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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

STD map ranks Baltimore as worst US city for sexually transmitted diseases

AN STD map ranks Baltimore as the worst US city for sexually transmitted diseases as they run rampant in the South and California.

Testing experts at Innerbody analyzed CDC data to reveal the Top 100 cities with the highest STD rates - and Baltimore came in at number one.

Analysis of the latest statistics on a city-by-city basis showed Baltimore had the highest per capita with 2,004 cases reported per 100K.

More here


  1. All right! They're #1!!

  2. Northwest Woodsman: Looking at the demographics, is anyone surprised? That whole city should be napalmed and rebuilt from the ground up.

  3. Single mothers with 6 children also. Place is cancer and just gets worse

  4. Wow, hard to believe this could be true, when do they have time for sex with them shooting each other in the streets everyday?

  5. With all the dirty politicians there, it is only natural.

  6. Baltimore is a cesspool I agree with Northwest Woodsman

  7. Alot of jack-rabbits there !!!!

  8. Dey like Dat Butt !!!

  9. Breeding animals that they are....no doubt. At least they're number one at something other than filth and crooked politicians and murders.


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