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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Franklin Graham: Dems Hate Trump Because He Hasn’t ‘Bowed Down’ to Them

The Rev. Franklin Graham said Monday there has never before been such hatred as that of Democrats and liberal media for President Donald Trump.

Responding to comments by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) that Trump is “impeached for life,” the prominent evangelical leader and son of Billy Graham sent out tweets offering an explanation for the unprecedented hatred for the president shown by his enemies.

“Never before has there been such a level of hatred as we have seen for Donald Trump from the Democrats & liberal media. Why? It may be because he hasn’t bowed down to them,” Graham wrote.
This impeachment is about embarrassing @realDonaldTrump & trying to win the next election. But I believe American voters see through this never-ending charade. I pray God will strengthen @POTUS, @VP Mike Pence, & protect their families from the false accusations of the left.  — Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) January 14, 2020



  1. I saw Franklin a few months back at the Food Lion on Tilghman Road.He is a really nice person and a great Christian.

    1. 11:25 you really should seek help

  2. Graham is spot on.

  3. MAGA baby !!!! Clean out that SWAMP (Democrats )


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