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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

City Of Salisbury Unofficial Election Results as of 9pm (11-10-19)


  1. Sad to see - more Fake Day!

    1. Unf**king believable, I didn't have a clue that there were that many idiots in Salisbury. You all will get what you asked for. Still SMH

  2. Way to go Jake! Thanks for your commitment to Salisbury!

    1. HAHAHAH A gov race is not the same as a pres election Fool

    2. Can't wait to meet u at the civil war.

  3. Is anyone really surprised that Jake won hands down?

  4. Yes it amazes me that their is that many idiots in your town..glad i dont live in smallsbury..Good luck with this clown AGAIN!! ITS A FACT CANT FIX STUPITY IN MD..keep electing democrats then expecting anything to improve.

  5. Well, once again the voting did not go well. 9:18, Commitment? How about total screw up and it gets worse daily. Oh well, more of the same. Sorry Wayne, but we did vote for you.

  6. There are many more outside interests here. Carpet bagging Doctors and Lawyers, College professors and local real estate agents with competitive ambitions with second homes. They don't send their kids to public schools and don't shop at Wal-Mart or Aldi, Chick-Fil- A or miss Golden Corral or pray for a Cracker Barrel or every stepped foot in a Dollar Store. It was never about YOU taking back you community. You lost it ages ago.

    1. 100% right. Should be comment of the day.

  7. These results are disappointing in the mayoral race. I want to thank Mr King for putting himself out there and offering an alternative. I know that he cares deeply about the city and worked hard as a candidate to prevail over what has become a machine. His efforts are not lost, as he has exposed important information and examples of violations of the public trust by the Day administration.

  8. JT got wiped out.

  9. So I guess the majority likes the way Salisbury is being run...

  10. Incumbents always have the upper hand.

    1. Good one. Any other excuses?? It's a minority city. PERIOD.

    2. Not in Kentucky they didn't /

  11. These results are disappointing in the mayoral race. I want to thank Mr King for putting himself out there and offering an alternative. I know that he cares deeply about the city and worked hard as a candidate to prevail over what has become a machine. His efforts are not lost, as he has exposed important information and examples of violations of the public trust by the Day administration.

  12. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. Pretty SAD we can't get over 3000 Republicans to win the city and aholes like RINO Carl Anderton are who show support for any Dem should be RECALLED.

  14. 99% of Businesses are owned by REPUBLICANS WHY do they insist on getting raped over the coals by Democrat mayor's ?.

    1. Bc they are RINOS

    2. The whole eastern shore is owned by Republicans has been that way since slavery times gonna stay that way. Is What you call Maga nation....

  15. Pretty sad we lost in Kentucky with a Incumbent Republican.

  16. Re count Kentucky.

  17. 104 votes for JT...amazing he got that many!

    1. Had he won he might’ve been kicked out of slums & his food stamps revoked. Salisbury also dodged a bullet on this one.

      Heard he refused to be interviewed on Election Day. Probably bc everyone is looking for him. People with dirty houses should never run for public office. Right, Johnny boy?

    2. Why u think all the poor whites voted him back in

  18. Replies
    1. He never campaigned so I doubt he cares.

  19. You what I find really sad, other than the fact Jake Day won along with the other liberal morons, is that less than a quarter of registered voters in Salisbury even bothered to vote. Why did so many voters not go out and vote??? Was it lack of awareness, they didn't care, lack of advertising by the election board, etc etc??m

  20. Never will anyone not part of the ' good ole' boys ' get elected!!

  21. This is unbelievable, so disappointing. How can this possibly be right? For what it's
    worth Wayne got my vote. Well it's back on with the "years" of torn up streets, round-a-bouts, bike lanes, subsidized apartments, higher taxes, wasted tax payer money, and hidden high crime. Wow, Salisbury people are really stupid! They had their chance and blew it! Sure wish I could get the he** out of this city.

  22. How do you motivate 13,000 to vote? What issue would draw them to the polls? I guess people were only angry online about the roundabout, bike paths and obsession of reviving downtown.

    1. When America is lost to socialism then they will cry like the dirtbags they are ... Then it's to late.

  23. It would appear that Wayne King lost by a substantial margin. One might even say he lost by a landslide. Kind of reminds me of when you ran Joe. I guess the fix is still in. Wayne should have won. I hope you investigate.

    1. As long as there are anti American scum and welfare Yup.

    2. Please you can't rig an election yo win by that much. Maybe if it was a couple hundred votes there's a very small chance of some nefarious stuff going on but not almost 2000 lol. Jake unfortunately won, fair and square.

    3. It's because anyone smart enough to vote for King is also not dumb enough to buy a house within Salisbury city limits.

  24. Let’s see maybe the Russians messed with the voting machines???


  26. If it ever downtown in Salisbury u have just become a socialist .

  27. A SAD SAD day for Salisbury!!! Wish I could move; too old now!

  28. Totally agree with 10:45. You worded it well. We are sooo disappointed. So disappointed.

  29. jake is celebrating that 2600 out of 16400 people voted for him? and he thinks that makes him a winner?

    enjoy having section 8 gregory in council.

    you think its bad now? just wait a year.

    so glad I moved out of the ghetto

    enjoy your 106 million $$ in debt.

  30. Quit making fun of King.He ha a plan and I voted for him as did my wife.

  31. I can't be assed to go out on a cold Tuesday and vote for people I know nothing about nor have offered to do anything for me. Why should I go out and vote for Wayne King? Not that I went out and voted for Day either. But I must say frankly, campaigning around here is topped out at a sign for the most part. Bring your ass down my street and knock on my door, it might have compelled me. Additionally have a platform greater than "that side bad, me good". Detail specifically what you intend to do differently. For an odd year local election posting a R by your name isn't compelling in and of itself.

    1. Did you ever think of INVITING Wayne into your home so he could tell you his plans for this city. I did,and he came and sat down with us (neighbors). Just sorry he got a late start and did not get his face plastered all over the place, unlike narcissist Day. I was praying for a better outcome, but thank Wayne for trying.

  32. Wayne King, you really embarrassed yourself. You should have listened to people and more than anything you should have kept your mouth shut. You pissed off way too many people and engaged in way too many conversations on FB and you let that McCoy dude lead you on until you used the "N" word. You were set up and it wasn't really the N-word, but they got you. As a matter of fact the same version Ni**a that you used is plastered all over his page. You were just telling him that he had it on his page but that was enough to screen capture and make you look like a racist. The version ending with an a is not the real "N" word. Regardless of what version it is why is it Ok for black people to use the word in any variation but if a white person uses it they are automatically a racist?

    Good luck next time.

  33. I am extremely disappointed in Mike Lewis. Mike, my family is done with you. We will never speak to you again and we will never vote for you again. You have proven that you can't be trusted.

    1. You all say Duncan must go. But never mention this photo op boob.

    2. Mike Lewis is a criminal protected under his badge

      Lewis has a bunch of folks fooled here on the Shore

      TV, Facebook selfies , illegals searching of homes without a warrant, keeping those accused of a civil incident in the lobby for hours; CALLED KIDNAPPING....

      failure to return weapons under Maryland Restraining orders, and Red Flag law .....even after the accused is cleared of ludicrous hearsay FROM BI POLAR nut jobs...

      I anticipating a federal investigation on his crimes, and the charges result in Federal prison time

      A number of jail staff in the Federal prison would enjoy locking you in Lewis...

      Lights and TV off at 10pm inmate, and wake up for morning chow at 4am inmate Lewis

  34. Anonymous said...
    Way to go Jake! Thanks for your commitment to Salisbury!

    November 5, 2019 at 9:18 PM

    At least you didn't try to say something about all "the great things" Bucky has done for Salisbury because we all know that he hasn't done anything except his photo shoots. Dumb A$$es!

  35. Anonymous said...
    I can't be assed to go out on a cold Tuesday and vote for people I know nothing about nor have offered to do anything for me. Why should I go out and vote for Wayne King? Not that I went out and voted for Day either. But I must say frankly, campaigning around here is topped out at a sign for the most part. Bring your ass down my street and knock on my door, it might have compelled me. Additionally have a platform greater than "that side bad, me good". Detail specifically what you intend to do differently. For an odd year local election posting a R by your name isn't compelling in and of itself.

    November 6, 2019 at 2:42 AM

    What's your name? I'll go knock on your door.

  36. Anonymous said...
    I can't be assed to go out on a cold Tuesday and vote for people I know nothing about nor have offered to do anything for me. Why should I go out and vote for Wayne King? Not that I went out and voted for Day either. But I must say frankly, campaigning around here is topped out at a sign for the most part. Bring your ass down my street and knock on my door, it might have compelled me. Additionally have a platform greater than "that side bad, me good". Detail specifically what you intend to do differently. For an odd year local election posting a R by your name isn't compelling in and of itself.

    November 6, 2019 at 2:42 AM

    So I see you voted for Jake Day!

  37. Anonymous said...
    Is anyone really surprised that Jake won hands down?

    November 5, 2019 at 9:23 PM

    I didn't think that Jake Day would have won by those numbers but then again Wayne King didn't do anything. I applaud Wayne for wanting to unseat Jake because Jake is pathetic and ruining our city.

  38. I was scrolling through my newsfeed on FB and every one of my "Friends" who was drooling all over Jake Day and loving on his page I unfriended them.

    I encourage everyone to unfriend their so called friends if they supported Jake Day.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Well, once again the voting did not go well. 9:18, Commitment? How about total screw up and it gets worse daily. Oh well, more of the same. Sorry Wayne, but we did vote for you.

    November 5, 2019 at 9:33 PM

    Well said. I voted for Wayne as well. I went and voted early at the Elections office to make sure I got to vote in case something happened.

  40. 242

    You can’t even convince yourself to care!

  41. Anonymous said...
    JT got wiped out.

    November 5, 2019 at 9:46 PM

    He didn't do anything. He got lazy and hid. Ran from his blog and everything. Freaking Coward, allowed the freaking Socialist to get elected. Now Salisbury has a Socialist Mare and and Socialist council person.

  42. Anonymous said...
    Pretty SAD we can't get over 3000 Republicans to win the city and aholes like RINO Carl Anderton are who show support for any Dem should be RECALLED.

    November 5, 2019 at 10:02 PM

    I couldn't agree with you more. Cornhole Anderton was at the poles wearing a Jake Day t-shirt and holding a Jake Day sign upfront and a Jack Heath sign on his back. RINO Anderton is a POS.


  43. Anonymous said...
    Pretty sad we lost in Kentucky with a Incumbent Republican.

    November 5, 2019 at 10:07 PM

    We lost the House, Senate and Gov. seat in Virgina as well. I hope this isn't a sign for the 2020 election. Virginia in now an all Blue state for the first time in 20 years.

  44. Anonymous said...
    When America is lost to socialism then they will cry like the dirtbags they are ... Then it's to late.

    November 5, 2019 at 11:26 PM

    Salisbury just lost to Socialist. Michele Gregory, Jake Day, Angela Blake, Jack Heath, Manure Bota and April Jackson. All Socialists.

  45. All of you talking that Civil War nonsense, I can't wait to meet you either. I am directly descended From Col. Samuel Moale, defender of Baltimore and I will defend whatever land required to stop the disgusting and toxic republican't ideologies! Directly descended From Maj. Gen. John Hammond, John Moale, John Moale II, Samuel Moale - I'm eager for change too and I will be on the right side of history as were my grandfathers. I will not fail and waste my life on the wrong cause like my great uncle confederate general Jubal Anderson Early!! You hicks can hide online and spew the hate all you want, just know there are warriors waiting to accept your challenge when the SHTF. And we have the best hackers int he world on our team.


    1. Ur relative is spinning in his grave that u turned out to be a treasonous DEMOCRAT IN 2019.

    2. Warrior relatives doesn't make you a warrior 3:51. Ride that coat tail as long as you can, but it's wearing thin now. Won't be long and we'll see what you really are.

  46. 2500 voters total. Nobody cares. Sorry Salisbury

  47. Even though Wayne King lost I will give him Kudos for making sure that Jake Day didn't run unopposed like he did the last election.

    I am just sad for Wayne the way that Jake Day's rabid followers tried to humiliate Wayne. So many people that don't live in the City Limits were tagging Jake Day and saying "I don't live in the city but you should vote for Jake Day." I don't know how he lost that bad with so many people not voting. It wouldn't surprise me if this race wasn't tampered with. I will tell you why. In my 30 years of voting in Salisbury, I don't ever remember seeing every candidate win by a landslide.

    Here is something else that I have never seen. District 1, April Jackson won by 119 votes. District 1 has always been a 1 to 3 vote win. Never has the race been such a far spread.

    With all the city employees helping Jake Day out it's no wonder he won. The fire department is where the voting machines were and the city has its own Board of Elections so they make the call and they have access to the machines. Voter Fraud is being discovered all over the country and Salisbury is not different.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Pretty SAD we can't get over 3000 Republicans to win the city and aholes like RINO Carl Anderton are who show support for any Dem should be RECALLED.

    November 5, 2019 at 10:02 PM

    Recall Cornbread, Larry Hogan, Mary Beth Carrozza, Muir Boda, Mark McIver and any other republican that supports that HOMO Mare!

  49. Anonymous said...
    HAHAHAH A gov race is not the same as a pres election Fool

    November 5, 2019 at 10:12 PM

    WTF are you talking about??

  50. Mr. King, I'm very sorry. I voted for you. Where I met you, I thought you were a kind man.

  51. Take a look at the voters!! It makes zero sense why county residents who reside in Salisbury can’t vote! But then again, it’s all fixed. All part of a political agenda. Gregory on section 8, so is April Jackson. She speaks of crime, yet her grandson is in jail for murder. This place is a complete joke!

    1. Her grandson not her idiot. If everyone was judged by a family member s ill will, there d be no govt, law enforcement, judicial system nothing. I'm sure your family isn't covered in roses and not planted in manure.

    2. At least I know how to spell and speak..idiot

  52. 10:04pm. Where did you get that ridiculous number?? You people really do live in your own little fantasy world. As Trump himself would say...”sad”.

  53. Same old, same old...

  54. King got no support from the Republican Party here must be a wing of the democrat party now.

  55. November 6, 2019 at 3:27 AM

    Hate to break it to you but McCoy is one of the biggest racists around. I hate Whitey McCoy and his side kick I hate whitey Sheppard.

    And King didn't call him the N word he made comment on the fact that McCoy used it.

    McCoy is a POS just like his socialist friends Loser Schablein, and I won be default Section 8 Gregory.

    But at least we know what a weak minded fool you are to lap that koolaid up.

    Oh and Jakes ridiculous speech about 85%
    85% of what 10%? Just goes to show you the number of idiots that can't do math or think for themselves that they believe that crap.

  56. November 6, 2019 at 6:01 AM ABSOLUTELY

  57. For the life of me I can't understand why the county residents don't come together fighting against people like jake day as mayor of Salisbury or all these so called Christian's not protesting his LGBT and transgender events. What this idiot does within the city of salisbury has taken over the county as well. Look at all the signs he has posted outside of city limits, several of which are complete wooden structures. All I can say is if you can get out of salisbury and the state as a whole you better run. Salisbury will not survive the lunacy Jake Day is implementing and no one will want the job as a mayor after Day is gone. He's just a puppet for Franchot and Hogan with the progressive sanctuary agendas. Your city will be a carbon copy of the garbage taking place in Baltimore

  58. Joe,
    Thank you for all your support for Wayne King and sharing it with us.

    How many city of Salisbury voters are regulars on SbyNews? If you did a
    survey of how many voted for Wayne King,what would the numbers be?

    We live in the County and our quality of life is going down fast because of the cesspool that Salis. has become. Can't wait to leave.

    Thanks for all you do.

    1. "How many city of Salisbury voters are regulars on SbyNews?"

      Hardly any because Joe doesn't get the millions of hits that he claims. In reality its only a couple thousand.

  59. @4:03am - The city has no election board. The County/State handles it all for all elections. Anthony Gutierres runs a good, solid team over there.

  60. Salisbury deserves the kind of government it gets!

    I predict the exodus out of the city will continue and
    Salisbury will end of looking like little Detroit or Gary Indiana.

    If the electorate are stupid enough to elect this garbage, they get the kind of government they deserve and the decay of this once fine city will continue.

  61. Ok salisbury/wicomico county get ready for Jake Day and all the behind the scenes financial gainers second phase. It's not Carl anderton they are grooming for county executive but the big drunken goof Dan O'Hare. When Day and O'Hare get together with your city and county tax revenues salisbury will be a third world city. Their progressive socialist policies will funnel all the western shore garbage into the area with no chance to undo the damage.

  62. 6:01 you hit the nail on the head. Anybody with any sense or other means will not live within the city limits and i would advise the rest of you to get out if anyway possible. Moving out of this state is looking better and better all the time. If more keep leaving then, Salisbury like Baltimore, only the rats will remain standing.

  63. Don't live in the city or county so no dog in the hunt...thanking my lucky stars.

    1. dang could have swore Jake said that very same quote


  64. The results are in, the city is a liberal bastion - No news here!

    Oh, and Epstein didn't kill himself!!!

  65. 6:01AM’s point is right on. Salisbury’s population consists of a large number of renters. The businessmen and property owners live outside of the City limits, therefore are not allowed to vote. It definitely sets up the situation for poor, inadequate and naive leadership such as presently exists in the Mayoral position.

  66. If King were smart, he’d take the next couple weeks before Thanksgiving, going out to various groups and actually talk to Day voters. See what their take on him and his opponent’s differences and how they’re alike. He would do his research. Next election starts the minute the previous election ends.

    1. Lay with the Enemy ? Is this Carl Anderton ?

    2. No point because nobody likes him. If he had lost by a couple hundred votes it might be worth it.

  67. Didn’t April Jackson make several racial slurs towards Trump voters? LOL. She’s a regular Ralph Northam isn’t she? Keeps her public, does zero for them and can do whatever she wants. Stupidity.


  69. Ok Salisbury, no more whining and complaining. You made your bed, lie in it.

  70. Wow, politics can get ugly. It's easy to sit behind a keyboard and make judgments, but King put himself out there, and good on him for it. If only more people had the courage. Thank you Mr. King.

    And, congratulations to Mayor Day for your win, and I hope the future success of Salisbury.

    1. Go paint a rainbow crosswalk.

    2. Right you are 9:38! And Semen Benns and Shabby can help paint it too.

  71. I wonder how long before people start whining about Day and council?? Lol

  72. I guess everyone that voted for King is commenting on this post. He couldn't even get 500 votes? Yhats pathetic. I liked King a lot and was hoping he would win vut knew he had no chance. They way the lines are drawn between Salisbury and Wicomico County is so confusing. How can anyone keep it straight? If everyone in Wicomico County could vote for Salisbury mayor he wouldve had a better chance. But Kung never had a chance and ran a bad campaign. His ads never made sense and he u tvdully there wasn't that many articles of support for him on this blog like I have seen for Bob Culver.

  73. Republican who voted for Day. 😁 Congrats Jake!

    1. Liberal bleeding heart liberal who voted for Wayne King.

    2. You're what's known as a RINO 3:50, republican in name only. No righteousness there

  74. Jake winning is just another reason to get out of the area of crime and corruption. He encourages it.

  75. There is a lesson to be learned here. While I am not a Jake Day fan and largely agree with Wayne King's conservative politics, in my interactions with Wayne he has been abrasive and condescending. I have seen him be downright rude to others. Yes, Day can be the same way. But that is not a good way to win voters. King seemed short on actual plans and long on criticism and negativity about Salisbury.

  76. 11:39 - This blog has a lot of supporters. Most of them live outside of Salisbury, though. Like it or not it is a very liberal city.

  77. Jake Day's day is coming! Annapolis has been trying for decades to get a patsy like Jake in office to do exactly what Joe stated. Beaglin park drive will eventually be apartments all the way to the new mall. Day sold the city out believing that Hogan and Franchot actually care about him and have his back

  78. Yes. Jake won. Salisbury lost. :(

  79. Sorry, but when you have a president who acts like an a-hole and then his base thinks it's also OK to act like a-holes, you're going to reap what you sow. Most of the kind and gentle people in this world who are quietly trying to make things better won't stand for that. They will quietly sit out these elections. The Bible says, "God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you. Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together." Does that sound like this website and our president and the comments you see here? People don't want to be a part of this toxicity.

    1. The toxicity locally starts with the mayor

  80. Salisburians, you are about the stupidest bunch ever. No more complaining about boy wonder Jake. You must love him to put him right back in. Shame on you people.

  81. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The whole eastern shore is owned by Republicans has been that way since slavery times gonna stay that way. Is What you call Maga nation....

    November 6, 2019 at 7:49 AM

    If that were true, why is it being run by demoncrats?

  82. @7:49 all the old Republican have/are dying off and their families are selling everything off taking advantage of the local progressive freaks show and getting the hell out of the state of Maryland. All the garbage on the western short is making it's way to a once beautiful area and who wants to live with that? I'd like to be able to go to Popeye's and eat without getting stabbed over a place in line or a piece of chicken. How stereotypical is that??

  83. Liberal Chuck Cook worked his magic at the Polls, again!

  84. Anonymous said...
    The toxicity locally starts with the mayor

    November 7, 2019 at 7:49 AM

    Call it what it is. Jake Day isn't a real mayor and Jake Day is the toxic one.

    Also his illiterate Lemmings are extremely toxic. Good luck with Michele Gregory on the city council.


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