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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

DHS using airplanes to deport Mexican migrants away from US border

The Trump administration has reportedly been placing Mexican nationals who have entered the country illegally on airplanes in Arizona and flying them back to Mexico, away from the border with the United States.

Since December, the Department of Homeland Security has been putting illegal immigrants and those who were ruled to be deportable by an immigration judge on flights from Tuscon, Arizona, and releasing them in Guadalajara, according to Fox News.

Federal immigration officials said the goal of the plan is to physically move migrants further away from the border in an attempt to curb the reflow of those individuals to the U.S. The Trump administration had previously been releasing illegal immigrants near the border with Mexico.



  1. Transporting them to the tip of South America and dropping them off would work just fine !!!

  2. In the middle of the gulf of Mexico would be way better FYI...

  3. It is cheaper than keeping them incarcerated or paying to have DHS round them up when they skip their court dates.

  4. Doing double duty: spraying the atmosphere with nano-particulate aluminum as they go . . .

    1. Really 220? Still smoking that stuff I see

  5. Send them to Martha's Vineyard.

  6. Trump Airlines is leading the way!!!

  7. Spend that extra money and fly them to the deserts of Iran. They won't be coming back and that will be the best investment this country has made on them.

  8. They should be using those new 337 Max planes!


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