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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

David Webb: Like California and New York, New Jersey sees residents fleeing from higher taxes

As New Jersey's Democratic Governor Phil Murphy continues his push for a millionaire's tax on the state's wealthiest residents, economic migration will only increase, Fox Nation host David Webb said Tuesday.

Appearing on "Fox & Friends" with host Steve Doocy, Webb said Murphy's approach was nothing new and echoed failed attempts by former governors.

"The economics of this are ridiculous. Governor McGreevey, Governor Corzine...instituted a millionaire's tax. Billions of dollars leave the state in total economic activity," said Webb. "They didn't get the message."



  1. "Billionaires news station runs story about how the rich are suffering"

  2. Nasty state anyway, would never want to live there, ever.

  3. Look in Sussex county Delaware you'll find them

  4. So, you have a large group in these states that vote people into office that steal money from achievers to give it to that group that voted them in, but the achievers aren't going to stand for it.


    Squeeze blood from a turnip after all the earners leave!

  5. Left NJ 20years ago thank God.

  6. All I can say I have to agree 💯 @3:16!! They are sticking these garbage Ryan homes developments all over outskirts of the beaches

  7. PEOPLE BY THE GOVT Not Govt by the people !!! America !!


  8. Maybe he should dig up OweMalley and find out how well his millionaire's tax worked out.

  9. Maryland is next - high taxes will make people move to another State.

  10. Coming to your state to screw it up just like the one they fled. Just like the illegals that flee their countries but then want to make the US more like the place they fled. It's bad policies but if you say that you are a Nazi racist facist.


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