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Sunday, January 05, 2020

Gov. Northam seeks bill to remove statue of Robert E. Lee from US Capitol Building

RICHMOND, Va. (NBC) — The governor of Virginia is seeking a bill to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in the U.S. Capitol Building.

According to a spokesperson, Gov. Ralph Northam filed a drafting request for a bill that would outline the process for removing the statue and selecting a replacement.

This comes after state representatives Jennifer Wexton and Donald McEachin sent a letter calling on Northam to make replacing the statue part of his agenda for the 2020 legislative session.

In the letter, they argue that the statue aims to “rewrite Lee’s reputation from that of a cruel slave owner and Confederate general.”



  1. This is ridiculous. It would appear those in VA have nothing better to legislate than tearing babies from wombs and legal guns from citizens. Now this? Northam is a racist but gets a pass for being a Dem. Is this another example of pandering so his sins are overlooked?

  2. He really wants that civil war AGAIN

  3. How can the people of this country keep voting for Communists!!!

    1. Because they are DUMB Democrats!

  4. LOL. I thought ya'll didn't like participation trophies?

  5. Someone needs to remove Northam!

    1. Permanently, just like he is doing to infants!

  6. Keep that racist Governer out of Federally funded buildings. He has no business dictating the desires of taxpaying citizens for which he does not represent.

  7. 843am..your true color and ignorance shin threw.

    If you know your history youd know it was about standing against an oppressive government, slavery was just the excuse and the topic of the day. Lincoln acknowledged this several times, even threatened to jail the supreme court judge to shut him up. Northam wants to remove any history of rebellion against government and of course he hopes to strike anger to the citizens in hopes of rebellion and chaos so he can call for martial law. He wants citizens jailed and in chains so he can rule without fear. I pray something helps him with his fear as well as the others, during the dark of night.

  8. search ewe twob for Valor Ridge, conspiracy to violate civil liberties

  9. Time to get rid of that Piece of $hit Guv. Blackface before causes any more damage to that state. General Lee was more of a man than Blackface will ever be!!

  10. Enough with the Civil War statues they need to be left standing and put the others back, it was a time of war and soldiers died on both sides, it was not a race war.

  11. Somebody needs to take this clown out

  12. 10:42 his days are numbered. If he really goes after our guns than he better have loads of body guards and eyes in the back of his head.

  13. Virginians voted in a real POS anti American commie.

  14. It is history no matter what you think it stands for!

  15. Leave it there as a learning tool.

  16. F--- Gov. Northam

  17. Northwest Woodsman: Another cultural Marxist following their policies of destroying historical icons that reflect our heritage. They have a play book that they are following to the letter and eventually will eliminate us and our culture. We need to stand up and fight these Pedomarxist democrats because they want to bring about our total destruction.

  18. No, lets REMOVE > HIM from the capital & Virginia !!!

  19. He is the reason for the 2nd amendment, which is worthless if we don’t use it

  20. REMOVE Democrats from AMERICA !!! Problems SOLVED

  21. Federal Govt needs to Make ALL states Put Back ALL the
    monuments they removed !!!! Stop ersasing History !!!!

  22. Take down MLK & any that Offend the Whites !!!!

  23. I am Offended by No Equality for Whites in America !!!

    Reverse Discrimination ( Affirmative Action )
    Forced Busing
    No White History Month
    Taking Down White History (Culture ) monuments
    No WET
    No White-ish show
    No NAAWP
    When Whites are offended Nothing Happens
    By FAR > Mostly Whites had to fight & die in ALL Wars !!!!!

  24. Stop erasing White Culture / You would Never allow erasing
    any Black Culture !!!

  25. You would Never allow taking down ANY Black related statues
    or anything Black !!!

    Lets take down MLK statue
    Do away with Quanza
    Take away NAACP
    Take away BET
    Take away Black History Month
    Ban Black=ish show

    see what happens !!!! see how that feels !!!!

  26. Give Whites the Affirmative Action protections & see how that
    Feels !!!!


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