first by ignoring and abusing the Constitution and Rule of Law, even supreme court rulings when it suits them. They dont fear the few left in government trying to follow procedure. Their biggest hurdle is Patriots, the ones with guns, we are legend. Those assisting in disarming are making their own chains.

  7. Yay, lower property values, awesome!

  8. "Del. Ibraheem Samirah pushed the idea in Virginia this month ..." There it is folks! First our guns and then our homes! Welcome to the Chicago Way!

  9. 11:06
    Good idea.....but remove the golf course and put up section 8 housing.

  10. Great idea there 10:20
    Yea 11:06 and we can watch the gated golf community die

  11. Dear Vaughn, You are a moron. People of any color, race, ethnicity or religious group can live anywhere they wish. AS LONG AS THEY CAN AFFORD TO. I hate the Dems and their blame everyone but themselves mentality. Screw you Vaughn.

    1. Actually that is not true and this has been proven in court by numerous cases. But yeah keep on living in ignorant fantasy land.

  12. Agree with the ideas where, also include North Potomac MD (Montgomery County) too!

    Eastern Shore...sorry we are closed to any New Years' idea people!

  13. 4:10
    "North Potomac" is a joke. Just call it what it is. Darnestown. I guess they can charge more if they use the name Potomac in it. Montgomery County started it's decline in the 80s. They took over the Aspen Hill, Glenmont, Wheaton area and they are spreading. I wouldn't live there now if you paid me. Now they are infecting surrounding counties.

  14. Anonymous said...
    "Del. Ibraheem Samirah pushed the idea in Virginia this month ..." There it is folks! First our guns and then our homes! Welcome to the Chicago Way!

    January 9, 2020 at 11:31 AM

    This is the $hit that Progressive white Americans who have been indoctrinated in our Public School Systems are electing.

    Ibraheem Samirah, a Muslim, was born in Chicago, Illinois, a second-generation Palestinian American[1] whose parents were refugees. His father was separated from the family while Samirah attended middle school when he was barred re-entry into the United States. Samirah resided in Jordan as a teenager before returning to the United States in 2009.

    Samirah was arrested at a Bernie Sanders' rally in 2015 for carrying a sign and shouting "Will Ya #Feel The Bern 4 Palestine." Samirah assaulted Geraldo Rivera, a Fox News reporter, by pouring water on him while he was debating the Israeli–Palestinian conflict with a protester on camera at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

    This guy is not an American and he is very dangerous to the security of our nation.

  15. Who is going to pay for these Low Rent people to live in nicer neighborhoods?

  16. Well let's hope they start their intrusion in Annapolis.

  17. Yeah, right (not!). Let's make every neighborhood a slum, with tenants in free government housing that they run crime enterprises out of, right next to working peoples homes that they are paying for. That won't bring poor people up, it will bring working people down. Put those "projects" in working class communities, and the working community will leave the drug infested, crime ridden, non-working welfare recipients transplanted into their community. It's how it ALWAYS works. Poor people can't / won't leave the projects provided by the government. Working people can / are able to find a place to live that is safe and far away from those "poor" people.

  18. “legalize the construction of modest homes in neighborhoods close to affluent schools, reliable transit, and good jobs.”

    HaHa, that right there is a ridiculous statement. The poor that are playing the system with disability income, EBT, Section 8, Medicaid and other forms of government "assistance" are not interested in finding jobs, or getting an education. Why would they? They all think it is stupid to work when the government will give you everything you need without working (ask them). And this nutjob politician thinks putting those people into working neighborhoods is a good idea. Surely he only wants their votes. Even he doesn't want them in HIS neighborhood.

  19. I guess he wants them to be able to steal from a higher class of people.


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