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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Iran finally ADMITS shooting down Ukrainian jetliner: Tehran says military 'unintentionally' fired missiles at Boeing 737 and killed 176 on board because they thought the plane was an 'enemy target'

Iranian state TV, citing a military statement, says the country 'unintentionally' shot down a Ukrainian jetliner, killing all 176 aboard, after mistaking the aircraft for a hostile, enemy target.

The statement came Saturday morning, local time, and blamed 'human error' for shooting down the plane on Tuesday.

Specifically, Iranian officials says the aircraft 'took the flying posture and altitude of an enemy target' as it neared the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps base and attending personal didn't recognize it as a passenger plane.

'Under these circumstances, because of human error, [the plane] came under fire,' the statement read, according to the New York Times.



  1. Well, that just goes to show how haphazard, and vicious Iran is. But instead the left wants to blame Trump because he took out the General. Iran IS Iran, no matter what is done about them, or who does it. Trump just has the balls to call them on their bull$hit.

  2. Another very telling fact: Iran does not have good technology to identify friend or foe; airliner should have been squawking it's identification as per usual. With our stealth aircraft Iran should be darned worried about our military and THAT is why they stood down. Trump sent a powerful message to the world...you cross MY red line and someone is going to pay big time.

  3. It's an incompetent radar operator that can't differentiate between an incoming warplane and a passenger plane just taking off in a slow climb from your own major airport, where air traffic controllers know what's coming and going.

  4. Everyone does understand that the Democratic way is to blame everything on everyone else no matter who does it. We all have that one particular relative that blames his/her situation on everything or everyone else but there own actions. Democrats 0% personal responsibility for there own actions 🤔🤔

    1. Funny J.C. And the Republican way is to blame everything on Obama and Hillary.

    2. Ha ha that's the wonderful government we have give 1.6 billion to the country that's wants us destroyed.

  5. Ok Canada. You gonna step up and show if you got any Balls??? Or just blame Trump and the US??

  6. Remember Blondie's hit 'Heart of Glass'? Trump is writing a different version of that..."Sea of Glass'. Where the sand used to be.

  7. I call Bull sh*t to this excuse. How can a radar operator not know the difference between a passenger plane and an act of aggression by a war plane. Oh wait, this is Iran we are talking about. Probably a ten year old as the operator and thought it was a video game.

  8. 7:20 and 8:24. Interesting observations. And what was the issue when the US Navy mistakenly shot down an Iranian passenger airliner in 1988?

  9. It was intentional.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:20 and 8:24. Interesting observations. And what was the issue when the US Navy mistakenly shot down an Iranian passenger airliner in 1988?

    January 11, 2020 at 9:38 AM

    Iran Air flight 655, flight of an Iranian airliner that was shot down by the missile cruiser USS Vincennes on July 3, 1988, over the Strait of Hormuz, killing all 290 people on board. The passenger plane, which was in Iranian airspace, had been incorrectly identified as a fighter jet.

    In July 1988 Iran and Iraq were in the midst of a war that included attacks on each other’s oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. The United States was among several countries that had warships in the area to safeguard the transport of oil. Various incidents, notably an attack on the USS Stark involving Iraq missiles in May 1987, had resulted in a revision to the U.S. rules of engagement, allowing U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf to undertake more protective measures. On July 3, 1988, the USS Vincennes, under the command of Capt. William C. Rogers III, was involved in several skirmishes with Iranian vessels. According to various reports, Rogers, who had a reputation for aggressiveness, ignored orders to change course and instead continued to pursue the enemy gunboats.

    Against this background, the Iranian airliner, an Airbus A300, departed from Bandar-e ʿAbbās, Iran, at approximately 10:47 AM, headed to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Crewmen aboard the Vincennes immediately began tracking Iran Air flight 655, which had taken off from an airport used by both military and commercial aircraft. For the next several minutes, there was confusion aboard the U.S cruiser over the identity of the aircraft, which was eventually determined to be a much smaller F-14 fighter jet. After several warning calls went unheeded, the Vincennes fired two surface-to-air missiles at 10:54 AM, destroying the plane and killing all those on board.


  11. "Iran's president tweeted about an Iranian plane the US shot down in 1988 2 days before a Ukrainian plane was downed in Tehran." --Business Insider


  12. The Vincennes crew made ten attempts to contact the crew of the Iranian passenger airliner in 1988 on military and civilian radio frequencies, but received no response. The International Civil Aviation Organization said that the flight crew should have been monitoring the civilian frequency.


  13. Iran has quite a history of using its commercial aircraft for military purposes-- it would be very unwise to assume anything about one of their aircraft when they weren't answering radio calls.


  14. 'Death to liars!' Iranian protesters in Tehran turn against regime and demand the Ayatollah RESIGN

  15. Yea & Punkass Canada & Ukrain won't do anything but Blow
    smoke to IRAN & expect America to take care of everything !!!!

    Next they Blame Trump too !!!! & want America to pay for it !!

  16. Yeah, and my dog's name is Kitty.

  17. Got to love it! They kill one American contractor, and Trump takes out their top general and 4 of his aides. Then they have a funeral for their top general that kills 40 Iranians and injures scores more and shoots down a civilian airliner with many Iranians on it, because they were scared to death Trump was retaliating for their missiles they just fired in retaliation for the general's killing. All because of one US drone strike. Trump's gift is a gift that just keeps on giving to the Iranians. The Ayatollah and his military are looking like the bumbling fools that he and his government are. Poor Obama thought the Iranians were all powerful and needed to be appeased, and provided with the tools to make them even more powerful. Trump is finally putting some sense and direction in our mideast foreign policy that is in America's best interest. And the democrats continue to wail, gnash their teeth, and wring their hands over Trumps successes for America. Democrats obsessive opposition to everything Trump does just makes them look like they are against America, even in war with our enemies. Everything they oppose just makes Trump MORE likely to be re-elected. Who wants to vote for an anti-American democrat?

  18. Yes & some of their own were on the plane & now Protesters
    of their own country are mad , & demand they get rid of their
    military commanders !!!

  19. They KNOW what KIND of target it is, lieing asses !!!!

  20. A target would have been incoming, not outgoing. Plus the radar should have seen that the "target" was taking off from within Iran, not from outside of Iran. Lies, all lies.


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