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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Iran 'threatens to hit Israel and Dubai if the US retaliates over missile attack'

Iran has threatened to bomb Israel and Dubai if the United States retaliates for its ballistic missile strike at two Iraqi bases housing US troops.

Tehran fired more than a dozen ballistic missiles at two Iraqi bases housing American troops in a revenge attack for the US drone strike that killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani on Friday.

The Ayn al Asad airbase in western Iraq that was visited by Donald Trump in December 2018 and the Erbil base in Iraqi Kurdistan were both struck by the missiles on Tuesday at about 5.30pm.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard warned the US and its regional allies against retaliating over the missile attack.



  1. We need to get the hell outta there.

  2. Scare some dimmies why don't you ?

  3. Ok they got a few plans we got the main sub human in charge of all the bs. Now let’s make a deal.

    1. 8:58- Your only purpose here is to spread hate. You're a pathetic sack.

    2. Your statement makes no sense...or in your case "no cents"...

  4. Iran blew up some parked planes no Americans were injured. It’s safe to say Iran wants no part of the us military and already said this was in retaliation. They want to deal.

  5. 15 total misses to right next door, and they think they can hit Dubai from there?

  6. 8:51
    Who are “WE”?

    Me and you aren’t there.
    It is the US Government who is stealing the natural resources on behalf of the corporations who finance the politicians’ campaigns.

    Wake up

    Stop identifying with a corrupt and evil government.

  7. No its not 9:22 you need to WAKE UP..The swamp is responsible and they are the illuminati, MASONs, CFR,UN Billenger and shriners etc. All have blood on their hands supporting the luciferian NWO AGENDA. They control allot and are in all facets of government, media, education and even religions?? TRUMP is upsetting their game and they despise him and those who voted for him. Yes currently the system is corrupt but do some research and open your eyes to the real truths as to who is responsible.

  8. That will be their LAST MISTAKE !!! & they know it !!!!

  9. 11:30
    Mr Trump is 33rd Degree

    Sorry to break it to you

    He also Chabad along with Mr Kushner and Princess Ivanka

  10. OMG you people are nuts!

    Iran has been funding terrorism through out the middle east for 30 years, they were attacking our embassy in Bagdad, and all of this was funded by Obama and Kerry.
    The main architect of the Iranian terror was in Bagdad.
    Why was here there, and why on earth wouldn't we take him out?

    B.T.W. there's good information that the dumbocrats and Obama wanted the Bagdad embassy to be Trump's Benghazi.

    Well, it didn't work out to well for them did it?

  11. They wanna go after Israel?? That's just dumb. They will turn your sand yard into glass in a hurry.

  12. And all the puppet masters at the Skull & Bones Society meetings are kicking back, sipping Cognac, smokin' ceegars and laughin' their a$$es off.

  13. If they did then Israel & Dubai will take them Out for us !!!!

  14. 1214
    Really funny

    And true

  15. Israel all but disowned America as an ally after Trump killed the Iranian general. Apparently reading beyond page 1 is too hard for some.

  16. Israel can Stamp them out All by themselves at ANY time !!!!

  17. What does Chabad mean?

  18. They won't be around to do anything if the U.S. attacks !!!!

  19. They will be a New Beach for Dubai if we attack !!! LOL


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