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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings Dies At 68 (10-20-19)

Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, a Baltimore attorney and civil rights advocate who served in Maryland's legislature before representing the state in the U.S. House, where he took on a lead role in investigating President Trump, has died. He was 68.

Cummings, the head of the powerful House Oversight and Reform Committee, died early Thursday at Johns Hopkins Hospital due to complications from longstanding health challenges, according to The Associated Press.

The 12-term congressman had failed to return from an unspecified medical procedure and missed two legislative roll call votes on Tuesday, the first day after a two-week recess, according to The Baltimore Sun.



  1. Prayers answered! Burn in hell you worthless POS. You were a disgrace.

    1. @7:37 x 2, YAWN!!

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  2. One thing I've learned in my lifetime whatever bad you do to others comes back ten fold!! Karma is a bitch

  3. What now do we have to listen to his wife's BS??

    1. That’s a great idea. Maybe Mrs Cummings should takeover Elijah’s seat and duties and carry on Elijah’s legacy.

    2. WTF kind of legacy are you speaking of?;he did nothing but extort money from his supporters

  4. Sorry to hear about this. I was hoping he'd be going to jail. He will be forever remembered for a do nothing racist political bigot. Now let's get his wife in jail.

    1. More bad guys to fallOctober 17, 2019 at 7:14 PM

      Oh, I'm sure jail forthcoming was scaring him 637am comment.
      But remember we serve a powerful God and who will not be mocked.

      Isaiah 41:12
      Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them.Those who wage war against you will be nothing at all.

  5. What did he know about the Clintons........

  6. Since I did predict this was coming I am not surprised. I can't remember whether it was cumming's own FB or the Baltimore Sun's but I gave warning for cummings to back the hell off the President and if he didn't he was going to die of either a stroke or a heart issue. Don't be surprised when more of the President Trump haters come down with some "unspecified" health problem. And those health problems will be serious.

  7. He was a disgrace. A hateful bitter old man who is now burning in hell. He tried his best to make the President's life miserable and now his eternity is being spent burning as he well deserves. All democrats take notice. God hates your kind of ugly and He is starting to punish.

  8. Watch Jake Day will give all city employees a paid holiday for this jackass's funeral.

  9. Mmmm what a legacy he has , his accomplishments are very close to obama's, nothing . The truth will set you free .

  10. I'm sure his funeral will be a big one , on your tax dollar.

  11. Now all I hear is what a wonderful person he was. Really?? How phony can Washington DC be?? Like Joe Biden of Delaware. WTF did he EVER do for Maryland?? He was nothing more than a corrupt, hateful, and race baiting man.

  12. I'm 76 years old and still trying to think of some good stuff to say , so I'll say nothing at all like my mamma taught me.

    Oh , please forgive me mamma , he was not a good man , in my opinion.

  13. Now waiting to hear the same for pelosi, hoyer, and Schumer.

  14. President Trump should tweet one word??


  15. The MSM has something to talk about and how they worshiped him , did he die on the cross ? I don't think so!!

  16. So will the investigation into his wife's corruption finally begin?

    1. Nope. Mrs Cummings will takeover her late husband’s seat and duties in the US House of Representatives and carry on with the great work her dearly departed late husband, the great and honorable Elijah, did just the same as Sonny Bono’s wife did when Sonny smacked into that tree while skiing. Just you wait and see.

  17. Hahaha. Interviewing his constituents at a bus stop in Baltimore. Cummings and his wife are millionaires. While they ride the bus. They say he's wonderful. Wow.

    1. Don't you mean bullying their way onto the bus without paying?

  18. You folks are shameless. I thought right wingers were always polite and never attached. Sickening

    1. "Attached" to what??

    2. Being dead does not earn forgiveness. The man was corrupt through and through. I use to go to Charm city all the time. Now, it's been over 10 years. That's his fault. The place is now a cesspool.

    3. Thank you for your kindness. Every once in a while a real human being stumbles into this blog.

    4. 9:56- that's passive aggressive trolling. That is not taking any sort of high road.

    5. 7:32 am, how do you know these comments are coming from right winger’s? I will have you know I am a Democrat and I couldn’t stand that racist POS! Just because some of us have a D besides our name doesn’t mean we are required to kiss everyone’s butt in the Democrat Party and tow the rope for their corruption. You are a real idiot and you need to wake up!!

  19. Wonderful news!
    Good riddance to bad rubbish!
    Another creature eradicated from the swamp!

  20. Hate to be critical as we should not revel over one's passing. That having been said, Mr.Cummings came across as a bitter spiteful and racist person who used the power of his gavel to serve up his wrath while overseeing his committee. The evidence is clear concerning his district; at least from my observation he did nothing for his constituents and like Obama ignored the plight of the lesser ones.

    1. You are 100% correct 7:42 am. Cummings, Obama and Jake Day have some absolutely nothing to better our communities or our country. People are blindly supporting these idiots and they are part of the problem.

  21. That's too bad. While I disagreed with him on damn near everything, he was a father and a husband. Because of the daughter and the wife, all I will say is that I pray his soul is at rest with our Father.

  22. The big question is who does the replacing? Gov Hogan?

    1. I’m hearing there may be a special election

  23. Great day for Baltimore

  24. 6:28 my thoughts exactly.

  25. I wish he would've paid for his and his wife's crimes before he died. But this will have to do.

  26. Good days work for Maryland, He achieved the American dream if being a racist crooked worthless stealing politician is the new American dream. New face in hell this am! He died of TDS!

  27. @732a

    I guess you hate it when you get served the same dish the left continues to serve?

  28. after man years of serving his master he now is called home where he belongs!! where he can relish in the delights of his ways! in hell!

  29. Good radiance!! He was nothing more than a lying POS!!!!

  30. Bye Bye you racist old bitter thief. He did 0 for Baltimore.

  31. true piece of trash!

  32. It’s all been said. I have nothing more to add, but I agree with the majority opinion.

  33. Surprisingly little about this on television this morning. They must be super busy putting together their glowing reviews of his career and legacy. I can hear them now:

    "brilliant orator"
    "champion of the downtrodden"
    "civil rights icon"

    Nice to see the comments here. Seems most of you guys loved him as much as I did. So now, someone please take away Trump's phone before he tweets unfiltered about this.

  34. Rat problem in Baltimore just improved a tiny bit.

  35. Hope he paid his taxes

  36. May he RIP. I didn't agree with Congressman Cummings on anything but it is not my job to judge him now. That is up to a fair and just GOD. I pray for comfort and peace for his family and friends.

  37. So begins his young widow's political career?

  38. "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."

    - Mark Twain

  39. Took the words right out of my mouth

  40. F*** him, PERIOD!! He was nothing more than a thief and divisive race baiter. He did nothing to better the State of Maryland or the country. That's what's wrong with this country today no one wants to say what's really on their minds

  41. nobody is judging him. I think he pretty much got what he wanted! typical demonrat choosing this life over the next!
    Good luck with that!

  42. Oh how i love a happy ending

  43. Certainly lived the stereotype. Kids out of wedlock and "struggled" to make child support payments. He represented his culture well.

  44. Poor Jake Day is slobbering over his death. Someone check on him he might need another box of tissues.

  45. His hatred and anger towards white America finally took its toll. You can't mix all that hatred and anger with eating all that soul food ELI!!

  46. @12:25 I wonder what building Jake Day is going to deface painting this idiots likeness on?? His mural on 13 & church street is hilarious. The sign says church street historical neighborhood and neither one of the people painted had anything to do with church street historically. I think Norm Conway grew up in the neighborhood why wasn't his likeness painted?? Day your nothing but a sell out

  47. WBAL is reporting “Elijah was one of the people”. BHAA BHAA BHAA BHAA. OMG that’s funny. I wonder how Jason Newton or Lacee Griffith will spin this?

  48. BINGO!!! @7:43 am. Anyone who defends that piece of crap is just as despicable as he was.

  49. What airport will the State of Maryland name after Elijah?

  50. Northwest Woodsman: Wow, what powerful comments and although I didn’t read all of them, it appears that Cummings was not liked or respected. My opinion exactly. Let’s hope that his replacement will be a notch or two above him in the honesty and integrity arena. I’m afraid that it will be another multicultural and affirmative action politician and things will continue with business as usual. This was no great loss and I find it difficult to believe that President Trump could find anything positive to say about him.

  51. Y'all need to go watch some Jesse lee peterson on YouTube....

  52. 10:51--
    Great & honorable?! Compared to what, exactly?

    1. He represented a district in Maryland, not the entire state. His people, the people that kept voting him into office, loved the great Elijah. Doesn’t make any difference what you or I think of the man. His people, and apparently all of Baltimore, loved him.

    2. He tried very hard to destroy the greatest President we have had for generations. What does that say about his character? He was a no good POS !!!

  53. Proverbs 19:9~ "A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish."

  54. Put him in the ground already. Tired of hearing about him.

  55. Cnfined to a wheelchair and a walker all year, but the public wasn't allowed to see that. Then laid dying for weeks, while still voting in congress for issuing subpoenas. Yeah right. Made up votes just like made up imaginary crimes. Part of the swamp just sank into the mire they call home.

  56. Can someone please share just ONE great thing Cummings did?? I've read a few posts on here of how great a man he was yet Baltimore is in the verge of constant aerial surveillance due to the drug and murder crisis. Yes that's a truly great leader there, IDIOTS!!

  57. Looks like 98% on here knew what he was

    1. 👍👏👏👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣

  58. His wife is expected to take his seat....I see alot of change coming in the Baltimore policies...not.

  59. All that deceitful behavior got him nowhere!! Good luck to any of you that thinks money and power are what really matters in this life!!

  60. hogan and the MGA will insist Cummings wife takes over...they MUST keep all the corruption evidence and associates from surfacing.

  61. MAGA 2020 God Bless America and God bless President Trump...

  62. Any Democrat thinking it’s a good idea to commit crimes while in office should remember.... if you get caught it’s not the justice system you need to worry about.

  63. Early gift for 2020.

  64. I know one thing,I'm not flying my flag at half mast,not for that POS.

  65. Did y’all just get home from church and decide to pick up a stick and whack this man’s corpse a few more times?

  66. All the Demon-crats will GO eventually !!! MAGA

    Need 2 Term-Limits for ALL !!! One less to Harass Trump !!

  67. One More Racist Criminal Traitor Out of the Way !!! LOL

    One more Taxpayer Sponge gone !!!!

  68. Scum Traitor GONE finally !!!

    Pelosi getting Old too , along with others ie Schumer / Schiff / Adler & more > they ALL will GO eventually LOL

  69. Another Hate Monger like Jessie Jackson / Obama / Hillary
    Al Sharpton / Farakon !!!! FACT

  70. Don't expect Trump to attend funeral !!! LOL
    Nor any Big bash in DC either !!!

  71. Mr. Potato-Head will be lining up with Marion Barry to take over the Black Hell Caucus. Good riddance.

  72. 1:32
    Now that is funny
    I don’t care who you are

  73. I have never wished a man dead but I have taken great pleasure in some obituaries. Mark Twain.

  74. There is the Problem >> 12 Term Congressman

    Should Only be 2 Terms for anyone & Everyone !!! Period

  75. Anyone with over 2 terms = Dictators with more power
    than the POTUS = Not right period !!!!

    Supreme Court should be 2 terms (Not LIFE time )
    Congress (Both House & Senate) should be 2 terms

    Otherwise, there is NO Equal Power in America's Govt !!!!

    All should Only get their Salarys & NO other $$$$ (Bribes) !

    Take Oversight Powers From Congress , That is job of Courts to do . Congress uses this to get around the courts & court Rules & get what they want politcally

  76. There is a Place for him in HELL !!!! Where he belongs

  77. In Hell , he will meet Hillary / Schumer/Schiff / Pelosi /

    Nadler / AOC / Fab 4 / & many more !!!!!

    Obama / Comey / Lynch / Brenner / Biden / etc etc

  78. in Hell there will also be CBS News (Citizen's Biased News)
    & CNN News (Clinton News Network ) LOL LOL !!!!

    Deep State (Demon-crats) control the News as well as
    Russia does !!!

    NO Free Press left in America except OAN News (One America News ) on Direct TV !!! Fact

  79. He just helped MAGA !!!! The Only thing he did right !!!!

  80. that was 12 TERMS with an America ENEMY in Congress !!!!

  81. Too Many TERMS by Too Many GERMS !!!!

    Must have 2 Term Limits, Just as for POTUS !!!! FACT

    No wonder country has gone to hell with all the worthless
    Anti-American Enemys such as him running Our Govt !!!!

    Empeach ALL Demon-crats N O W !!!

  82. He on page 4 now ......So Long !!!!! MAGA

  83. Now he's down there reminiscing with John "Johnny Wetstart/Songbird" McCain bitchin' about the heat.

  84. One Less Racist to Ruin America !!! MAGA !!! 2020

  85. Another Demon-crat Back to Hell where he belongs !!!


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