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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Kaepernick Blasts Capitalism While Making Millions Off of Nike’s Cheap, Overseas Labor Force

Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick said that U.S. troops were plundering the “non white world” even as he rakes in millions from shoes made in Nike factories full of cheap labor all across the developing world.

On Saturday, Kaepernick jumped to Twitter to attack America after a U.S. airstrike eliminated one of Iran’s major terrorist figures, IRGC General Qasem Soleimani.

Kaepernick accused America of “imperialism,” of using terror against “black and brown bodies,” and he also said our troops are responsible for “plundering the non-white world.”



  1. I'm sorry... Who?
    Collin Who?

    Never heard of him?


  2. He's just like the hollywood morons. Has no idea what he's saying just saying it for attention.

  3. Yes! Yes! And Yes! Krap is nothing but a hypocrite and anyone praising him is a fn uneducated idiot.


  4. "..he also said our troops are responsible for “plundering the non-white world.”

    Excuse me?? What do those shoes you're selling [mostly to the non-white world] cost???

  5. hypocrisy on steroids

  6. Why are we still paying him any attention. He's a non-essential air-breather.

  7. Blame NIKE for supporting him and his communist ways. Why buy NIKE?

    1. Retired Correctional officersJanuary 6, 2020 at 7:59 PM

      Nike products are largely purchased by and for inmates in all Prisons

  8. His mom should bitch slap him.

  9. If we ignore him, maybe he'll go away. Please stop publishing any news about him, he's undeserving of anyone's attention or the money that keeps getting thrown his way. Ignore him and don't let him be the victim that he claims. He was a mediocre player and knew it so he kneeled. Cha ching. Ignore!

  10. Kap’s shoe size > Kap’s IQ

  11. Roast him atop a pyre of his own cheap sweatshop shoes.


  12. Nike producers are paid scandalously low wages. It's not a stretch to say Nike = slave labor. Uncomfortable truth for those continuing to buy any of their brands.


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