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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

NRA Supporters Flood Virginia Capitol, Push Dems to Change Gun-Control Bills

RICHMOND, VA.—Thousands of NRA supporters turned out at Virginia's capitol building on Monday in a show of opposition that pushed Democrats in the state legislature to moderate or abandon some of their strictest gun-control proposals.

"We are beyond impressed by today's turnout," D.J. Spiker, Virginia state director for the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, told the Washington Free Beacon. "You can see the passion and enthusiasm that the citizens of Virginia have in joining us in this fight."

The presence of gun-rights supporters at the state Senate judiciary committee hearing appeared to have an impact, as Democrats formally withdrew S.B. 16—a hotly-contested bill that would have effectively confiscated AR-15s and similar firearms—and moderated several other proposals. The NRA, however, said the changes were not enough and promised to continue to oppose the bills as they continue to move forward in the coming weeks.



  1. Why does the NRA ban guns at their meetings if the guns aren't the problem?


  2. "Why does the NRA ban guns at their meetings if the guns aren't the problem?"

    They don't. Only when the President or the Vice President were there per the Secret Service. Reasonable.

  3. Pretty simple really; you have to license your vehicle, you have to register your vehicle, you have to have a license to operate a vehicle. Why not a gun?

    1. "Shall not be infringed on"... THAT says it all!!!

    2. Because you do not license or regulate inalienable rights.

    3. A license is a fee you have to pay the government to do something that should be a right. Your correct, we have drivers licenses... And hunting and fishing licenses, and boating licenses and real estate licenses and marriage licenses and pilots licenses some states if you want to groom dogs you need a dog grooming license. And we aren't even getting into permits which are the same thing by another name. YOU ARE GIVING AWAY YOUR RIGHTS TO WICKED PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY CLAIM THEY CAN PROTECT YOU AGAINST YOURSELF!

  4. 1133am....did you make that lie up yourself or have help?

    Truth is its those like you that are the real problem, youd rather lie and spread it than deal with the truth, I wouldnt really care if it was just you...but you lead innocent people off the cliff when they should be preparing to protect themselves and their families.

  5. Lol! 1204 tries hitting back a second time with another spurious argument after their 1133 comment got destroyed!

  6. See more proof that a bunch of good guys with guns stop rotten ratfink looser's from proceeding with their plots!

  7. 12:04
    You aren’t doing anything wrong (yet), right?

    Clue: you need to get one

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Pretty simple really; you have to license your vehicle, you have to register your vehicle, you have to have a license to operate a vehicle. Why not a gun?

    January 15, 2020 at 12:04 PM

    For one thing, you are comparing a privilege to a right. Not going to address that any further.


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