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Wednesday, January 01, 2020



  1. inmates are going to love his long locks 😍

  2. and of course crickets from wcboe! wonder how much more stuff is being swept under the rug that never see's the light of day!

  3. Is he the son of April Jackson's loadmouth pastor James Eure Jr.??

    1. No he is not her pastor. Get your facts straight!

  4. Quick give WCBOE more money so they can fix the schools - WTF!!!

  5. So he works at Parkside high school? What the hell is going on in the county. Whatever happened to the Principal at Bennett???

    1. Yes, do we even know why she was placed on leave?

    2. Her trial is in December.

  6. My son said his teacher is also out on disciplinary leave from Parkside. What is going on there?

  7. Yes, he is the son of April Jackson's loudmouth pastor James Eure Jr.

    1. Yes. He is someone’s son. That’s how we all got here. A mother and a father. But I’m sure neither one of your parents want to be held accountable for all the dirt that you’ve done, so, stop it.

  8. Hahaha. Then we all will give teacher's yet ANOTHER RAISE because they don't make squat. LMAO.

  9. "Alleged." WCBOE continues to hide anything negative that goes on in the public schools and will continue to do so until someone is held accountable for getting the facts out to the parents and the public. So glad this is my daughter's last year.

    1. Legally, they have to use the term alleged

  10. Second black male school employee in 2 years to molest your children in Wicomico County. SMH.

    1. Or we could just say 2nd male. I don’t want you to be seen as racist. Besides, when 2 white individuals do something wrong back to back, we don’t blame it on their race. Just saying. And it would only take a quick google search to find plenty of white folk that have similar charges right here in Wicomico County within the last 5 years. So, stop it with the race thing. It’s unnecessary.

  11. A pattern has been established with people the county has entrusted with our children.... class action lawsuit !

  12. Wow another one of Jake Day's "mural warriors" goes down in flames.

    1. “Mural warriors”. That’s right show your disdain, keyboard warrior. Please tell me how that mural affects your day to day life? If you want a mural you could always ask for one to be painted.

  13. I wonder how April and Eure will twist this around to make it a racial attack? Isn't this scumbags grandfather one of the likenesses painted on Jake Day's divisive mural?? Jake day you are an idiot my friend and eventually you will get caught up in the dirt as well

    1. They don’t need to twist anything. You just provided the racial attack for them. His grandfather has passed. What does he have to do with these allegations against his grandson. The law will take care of that. Let’s not be nasty. Let individuals handle their own issues without involving family members. Could it be that this issue gives you a reason to show your distaste for a mural that doesn’t affect your life at all?

  14. Like father like son!! This POS father is NO better. I love checking in on the Salisbury soap opera. What kind of background check is the wcboe doing or are these young black males exempt from that too now here in salisbury?

    1. The commenters on this site is so prejudice against blacks. The board of ed does a good back ground check on employees. Just because this man was arrested for this does not mean they did not perform a back ground check! I bet you was not in the comment section when the young white boy stabbed the young guy the other week!

    2. WCBOE does not do background checks OR drug test for preemployment. Way to go Donna Hanlin.

    3. The good at Bennett has a theft conviction and was hired

  15. How f'ing pathetic this city and county have become. You've caved in to political pressure putting people in positions jeopardizing the safety of the most vulnerable citizens. I'm so sick of hearing this BS spewing from Jake Day, Bill McCain, John Cannon, and the biggest dic**ead Mike Dunn. Go ahead throw more money at the wcboe and if this ongoing behavior by your school employees is any indication it's only going to get worse. Way to go as*ho**s you ALL should be held accountable

  16. It's time for some heads to roll people. Everyone looks the other way until it's their child! Stand up and say what's really on your minds and stop all this political correctness BS

  17. And pastors son at that.

    1. And. You can teach your child to be the cream of the crop. That doesn’t mean they won’t go out into the world and do terrible things. If these allegations are true, they are his burden to bear and his alone. Leave all others out of it.

  18. These minority's are emboldened by a system that continuously protects them from reality and embraces their culture of hate and failure to the detriment of others until they finally go over the line. I would bet 20 other people were passed over for this job because they are not a minority!

    1. “These minority’s are emboldened by a system the continuously protects them from reality” LOL!! I would like to say that your sense of reality is warped if you really believe that whole paragraph that you just spewed!! My goodness, you “I’m not racist or bigoted” people or so funny. I wonder what your comment would be if they didn’t show his picture or print his name. I wonder if you could just focus on the charges.

  19. What ive been doing at my kids school is whatching every teachers case search be surprised easy go to there school website search every school official that is employed there and then check there fb instagram or twitter and really see what they are about

  20. 1:44 Really? Blame his grand dad for his perversions? Ridiculous.

    1. From what I've read @4:34 I didn't see where anyone blamed his grandfather. I think they were mocking Jake Day's ignorance to continually cater to this demographic of salisbury's citizens just to go along with the national trend.

    2. Actually I have seen all over this post people blaming the grandfather!

    3. @9:38 you must be a product of the wicomico county School system because like @5:32 stated the post was criticizing Jake day for his ridiculous attempt at gaining support by painting a mural of previous black citizens that really didn't figure into salisbury's evolving. Just a sad attempt to pacify a small percentage of the black community just like his bike path nonsense. The kid in question is a pedohile, his father is/was just as bad coming up over the years with his actions but was never held accountable.

  21. This is like the 3rd pastor's son that has been caught with underage girls. What is going on!

  22. Just one look at his record and you'd know he has problems!!!
    Nice work WCBOE

  23. Unfortunately, this is not the board of educations fault, entirely. Having moved a lot and going to three high schools, I've witnessed this behavior, and heard the whispers. No one would speak up about how wrong it was. Back in the 90's I went to one school who had a lesbian gym teacher and I would see the lesbian students vehicles at her house ALL THE TIME. Also, the assistant coach of a female school sports team molested the coaches daughter. No one really cared.

  24. IMHO -I would like to know what-in-the-hell is going on in Wicomico's school system.

    1. Girl raped in Parkside's hallway - while attending school.
    2. School assistant selling illegal drugs from Parkside's premises.
    3. Recent stabbing, and murder, and then disposing of knife over Parkside's retaining wall.
    4. Multiple Fights recently experienced at Salisbury Middle School.
    5. Multiple Bennett School administrative guidance councelor personnel implicated in sexual abuse cases - then try and initiate a cover-up.

    Now- this!!!!

  25. A pattern has been established with people the county has entrusted with our children.... class action lawsuit !

    I agree!!! I say either shut the entire school system down or call in the military in order to try and monitor every move that the perverted system personnel. IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED - WICOMICO IS IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY!!!

  26. With all the names being thrown around as to why. I haven't heard anyone say Paul Wilbur?? Because he's a good man dealing with these BUMS. Yet the entire county and city downfall is because of a lawyer. WOW. NO!! If you all want to blame someone for this mess?? LOOK IN THE MIRROR!! You all bitch and scream. But you are ALL RESPONSIBLE.

  27. To call this POS father a pastor or like he refers to himself "Bishop" is a far far stretch. It's quite entertaining to listen to his ridiculous style of presenting God's word.

    1. Rev Eure is a very nice man and has always treated my family with respect. Stop judging a situation you dont know all the details about. And as far as his pastoring style, at least he is trying to save souls. We all are suppose to be spreading the gospel. Yet what are you doing other than spreading hatred?? And April Jackson has nothing to do with this headline. Stop being so investigative. By the way, no, I'm not a Democrat, no I'm not what many consider an African American, and no I dont regularly attend Rev Eure's church. I have previously attended a few years back and heard him speak many times on YouTube. Focus on this: NO MAN WALKING THIS EARTH IS PERFECT, PASTOR OR NON PASTOR! But best believe that perfect spirit will be back one day calling us ALL to judgement. Worry about that! Prayers to everyone involved in this bad situation.

  28. Hey Mike Dunn I'm sure the way you're pushing this kirwin commission you'll be able to tax the bejesus out of all of us and fill the county schools with several more of these great job candidates. Somehow this too will be blamed on Trump and all of us white supremacists that support him.

  29. So wcboe has a 200 million dollar budget is that correct? So far that's two pedophiles, a drug dealer, American education week cancelled because of fear of more violence within the schools, girls raped within the confine of school property.

  30. Hey John Cannon I guess when the people looking to move here from new Jersey & New York to fill all these apartment complexes you're approving they might start having second thoughts. Didn't you say the first thing they look at are the schools and what the area offers them to do? Well the county schools suck and the crime speaks for itself. I guess yours and Day's folk festival "Rastafarian" crowds just aren't the upstanding citizens you project them to be. You greedy bastards have ruined a once beautiful city

  31. I guess the sign Eure Jr. has behind him while preaching "been there done that" is true. There's been rumors for decades this jerkoffs father Bishop Eure has been doing the same garbage for along with the occasional drug deal here and there.

  32. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And I am glad that none of these mean, self-righteous arm chair quarterbacks who probably have ugly skeletons in their own closest are going to be the ones who pass judgment on me in the end of my days....oh no, that's right....the ONLY one who has that privilege is GOD. And he is a FORGIVING GOD.

    1. Amen to that!!!

    2. 12:24- Typical hypocrisy. You're the judging the people for having an Opinion.

    3. 12:24- I'd like to see your skeletons if you want to make light of pedophilia. Get off your high horse.

    4. So by saying 12:24 is a hypocrite then, immediately judging 12:24 to get off the high horse you just made yourself a hypocrite?

    5. No, I'm expressing my opinion that there is hypocrisy in their statement, pedophilia is nothing to defend, and they are acting like an Ass. But, there was no judgment.

  33. Jake Day's grandfather was a minister!

  34. @12:24 are you REALLY going to defend the actions of a pedohile??

    1. You have no reading comprehension or the ability to draw inference. In no way was my post condoning sexual assault. Did it say that?? What is SAYS is stop sitting back passing judgment and worry about your own life. GOD has this...and he isn't asking for your help. And we don't need your asinine opinion.

    2. 1042 indeed, GOD will be the final judge.
      good luck repenting for all your sins...

    3. Don't go away mad just GO AWAY! Nobody cares about what you think I'm perfectly content with expressing my opinion. You take my comments as being judgemental but it's merely my opinion. But a pedohile is a pedohile and the god that I believe in I doubt will find forgiveness in such actions directed towards a child. I have plenty of sin to repent for but pedophilia isn't one of them. I guess next because I feel so strongly against child molestation and don't forgive such hanous actions I'm a racist white supremacist too right? Go back to your church falling out in the aisle, running back and forth calling it The holy spirit begging God to "BLESS" you to pay your car note or electric bill while you spend 200 week on your hair and nails.

    4. What if the person was repeatedly sexually molested as a child by his father and so be it - turned out to do similar? Would your god have forgiveness then? Forgiveness is always a possibility. If you cant see that, maybe you should talk to your god more.

  35. @12:24 that's about the dumbest thing I've heard all week!! I've got plenty of skeleton in my closet but child molester isn't one of them

  36. Northwest Woodsman: A little profiling prior to hiring this individual would have gone a long way in preventing this issue. I’d like to know who the fool was who hired him and what their racial and political motivation was or is.

    1. DumbA he actually had a squeaky clean record and wasn't a street punk by far.. I knew him personally.. Ohh I know why you said that because he's black with dreadlocks...simple minded you are like a box of rocks

  37. All I can say is I knew Bishop, pastor whatever he wants to call himself parents when they were alive and living on West main Street behind the perdue processing plant and several of these comments are spot on. Anybody can call themselves pastor or Bishop but walking the talk is a different story. Like so many of you have stated God WILL get the final judgement and I personally wouldn't want to be in a man's shoes that represents God like that and now his offspring having sex with minors? God will always expose the evil doings of the unrighteous church leaders

    1. Stay in place.. God is the judge and final author of all things.. Did you create this world or better yet any human for that matter.. For we all wrestle against good and bad within us.. Yes every one of us.. What is the speck that is in your eye? He who is without sin let him cast the first judgement..Stay in your place and let God do his work..and you should be ashamed of yourself for bad mouthing the deceased..have some respect and also I learned a long time ago to be careful who you point the finger at because that same finger might turn around and point itself at you.

  38. Black, White, or Purple doesn't matter - wrong is wrong!

  39. This site is occupied by racist people smh... he as an individual person, man, school employee he made a bad decision, which is no reflection of the black community , his family, wcboe or parents. so i guess when whites commit the same wrong that's ok smh, people want to only point fingers when its a certain ethnic group.. people need to get a grip and a life or hobby... you all just point fingers instead of finding good solutions.. i check this blog some days and it pisses me off how much hate you all spew smh.. we are our community so either help or shut up pleaseee.

    1. Not all people react like that so you’re as guilty as anyone with the racial accusation but would help out is the black community addressing these incidents more vocally in condemnation

    2. The black community doesn’t have to address these incidents because the 2 men who have been charged this year are black. It’s not an epidemic like drugs. It should be addressed by all because these were 2 men who worked in the school system. Don’t make this about race.

  40. @7:10 go piss up a rope!! Everytime someone speaks up for themselves or doesn't throw a pity party for the poor black community were being a racist. Not everyone believes in all the progressive, liberal, socialist whatever you're calling yourselves ideology. This punk was having sex with someone under the age of 18 dumbass. It doesn't maty if he was white or black he's a child molester. As far as his father yes he is just as bad. He's been involved in the same ghetto mentality, sexual misconduct and drug activity. Why don't you go over on the west side and ask around you'll find out the true character of this family. This ass**** will find out what his fellow black citizens think of child molestation when he gets to prison

    1. You are correct. It does not matter if he is black or white, yet many people are bringing up his race and the alleged misdeeds of his family members as if those things have anything to do with this situation. They don’t.

    2. Your great great great pos grandfather was also a CM then.. Check the history books genius.. Lol

  41. NICE Christian examples here people. Didn't April Jackson's grandson get murdered over in her projects and another go to prison for murder? Then you have her illustrious pastor's son arrested for sexual assault of a minor?? No wonder this city and county and in a rapid decline with the very people that are supposed to be setting the examples living in chaos.

    1. I’m going to need you to do better. Don’t be hateful please. These charges are this young man’s and his alone. Do not bring other individuals names into this mess.

  42. Wic Co public schools are horrid. This because of who is in charge. This person should never have been anywhere near a school. His record speaks for itself. Multiple traffic tickets including driving without a valid license. This show this person is not a responsible person and should never have been hired to begin with. Whoever is running these schools is the real loser. Too stupid to know how to hire people. Those in charge should be ashamed. They are beyond ignorant and are the real problem. No wonder Sby is known as the crotch of the eastern shore. Stupid loser nothing running the show.

    1. You mean to tell me that traffic tickets should prohibit people from having jobs?!! Lol!!! If that’s your logic, most people would be unemployed.

  43. I say as soon as he is done with his due process string him up right outside the courthouse stairs...along with anyone else who violates our babies! No skin color needed just public viewing of justice for harming our children! I find it ridicules that ppl with driving on suspended sometimes gets more time then these sickos.

  44. How come these sex offenders don't have to place a Sex off yard sign up in wicomico county?

  45. The public school system is a disgrace and disservice to all children. It’s no longer a place to prepare children for higher learning or life skills. It’s to pervert their minds and exploit their bodies with no direction after the public school experience. They enter the system as impressionable kids and leave socially perverted mentally abused and unfit for a self sustainable life.

  46. This POS was released on personal recognizance. How is this even possible for these charges??

  47. Wicomico county School system isn't about educating children it's about budgets and higher earnings for the people working in the county

  48. I,too,am curious....how and why was he released on his own recognizance for the SEXUAL ABUSE OF A MINOR??????....in a position of authority within Wicomico County School System????
    Would someone in the judicial field please explain this????
    I am bewildered by such blatant disregard for our youth's safety!!!

  49. @7:24 makes you wonder doesn't it

  50. One glance at him and you would know he was not the type to be hired to work around children. Donna Hanlin should have to take him home with her.

  51. They don't think this should reflect back to his grandfather, so then why do blacks think we , the people of now, should be held responsible for slavery???? NO REPARATION!!!!!!

  52. Oh yeah, it's all about race, huh. You simple fool. That excuse is getting old. Not to mention all lies.


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