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Sunday, January 12, 2020

'Pay us back': Trump says troops will not leave airbase unless Iraq compensates US

President Trump Sunday said the United States would not abandon its airbase in Iraq unless the country paid billions for the cost of building it.

"We're not leaving unless they pay us back for it," Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One as it flew from his home in Palm Springs, Florida, back to Washington.

“We have a very extraordinarily expensive airbase that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it," he said.



  1. Destroy it. Burn it , blow it up and make it un-usable by the Iraqi. Then let the Iranian masters take over and establish a dictatorship.

  2. If they refuse to pay for it blow it up!


  3. Just blow it all up...or take it with us....leave it like we found it..SAND.

  4. Replies
    1. Isn't he great! Love him!

    2. 5:40 Best thing to happen to this Country😁

  5. Take ALL the OIL that belongs to AMERICA !!!!

  6. Take their oil, blow up their wells and refineries then blow up the air base.

  7. It'll be gutted and stripped and put into pockets long before that happens.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Love this president more every day. I can’t believe he is able to put up with PedoMarxists constant opposition and continue to function in such a highly effective manner. Too bad rail and file democrats are so stupid and indoctrinated that they actually idolize idiots like Schiff, Pelosi, and Waters. There must be a genetic deficiency that does not allow them to understand reality.

  9. Sure, and maybe he will make Russia pay for the bases Trump gave them when he left northern Syria ,.. sure

  10. Sounds too much like "mexico will pay for the wall", "China will pay", etc. to be taken serious by anyone with common sense.

  11. And they need to reimburse for the damage to our embassy from the attack that they allowed to happen. Oil payment will be fine, thank you.

  12. Yes sign over ALL the OIL there to America !!!! They OWE us

  13. Take Iran's Oil too !!!

  14. So many corrupt thieves in the comment section. Listen to yourselves. You're pathetic.

  15. Pay us back for 1990 & 2001 !!!! Trillions owed us !!!


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