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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Limbaugh on possible war with Iran or North Korea: America 'cannot lose'

Rush Limbaugh boldly said Tuesday that the United States "cannot lose" if faced with a war against Iran or North Korea, adding that the Democrats continue to be blinded by their hatred toward President Trump.

"No Democrat out there speaking right now understands that Donald Trump cannot lose any of these arguments that he's having with Iran or with North Korea," Limbaugh said on his radio show. "We cannot lose if we decide to engage. We cannot lose."

Limbaugh explained that America's military capabilities far exceed any threat that Iran and North Korea could present.

"We have the military agents of destruction ready to launch on North Korea and Iran or any other enemy on a moment's notice. Not from here, from there," Limbaugh said. "We are everywhere and we have the ability to project power unlike any other nation in the world."

"Bottom line is the United States could destroy every strategically relevant military and economic target in Iran in 30 minutes," Limbaugh added. "But this is one of the reasons why the American left so despises America, because we do have this ability and nobody else does."

More here



  1. Rush is correct but he is wasting his breath.The blind hatred of which he speaks will never end.

  2. America can't loose if the Generals are allowed to win it, and the politician's stay the hell out of it!

  3. Rush is a blowhard and a liar who is the antithesis of a patriot. He has built a huge bank account on lying and telling half truths to the American people that is negatively impacting the entire country. Even what he says here ("...United States could destroy every strategically relevant military and economic target in Iran in 30 minutes") isnt supported by any real evidence. Anyome with half a brain, let alome the actual info from security experts knows that Iran has tons of bunkers in the mountains that would be a huge challenge for the US to destroy even with nukes. You clowms jist keep on sucking up this garbage.

    1. We have the ability to close any entrance in tons of rubble. We have experience with mountain bunkers. Where do you think the Japanese hid on these volcanic islands in the Pacific? They most certainly weren't buried in the pumice soil!! Bunker busters at the entrance and there 'mountain hideouts' become tombs!

    2. All the bunkers, mountains, and hiding places are worthless unless they are pre-warned by some of our congress people

  4. These Dirty Evil Regimes will Have to be Taken OUT eventually

    They WILL use their Nuclear weapons eventually & then it is
    TOO LATE !!!!

    Cannot allow these Enemys of the World to Exist !!! Wake UP

    Stalling Only gives them more time to reach their Goals !!!!

  5. 11:31

    You sound just like the idiots that said we couldn't get Iraq out of Kuwait.

    You sir are a fool and an idiot. Our tanks were outrunning the refueling trucks as they were chasing down the Iraq "elite Army".

    They could wait to surrender so they could get a change of underwear.

    1. Sorry bud, but Ill go with the readily discoverable reports from the experts that back what I say over your garbage. You make ZERO sense considering;

      1) Iraq II we lost 5k servicemen and women, 100's of billions of dollars, and have remained bogges down simce the mid 2000's. This was predicted but dum dumbs like you cheered us right into the quagmire

      2) In Afghanistan, fighting against a much less sophisticated military and disorganized government, we've lost over 2k servicemen and over 20K came hime wounded. We've been there longer than Iraq and we still didmt beat the taliban

      So please tell me how many loves you would like to lose, money you would like to spend, and time you would like to commit only to have us not destroy the enemy but be bogged down in another endless hot conflict

  6. @ 12:05, "These Dirty Evil Regimes,Israhell and U$G,will Have to be Taken OUT
    eventually." There fixed it for ya.

  7. We have the technology to do just so but we have to pander to Military families and put boots on the ground to appease their patriotic nostalgic notions and otherwise not so heroic under achievers in the public sector.

  8. Rush is ok. But he gets on my nerves sometimes. He just hashes the same issue for 3hrs sometimes. How many different ways can you make the same point.

  9. 11:18 is spot-on here!

    If the politicians are allowed to meddle in to what the Generals need to do to win - we're doomed!

  10. I say they can do it in 15 minutes.dont think for a minute that Mosad already knows every facility, every militray target every scumbag that needs to go

  11. America already Proved it can (& did)
    take out IRAQ regime &
    can Easily do the same for IRAN at any time !!! FACT

    In fact it should & also take out Syria too & get it over with !!!!

  12. Rush’s show was better when he was Hopped up on the pills

  13. America WILL NOT Loose !!!! Dummies should know that by
    now !!! Read some History !!! WW1 WW2 Korea Vietnam

    & we now have More experience & better Everything to Get-er-Done !!! All the better to WIN

  14. Take them BOTH Out > we could use some new Beaches !!!!


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