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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Trump Effect: Britain, France, Germany Suddenly Harden Toward Iran

Surprise, surprise: Three countries that are signatories to the infamous Iran nuclear deal have suddenly hardened their positions vis-à-vis Iran after the Trump administration’s airstrike killing Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

On Tuesday, Britain, France and Germany triggered the nuclear deal’s dispute mechanism, which means Iran has 30 days to stop violating the nuclear deal before a “snap-back” of U.N. and EU sanctions on Iran could be implemented, as the Associated Press reports.

As Britain’s Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab informed Parliament (although Russia and China objected to the move by Britain, France and Germany), every time Iran violates the deal the “breakout time” Iran needs to create a nuclear bomb is diminished. He warned, “Each of these actions were individually serious. Together, they now raise acute concerns about Iran’s nuclear ambitions.”

Iran’s Foreign Ministry claimed there would be a “serious and strong response” to the new actions by the triumvirate of European countries.



  1. By Trump effect you mean killing a general causing Iran to retaliate by abandoning their deal? Obviously the countries in the pact will have to take some course of action...

    1. The "deal" will let the biggest state sponsor of terrorism eventually get the bomb... guess who the first and second targets are?? Hmmm.. think hard...oh yeah..the USA and Israel.

    2. And just how are they going to deliver said bomb to the USA? Via UPS or FEDEX? Unless China or Russia gives them a rocket they will fall short to hit the USA. Israel is a different story. I do believe if that happened Israel has other allies to assist it in making Iran the world's largest glass manufacturer!!

  2. 923, thank you for inserting some common sense in the midst of ridiculous nonsense propaganda.

  3. 9:23 So you really believe they were abiding by the so called deal????

  4. 11:30 I am not an international nuclear arms inspector so you'll have to ask one of them.

  5. Imagine that.....they want to be like President Donald J. Trump!! None of them followed Obammy when he gave them about load of cash....

  6. Waking them up !!!!


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