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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Letter From a Law Abiding Businessman (11-3-19)


  1. I also want to ask Jake if he plans to raise taxes on all non city residents like he did last election. A brilliant liberal move. Tax the people who can not vote for you and leave all the taxes the same for the people who can vote. The games that wanker plays!

    1. Short answer is yes, expect a Fire/water/sewer service tax implementation or increase from prior years to non city residents.

  2. Another reason why Jake "the snake" needs to be voted out of office. He is a complete buffoon!!!

  3. The grinning idiot.
    I know what he is hiding.

  4. Hear is a word.. vigilante

  5. Unbelievable that our Police are sooooo lax in
    their duties.
    Mr . Dayton Thank You for letting the Public know.
    Shame On You Salisbury Police Dept.! Sure hope
    the ones who neglected to do their duty are demoted!
    Please Do follow up on this as it lets the citizens of
    Salisbury Know Truths---not what's spewed out by those
    who are suppose to protect !!!!

  6. Which one of you cheer leaders think this is an ISLOATED incident??

    The police aren't interested in solving petty crime -- there is no revenue in it for them.
    Poking around in the ghetto in dark apartment buildings or in places where no one ever sees anything can be dangerous.

    They are looking for MONEY, not danger.

    Keep cheering.

    1. 10:19- Who here do you see cheering?

    2. Good question 1130

    3. Fellow travelers hahaha

  7. Sby residents are the most change resistant bunch I have ever seen.They seem to settle for bad because they don't think anyone else can make a difference.99% don't own a business in town limits,so the only concern they have is what applies to them.This is the time to be selfless,not selfish.

  8. when are you fools going to realize the police are not here to protect you. Their duty is to protect the government from you!
    Damn you people are stupid!

  9. Had 2 similar incidents with businesses myself.
    Very unfortunate, but under Day this seems to be standard operating procedure.

  10. As long as Jake is in office and Duncan is the police chief no one will ever respond they don't care about the citizens of Salisbury, trust me I know this well. Vote Wayne King and things will be changed one issue one person at a time. Promise.

  11. It's a loose loose proposition.

    Put a bunch of manpower into some vandalism complaint, then get criticized for not being tough on crime and going after serious offenders.

    Not put a ton of manpower into vandalism complaint, get criticized for not taking care of constituents.

    They can't win.

    1. The guy has the video and is looking for restitution for the damages. You don't need a team of police to take care of this.

  12. But but but Salisbury’s having a gay parade next year. What more do you people want? 🤷‍♀️😂

  13. Mr. Dayton ,
    If you want good and fast results from the police , call the sheriffs dept.
    they respond to most of the calls in the arm-pit anyway. The Duncan express isn't even close to a police force. However they did a good job picking up trash that the thugs throw along Fitzwater.
    The police chief should be fired , she isn't fit to do this job from day one.

    1. You can call the Sheriff’s Office or MSP all you want. They will not overstep their jurisdictional bounds unless specifically requested by the department that has jurisdiction (in this case...SPD). They have the authority to operate anywhere however, they have jurisdictional agreements and memorandum of understandings between departments.

  14. Chief Duncan and Donna Hanlin both need to be sent on their way.............to anywhere but a school or police dept. Maybe a fast food joint would be fitting for them.

  15. I want Jake AND Duncan out of office. Vote King!

  16. I've seen SEVERAL instances within salisbury's city limits where the wicomico county sheriff's Dept is handling calls and city police is basically backup and watching

  17. Why is it when a vehicle is stopped and drug activity is suspected the sheriff's department Is ALWAYS called in to do a K-9 scan of the vehicle? Like it's been stated several times this is why Mike Lewis stays out of local politics. He's walking in high cotton in Salisbury wicomico county with Jake Day as the mayor. He's been given carte blanche from wicomico county for his budget while Jake Day takes money from the city police budget to fulfill his progressive circus

  18. This is the way your treated when voting for Trump.

  19. I see the dumbass Carl anderton just snuck his endorsement of Jake day in via salisbury's local liberal news WBOC

  20. I see jake put on this dog and pony show on E church st , pandering for votes. strategic timing as usual.

  21. Why would Lewis endorse Jake if he doesn't get involved in local politics. Again, why would he endorse Choppers?

  22. 11:31 what's the matter? outed you and your kop buddies by speaking truth to fiction? tell us who would you protect, us or them? by handing out bs tickets to hard working people to raise revenue and letting the real criminals walk the streets you and your buddies have shown us who the enemy of the people truly are!

  23. John Cannon announced his endorsement of Jake Day! Wow it's pretty obvious your local leaders are making a ton of money off of Jake Day's lucany. Ask some of the Berlin Maryland residents where their at now with all these ridiculous feel good government supported social agendas. I think their property taxes are about to be raised almost 30-40%??

  24. I can't for the life of me see what anderton and Cannon are talking about. How on God's green earth is Day making salisbury a better place?? All icing here almost 40+ years this city has taken a turn for a definite worse.

  25. 9:29
    One is making money from rentals the other is dumb as a box of rocks.

  26. They think Jake is going to win, that's why they endorse him. Bandwagon hoppers. When King wins they better hope he has a short memory.

    1. As did the fbi win hillary was supposed to win

  27. Look at your city demographics today people. Jake Day bought went all in when Hogan suggested he build all that "affordable housing". Look how much your city has deteriorated in these last four years what do you think it's going to be like in 10 years?? LITTLE BALTIMORE

  28. The Salisbury Police Department is just as lame as the Salisbury Fire Department.

  29. Hey Bryan Dayton,

    I have an idea. Why don't you post this same letter on the Facebook Pages of Salisbury, MD Locals now, Barbara Duncan, The Salisbury Police Department, The City of Salisbury, Jake Day and Jake Day for Mayor.

    This would really stir a reaction to Jake Day's rabid followers and I would love to see the comments.

  30. Anonymous said...
    I also want to ask Jake if he plans to raise taxes on all non city residents like he did last election. A brilliant liberal move. Tax the people who can not vote for you and leave all the taxes the same for the people who can vote. The games that wanker plays!

    October 29, 2019 at 9:25 AM

    Please explain how this was done?

  31. Ghetto'Bury, MD

    The Capitol of the Eastern Shore!

    Jake Day da Boi Mare

  32. The Salisbury Police Department is very lame. I've had two issues with them. One issue I was the victim of a serious crime and the little boy officer kept talking to me like I was the suspect and I finally told him I had enough of that.

  33. Anonymous said...
    10:19- Who here do you see cheering?

    October 29, 2019 at 11:30 AM

    Yeah, I didn't get that comment either.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Unbelievable that our Police are sooooo lax in
    their duties.
    Mr . Dayton Thank You for letting the Public know.
    Shame On You Salisbury Police Dept.! Sure hope
    the ones who neglected to do their duty are demoted!
    Please Do follow up on this as it lets the citizens of
    Salisbury Know Truths---not what's spewed out by those
    who are suppose to protect !!!!

    October 29, 2019 at 10:03 AM

    Those young punks they have working at the Salisbury POH-Leece Deeparmint are so freaking lame, lazy, worthless and Jake Day and Barb Duncan have scraped the bottom of the barrel to hire them. No one wants to work at that $hithole department.

  35. Jake Day and taxpaying voters. Here is a great idea. Please consolidate the Salisbury Police Department into the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. There is no need for taxpayers to pay twice two police agencies. The Salisbury Police Department and the City of Salisbury are duplicating services that are unnecessary.

    This merger will save the taxpayers several million dollars a year and the services will be more efficient leading to more satisfied constituents/customers.

    What are your thoughts on this?

  36. I heard Barbara Duncan moved from her previous home. Does anyone know if she is living in the city limits of Salisbury?

  37. People are only taking jobs with the Salisbury Police Department are desperate for a job and take the first department that hires them. Then they use the free police academy training to get hired by the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and other agencies that fall in line with "real police agencies."

  38. Question for Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis.

    Did you really endorse Jake Day for Salisbury Mayor?

    Jake Day is saying you did and it is on his literature!

    Mike Lewis you are supposed to be a Conservative and registered Republican. A real Republican would never endorse a far left-wing Socialist like Jake Day, especially when a Republican is running against a corrupt Jake Day. Jake Day is a pro-gay marriage, Trump-hating, Republican hating liberal Progressive who goes against every Conservative values.

    Mike Lewis, it is confirmed that Jake Day claims YOU endorsed him so it is time for you to confirm or deny!! We don't want to hear and "it's a nonpartisan race" BULL$HIT!! Jake Day is a registered Democrat running against a Republican so yes it is a partisan race! You don't get a free pass on this. Did YOU endorse Jake Day?

    Mike Lewis did you endorse Jake Day!

    1. Deputy dog Lewis is probably in a conference in Cancun

      Compliments of We The People who pay taxes

    2. If you only knew the truth

  39. Anonymous said...
    As long as Jake is in office and Duncan is the police chief no one will ever respond they don't care about the citizens of Salisbury, trust me I know this well. Vote Wayne King and things will be changed one issue one person at a time. Promise.

    October 29, 2019 at 12:02 PM

    I agree, as long as Jake Day and Barbara Duncan are in office things will never change in Salisbury. This ghetto has been in trouble since Barrie Tilghman allowing so many rentals.

    Jake Day doesn't have the balls to fire Barbara Duncan because he is gay and her nads are bigger than his.

  40. During every election, the Mayor has the right to appoint his own department heads. That means police chiefs like Barbara Duncan are at-will employees and work from term to term, every 4 years.

    Barbara Duncan should have been appointed by Jake Day 4 years ago and should have been confirmed by Jack Heath, Muir Boda, Jim Ireton, April Jackson and Laura Mitchell. If they didn't appoint and confirm the department heads them they are in violation of the City Charter which is the Constitution for the city.

    With that said, let's see if Jack Heath, Muir Boda, et. al. will confirm Barbara Duncan if she is appointed by the new mayor. Now this is considering if Jack Heath gets re-elected. Let's pray he doesn't.

  41. Wayne King, if you get lucky and get elected as our mayor, will you be appointing new department heads? If so which ones to you plan on keeping?

    Most of us expect a new mayor to clean house, just so you know.

  42. Anonymous said...
    But but but Salisbury’s having a gay parade next year. What more do you people want? 🤷‍♀️😂

    October 29, 2019 at 12:52 PM

    Now that is some funny sh!t. Not only is it funny, but extremely embarrassing!

  43. Anonymous said...
    But but but Salisbury’s having a gay parade next year. What more do you people want? 🤷‍♀️😂

    October 29, 2019 at 12:52 PM

    With Mike Lewis endorsing Jake Day for mayor he is endorsing homosexuals and this gay parade. Makes me wonder if Mike Lewis is light in his loafers. I know a lot of queers get into that masochist lifestyle where they love a man in uniform. I've seen Mike Lewis wear those leather chaps while riding his Honda motorcycle. Maybe he will be riding his Honda in the Gay Parade. I can see Mike Lewis wearing his leather chaps with his bare a$$ hanging out. Maybe Jake Day likes that?? Well, we know he does.

  44. Anonymous said...
    The guy has the video and is looking for restitution for the damages. You don't need a team of police to take care of this.

    October 29, 2019 at 12:56 PM

    That's not the point, DUMBA$$!! The point is this taxpaying citizen deserves a response. All citizens deserve the courtesy of a return phone call.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Dayton ,
    If you want good and fast results from the police , call the sheriffs dept.
    they respond to most of the calls in the arm-pit anyway. The Duncan express isn't even close to a police force. However they did a good job picking up trash that the thugs throw along Fitzwater.
    The police chief should be fired , she isn't fit to do this job from day one.

    October 29, 2019 at 2:22 PM

    I agree, call the Sheriff's Department. Even though Mike Lewis is a F'n Turncoat. I have a feeling Mike Lewis will have a hard time getting re-elected in 2022. He will have a difficult time finding support from the Republican Party since he tainted any future attempts to run for office.

  46. Mike Lewis endorsed Jake Day so this makes Mike Lewis a RINO!!

  47. Here is a list of "elected" RINO's in Wicomico County that will have a hard time getting elected in future elections because of their endorsements for Libtard Socialist Jake Day.

    Larry Hogan
    Carl Anderton
    Mary Beth Carozza
    Mike Lewis
    John Cannon
    Muir Boda
    Mark McIver
    Nate Sansom

  48. Anonymous said...

    October 29, 2019 at 2:23 PM

    Many of us do!!

  49. Anonymous said...
    I can't for the life of me see what anderton and Cannon are talking about. How on God's green earth is Day making salisbury a better place?? All icing here almost 40+ years this city has taken a turn for a definite worse.

    October 30, 2019 at 9:29 AM

    Cornbread Anderton is an uneducated high school dropout who doesn't have enough sense to speak intelligently.

    John Cannon made his stupid endorsement for Jake Day because he has all these slum properties that are in violation of many city codes. If he endorses Jake Day for mayor then Jake Day owes him and his slum properties will never be cited for violations.

    John Cannon is a freaking Slum Lord and he claims he doesn't look at your blog but I bet he will read this. LMFAO!

  50. Carl Anderton, the Selfie Queen, like his girlfren Jake Day is now doing videos on Twitter. This clown is and embarrassment to Wicomico County and the Eastern Shore! Who elected this dumb clown? Check out his two videos where he is trying to be so cool with "Cornbread." He is so dumb that he doesn't know what to talk about so he tries to name other Delegates and he struggles with that and almost causes an accident while distracted driving. What he is doing is against the law and we elected this guy to abide by the law and he fails! Using your cellular device while driving is a blatant violation of Maryland Law and Cornbread Anderton is clearly violating the law while driving. Check out these two Twitter videos made by the "cool" Cornbread Anderton.

    Carl Anderton Jrv@carlandertonjr ·Oct 29

    Thank you for the opportunity to work for you.. #MakingItHappen


    Carl Anderton Jr @carlandertonjr · Oct 30

    Awesome day working for you in Annapolis! #MakingItHappen #RollinWithCornbread

  51. If you live in the City of Salisbury and you think you may not be able to make it to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, you can go to the Wicomico County Board of Elections on Snow Hill Rd. to vote for Wayne King. They will allow you to fill out an absentee ballot to vote and put it in a sealed envelope. That way you can assure that your vote counts.

    Today, Friday, Nov. 1, is the last day to vote by absentee ballot so please go vote if there is a chance you won't be able to vote on Tuesday.

  52. Per a conversation with Jake on the NExtdoor platform, the crime is just your "perception"

    Thats why he doesn't bother to respond.
    Because he doesn't believe you
    Just because you feel unsafe doesnt mean you are unsafe
    Just because you feel like you are being raped doesnt mean you are being raped?
    Just because you feel like you are being robbed doesnt mean you are being robbed

    Progressive party logic.

  53. Is Day a queer like the last guy? Why don't straight guys make it in this town?

  54. corner of Middle Blvd. and Waverly Dr. North side of the street.

  55. To All,
    I posted this letter. It was CC'd to me from Brian Dayton because he knew Jake and Duncan would do nothing (look at the top of the letter to see who it was addressed to). I was asked if I would clean house on the present heads of departments. Duncan is gone, the city admins are gone, DeMoan is gone for jerking me around with the PIAs I requested, Stevenson GONE! As for everyone else; they will have to interview with me. If they have a progressive agenda... GONE!

    Now get out the vote and let me fix this mess before we turn into one of those messed up progressive ran cities.

    God Bless,
    Wayne King

  56. Wayne - good luck, Mayor Martin be turning in his grave. I hope you win. When you do could you also get rid of the rainbow crosswalk?

    You have more support than you can believe. Id love to fill you in on more of the past crookery by Mayors. All you really need to do is follow the money.

  57. Wayne,
    There is a fix to SPD and Jake is well aware of it. For unknown reasons he refuses to address it and make that chiefs change. If you ask several of the officers and they are not afraid of retribution, they will tell you who and how it can be fixed. If Jake is re-elected, nothing is going to change at the highest levels of SPD and the city will continue to decline. If he is re-elected, his chances of moving to a higher office will be significantly overshadowed by all the issues inside SPD and the increased crime that will continue to occur. I promise if your elected, you will absolutely get a call from me as well as numerous others telling you who this person is and how much of an impact they would have on SPD and the city. This individual would make SPD a credible and respected police department. I hope and pray you are elected and will address this ASAP. Believe me, this person has been has been patient and knows what it will take to make this department and city great. We all know inside here who it is. Please fix WAYNE.

  58. LOL - no one in admin there will make that work. Just another swamp member in the department wanting power. If he gets elected, he better find someone else.

  59. Ill retract last comment - I can only think of one person.

  60. No sympathy for idiotic business people who open their businesses in the ghetto. What did you think was going to happen? Keep being a coward and abiding by laws designed to make you serve people who hate you because of your skin color. You get exactly what you deserve. Close the place down and open it in a better neighborhood. When the people there have to take a cab to use the laundry mat they'll either change their culture or suffer the hardships.

  61. My, my. Reminds me of when I spent my hard earned money at Mr. Dayton's car wash only to have the machine malfunction and not provide what I paid for. I was given Mr. Dayton's phone number by the attendant which I called, left a message and never received a call back. Karma is a bitch!


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