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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Brent Black Arrest (2-3-19)

Did you get the tip of Captain Brent Black being arrested for dui this weekend.

A dnr cop pulled him over in Pocomoke and he refused the road side tests, and the breath tests. Later he was ordered to do a internal affairs breath test and blew a .10. Why aren’t they doing a press release?


  1. Who is Brent Black and what Department is he with?

  2. WILL He get a 9 month suspension from the MVA like he is supposed too for REFUSING the test ???? then suspend him for 9 months at work. /////// joe please stay on this.

  3. Once you make it above the rank of Lt. you are obviously one of them in them l mean part of the Klan at the top they do not care about you or your families. What they care about is staying in the light of a camera or admiring each other’s appearance lol. If you think l am kidding find a way to be in a comstat meeting. It is sickening or that commander who literally screwed thing up their entire career but was still promoted. The hypocrisy of it all. No wonder kids don’t want to be cops anymore.

  4. Isn't it possible it is a rumor and never happen. Maybe that is why it has not be released.

    1. 10:18- Doubt it, but keep wishing.

  5. Why do they need to do a press release? I don’t care that he screwed up. His boss and family already know it. That’s enough.

    1. Law enforcement officers need to be exposed just as everyone else is when they break the law.

  6. Well isn’t that the very definition of irony. The guy who brow beats Troopers and makes them write performance reports due to lack of DUI arrests is arrested himself for DUI. He was told, long ago, that the people you crap on and kick in the teeth on your way up the ladder are the same people that will be there to greet you on your way back down. He didn’t listen. He has acted holier than thou for years. Typical supervisor, “do as I say, not as I do” mentality. It wasn’t long ago, when referring to Colonel Palozzi, he told everyone that “Bill knows who I am and will promote me”. Well, “Bill” knows who you are now and “Bill” no likey when you give MSP a big black eye and embarrass the Agency. Refused a breath test? Doesn’t that result in a suspended license with no chance for a modification for work or educational purposes?

  7. I wonder how much later that .10 blow test was

  8. Tattletale. What's it to you?

    1. 10:46- Are you in middle school. It's kind of serious! Also, it shows the hypocrisy of his ilk. Other's are put on blast for dwi's, why should he be different? We deserve to know. Is that enough reasons, Snowflake?

  9. Bet this will not hit the paper!

    1. Come on....who hasn't gone out and had a few drinks..you just didn't get caught

  10. This can’t be true. Fake news.

  11. Not his first time. I’ve seen him pounding them back with them other troopers at the Elks. They all get in their trucks and drive off with no worries. They are good tippers though.

  12. They keep things like this quiet until all of their legal ducks are in a row. He'll either get a wrist slap or be requested to quietly retire.

    1. Or pull some nonsense medical issue from years and years ago and get his 66 2/3 % tax free medical retirement at a captain's salary for the rest of his life!

    2. Yep. He will claim he has an alcohol problem caused by stress from work. They will send him to rehab, he will get an injury settlement from IWIF and the get a medical retirement. Just watch.

  13. Because there are
    Two Sets of Laws.

  14. Why does it matter?

    1. 11:58- Because he could have killed someone by drunk driving, mmmmkay? Seriously?

    2. I'm sure you have never had a couple of drinks and drove home. Many people cannot say they have never driven after a night out. I know Brent personally and anyone talking bad about him does not really know him!! He is a devoted husband and WONDERFUL with his children. He is a great person that you all should wish to become!! You always hear people say.....If you are living right and doing good people will always try to put you down. Anyone that knows Brent knows what a good person he is. Someone will always get off by running their mouth anonymous!! I BET YOU WOULDN'T SAY THIS FACE TO FACE WITH BRENT...NOW WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ...IT IS A SHAME TO BE SO SPINELESS AND JEALOUS OVER HIS OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN THE MARYLAND STATE POLICE. WORK AS HARD AS HE HAS AND MAYBE YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO ACCOMPLISH A LITTLE OF WHAT HE HAS IN HIS CAREER!!!! NOBODY LIKES HATERS..TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF BEFORE YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH TO PUT SOMEONE ELSE DOWN...HIT IT RIGHT ON THE HEAD...DIDN'T I.

    3. 11:40- Yeah, all well and good, but I'm not a drunk driver. I won't even have 1 and drive. So, you dont know me, and I will state anything said here to any one's face! You're clueless, missed your mark by a mile, so take a hike, Chuckles. Also, not running my mouth. I'm typing. No one cares about your rant, so see ya!

    4. 11:40: first off, “a couple of drinks” won’t make you legally intoxicated. Second, he is a Captain with the Maryland State Police. He knows better. At least he SHOULD know better. Obviously, he didn’t. Plenty of us know him pretty well. You may know him socially and on a personal level. You don’t work with him. You haven’t seen the damage he has caused to other people while taking absolute delight in it. Funny how people have been calling him out for years and they turned out to be correct. You call people out for being “anonymous” yet you hide behind the same moniker. You have zero credibility. To say he has “worked hard” is insulting to those men and women who actually HAVE worked hard. He has glided from one special unit to the next while always avoiding the heavy lifting. I guarantee you that, if a poll was taken on this site regarding his work ethic and performance, you would truly see how he is viewed by coworkers and subordinates. A simple response of “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” would tell you all you need to know. You are entitled to your opinion. So is everyone else. Until you have worked with him, for him or around him, you are not qualified to tell anyone how hard he has worked, how outstanding his performance is or his accomplishments. I know the truth which makes my vote is a definite THUMBS DOWN.

    5. I haven’t read anywhere in these responses where anyone has said he is a bad husband or bad father. No one has said he cheats on his wife or hits his children. That has never been an issue. People are talking about how he has mistreated people in his work environment. If you haven’t worked with him in MSP, you have no point of reference or experience to make comments about his workplace personality. He has mistreated so many people, for so long, that they are now enjoying watching him get what he has dished out to so many others.

    6. 11:40 I guess you just don't get it, Brent Black should practice what he preaches


    8. 11:42- You truly sound butt hurt over this, and you're the only one here using all CAPS and extra "!'s". You are the one on another level! Come back down to Earth, Snowflake!

    9. 11:42 hardly. I would prefer to work and earn my co-workers respect instead of letting daddy take care of my entire career. Be your own man. Hard work builds character. That’s why Brent has no character. Thanks for confirming that everyone worked harder.

    10. 10:00 Everyone is writing about Brent's character. That is exactly what I am doing..
      ..telling everyone what a great person he is to his family and friends. That we support him and will back him anyway possible.

    11. Except for the irritating drunk driving-he is a swell guy.. tell that to the person he kills...

    12. Except for the irritating drunk driving-he is a swell guy.. tell that to the person he kills...

  15. Be careful who you step on on the way up. It will be the same one you see in the way down.

  16. If you want to know who Brent Black is, look up knob gobbler in the dictionary.

  17. FOIA ON THE VIDEO JOE ????????

  18. Joe

    Can we get a video of the arrest FOIA ? and I am sure the MSP are going to war now with DNR ? GREAT WORK DNR...……….

    1. Absolutely!!! Great work by DNR. That officer should be commended for saving numerous lives.

    2. If you want to watch a cop video..Live PD is on every night at 8:00. You must have a boring life.

    3. 11:46- Boring life? Says the walking TV guide!

    4. TOUCHY ARE WE NOW...You wanted to watch cop videos ..just trying to help you out!!!

    5. 11:18- No, you wanted to try to be snarky! You weren't trying to help in anyway. So, you got shut down. Your comments are pretty pathetic.

  19. He is a MSP Captain

  20. All of the people who are making comments...Karma will bite you tooooo! Drop it...it is none of your business! The same scorned cops who have been writing about Brent Black forever are writing these negative comments too. We all make mistakes!

    1. Funny how all the “scorned cops” knew he was a fraud and a poser and have been calling it for years. You’re late to the party. A police officer should NEVER make the mistake of drinking and driving. Unacceptable. But, if you have never worked the road, you have never seen what damage a drunk driver can do. That’s his problem. He has always been in a special unit. You don’t see the lives that drunk driving ruins while working Monday through Friday 8-4 in a gun unit/internal affairs/cid

    2. Actually it IS everyone’s business. When he chose to drive drunk on a PUBLIC road, it becomes everyone’s business.

    3. People make mistakes and Brent Black has been brow beating them for it for years. I was personally interrogated by him for mearly having a relationship with a trooper. MSP Troopers everywhere are thanking DNR Police.

    4. People make mistakes and Brent Black has been brow beating them for it for years. I was personally interrogated by him for mearly having a relationship with a trooper. MSP Troopers everywhere are thanking DNR Police.

    5. 2:56- And those mistakes, when it breaks the law, are reported on. We actually deserve to know! What the hell does karma have to do with wanting the truth? I'm not a scorned cop, so how do you know this? Get over it, not your call to make.

    6. Stop taking up for this 2 faced cop 2:56

    7. So many two faced petty cops.

    8. Sounds like the ones running their mouth the most are the ones that have broken the law themselves and had to answer to Brent Black who was just doing his job. Sounds like he did a great job from these comments being made about him. I don't understand...I thought all the troopers no matter what division had each other's back where you risk your life everyday to protect us. It is sad that it looks like if Brent needed help he would be standing alone or in front of his own men's firing squad. That's not how I was raised! You support one another. Brent we are behind you!!! We know what a good Captain you are to your men. I know you are tough on them, but that is just because you want them to perform their duties in an outstanding manner. Where you work for a better tomorrow and go home SAFE to your families!!! A person is different in their personal life than in their professional career. You may hate him as a boss, but outside of work he could be your friend. I know where I work..supervisors are NOT ALLOWED TO BE FRIENDS OR SOCIALIZE WITH CO WORKERS. If you had his position how would you like it to know you are HATED for doing your job?

    9. Of you read the comments you would see that he actually does socialize with his coworkers. It has been said that they go out drinking together.

    10. If you spelled correctly it may be easier to read your juvenile comment. If Brent is that terrible why does his coworkers socialize with him after hours?

  21. Will MSP put an ignition interlock in his patrol car?

  22. I bet the arrest does more harm to the DNR cop's career, than the cop he arrested.

    1. It better not we the People Have his back.

  23. I'm wondering what's going to happen to the arresting officer ?


  24. 12:03- there's this thing called google...

  25. imclaim what? no call for revolution? lol

    1. You will be eating those words when it comes and you're being dragged out of mommy's basement.

  26. Fioa please I want to see that Video.

  27. When it comes to court he will be treated the same as anyone else. First DUI in Maryland you get a small fine and probation before judgment.

    MVA will nail him with an automatic suspension of his license.

    His agency will suspend him without pay for one month, probably get demoted (pay decrease), alcohol addiction classes, and transferred from eastern shore to western Maryland.

    The DNR Officer and relationship between the two agencies will be fine. It is 2019, call an Uber or risk getting locked up


  28. Was he Jake's designated driver?

  29. I feel bad for the poor Troopers who are going to be assigned to drive him back and forth to work because he can’t drive on a suspended license.

    1. He should be suspended without pay and stay at home.

  30. This is just sad. Seriously. I just saw him the other day. He has really bulked up. He looked like H R Puffinstuff

    1. Personal attacks are mean and not necessary.

    2. Bulked up Barney Badass

  31. It's sad to watch when these guys hut the wall with the drinking and get called out on it or legal problems. There was a trooper think his name was Bob Tunney. This poor guy literally drank himself into oblivion. They would find him passed out all over his yard in the mornings until he finally took his own life.

  32. He needs to be looked at for all the bs he spouts to female Troopers trying to get into special units and or promoted. He is a real turd.It would be career suicide to report him. Maybe I/A just needs to interview every female under his command. Do not let them cover it up like the Sheriff's Office has done. You can be found guilty of sexual harassment there and get transferred to day work Monday thru Friday no reduction in pay or rank. Black and Lewis cut from the same cloth. Narcissistic chauvinistic pigs.

    1. Sounds more like Baldwin that POS.

  33. Maybe this is payback for arresting DNR Captain John Massey for DUI? After all Captain Massey was arrested by and MSP Trooper. Tit for Tat.

    So much for the Brotherhood!

    On a side note that goofball Josh Hastings is dating his daughter.

    Sunday, January 08, 2017
    Captain John Massey Of Maryland Natural Resource Police Arrested For DUI & 4 Other Charges


    1. Why does it matter who is dating his daughter?

    2. 307 great point it was title for tat and f MSP.

  34. you mean just like Kris Heiser being pulled over for DUI/DWI & was sworn in already for Worcester county... but the MSP Cop took her home... wow! can we all get those privileges.. we all make mistakes, but lets be fair across the board here...

  35. I have a great respect for police officers and what they do but I have no sympathy for Brent Black regarding this story. I was literally 100 feet from parking my car one night years ago when he pulled me over. I guess he wanted another tick mark on his tally sheet and it happened to be me. I had my license suspended for refusing the breath test and so should he. Fair is fair. I went through the courts and got a slap on the wrist for first offense. He should also have a day in court. I’d like to say Trooper Black should be treated like everyone else but I just can’t do that. Those who enforce our laws need to be held to a higher standard.

  36. Hey Capt black I hope your reading this pay backs a Bitch.....DNR.

  37. I want to THANK ALL THE TROOPERS FOR RISKING THEIR LIVES FOR US EVERY DAY ON AND OFF DUTY!!! THANK YOU..It is sad to see the animosity with in the ranks of law enforcement. Every officer has worked hard and has risked so much for all of us.

  38. I want to THANK ALL THE TROOPERS FOR RISKING THEIR LIVES FOR US EVERY DAY ON AND OFF DUTY!!! THANK YOU..It is sad to see the animosity with in the ranks of law enforcement. Every officer has worked hard and has risked so much for all of us.

  39. There won't be a press release because at the instance Internal Affairs gets involved it becomes a personnel matter. Personnel matters are not subject to public press releases.

    1. It’s not MSP’s responsibility to author a press release. DNR should issue one. They made the arrest. MSP’s personnel matter has no effect on the crime he committed. A press release should be completed. They do it for every poaching case. This is way bigger than an undersized trout or illegal deer and has more public interest.

    2. Wrong!!! A press release can be done for the arrest! Its public record! The personnel and departmental issues are confidential!

    3. I guess that, since NRP won’t do a press release and the local media won’t broadcast this, we need to get a real reporter on the case. Time to reach out to Jane Miller and get her on it. She loves scandalous MSP activity.

  40. 954 lol DNR just did there job lol.

  41. I looked him up on case search. I don’t think he lives at the address they have posted anymore. But I think his gf does.

  42. gf?
    What happen to Donna ?

    1. You know how ignorant people can be and love to start trouble. It is ashame how JEALOUS people are when you are living SO much Better than they are. BEAUTIFUL FAMILY, WONDERFUL JOBS, NEW VEHICLES, VACATIONS AND MORE MONEY THAN THEY WILL EVER HAVE! AND YOU CAN BELIEVE THAT!

    2. You forgot his Mormon lifestyle of having a wife and girlfriend. I just didn’t realize his family was Mormon. Everyone knows about CD. Also, being arrested for DUI is not part of living a wonderful life.

    3. If they aren't complaining WHY are you?

  43. Brent is a good person. He would do anything for anyone. It’s funny how over the years the same miserable, jealous troopers/people post the same info. Don’t you think people get tired of your idiotic accusations? Brent is in the position he is in from working hard and being a great leader. He is in a position you all wish you had the chance to fill.. All of you that “ worked for him” don’t like him because he has been the leader that he needs to be. You all will never get the opportunity to be in the position he is in. Before you want to run your mouth about him.. make sure you look at your life and verify you are perfect and have never made a mistake.. one mistake does not define Brent as a person. Anyone that truly knows Brent is still supporting him. All of your opinions don’t matter.

    1. And we say that YOUR opinion doesn’t matter. See how that works?

    2. You are right. We support Brent one hundred percent! Your opinion DOES MATTER. Brent's coworkers sounds like a broken record..over and over again
      ..we are tired of hearing you gripe. You all should start a support group for one another and take plenty of tissues and diapers.

  44. He is a scumbag who supervised and led by fear and intimidation and was a do as I say not as I do hypocrite!

    Unfortunately he was always one that thought he was untouchable and yes he should lose his job and be held accountable fortunately Trooper Tanner Nickerson set the Precedence on State Police Employees getting DWIs when he got arrested for DWI after he wrecked his police car drunk into another vehicle sending the occupants in that vehicle to the hospital and still kept his job! So nothing will happen to him and he will laugh and joke about it in the near future!

    1. I bet he took his police vehicle to John's Auto Body.

  45. This won’t affect him. He works bankers hours anyway. When he is at the barrack he is bullshitting and getting others to do his work. He does his real estate business on MSP time. Whenever I see him at the barrack it’s around 10 am, he goes to lunch around 1130 then we never see him again. His “gotta run to a meeting” is bullshit. Brent thought he had Major in the bag living off his daddy’s reputation and old friendships with Colonel Pallozzi. Didn’t happen. Only captain to screw up a promotional process then get rewarded and transferred close to home. And only LT to have his command taken from him because his barrack was going to mutiny. Troopers do stick together. When you act like a trooper, we treat you like a trooper. Enough said. We will always back another trooper up but we also call BS when we see it. He should just retire but he won’t. He is making 132k to do nothing but work his home building job and send a few emails. Great gig for a person of low character. One comment said he holds his men “accountable”. Clearly you don’t know him and his ego and true character. If we respected him, this would be a sad thing. Not the case.

    1. Do as I say not as I do, suck up company man. How many good troopers careers did he destroy for his personal political gain with in the agency! I can think of to many too count! Tp bad he will skate on this! Good old MSP for you! Still waiting for the press release!

  46. This won’t hurt him. He workers bankers hours anyway, comes in around 10 am, leaves to get lunch around 1130 and we never seen him again at the barrack. His best line is “gotta head to a meeting”. That means he is going to do his real estate business on MSP time. The Eastern Troop does not respect him. We work for the public and commanders we respect. But he ain’t one of them. His daddy got him where he is, and protected him when he messed up a promotional process. Even rewarded him and got him closer to home when most others would have been demoted.

    1. Comparing Brent Black to us bankers is hurtful and insulting. We actually do show up and work for four hours a day. He has never done that.

  47. I’d like to see what is going on behind the scenes at the Puzzle Palace in Pikesville. I’m sure Pallozzi, Lioi and all the kings horses and all the kings men are scrambling to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

  48. Where is Beernuts when you need him on Marylandsfinest.net Man I miss that site.

  49. Reading these negative posts from people who do not know this man, from people who were not there and assuming information, adding their own impressions that are not fact is sad. Remember people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.... hypocrites!

    1. Get over, Sad sack! Hypocrites? How, exactly? Anyone can throw meaningless words around. Horse nuts! See? Easy.

  50. Reading these negative posts from people who do not know this man, from people who were not there and assuming information, adding their own impressions that are not fact is sad. Remember people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.... hypocrites!

    1. Trust me. People KNOW this man. The comments have provided specific details. Not like you who just says “he’s a good guy”. No he isn’t. Not even close. Brent has been living in a glass house his entire career and constantly throwing stones. He is getting just what he deserves. When he was in IAU, he would sit up at night trying to stack every single charge he could on other Troopers just to make a name for himself. He has no compassion and no empathy. He is feeling that, on his end, right now.

    2. He is so arrogant, cocky, and pompous that I don't think he even thinks he did anything wrong and thinks he's going to beat any MVA sanctions, any Court proceedings, or departmental sanctions if it even gets to that point with the agency! Still waiting for a press release and for the media report this issue!

    3. There will be no press release from NRP. Why? Look who is second in command of NRP. It is Ernie Leatherbury. Connect the dots. One former MSP
      Commander doesn’t want to expose a current MSP Commander. That’s the way the inner workings of these things play out. Come on Ernie, do the right thing. You’re the one that wanted to be a baller....a shot caller. Do the right thing and expose how mister high and mighty has fallen.

  51. Like momma always said when people have nothing else to do but bash you they are just mad they arent you

    1. You are right, I am mad that I didn’t get arrested for DUI. Ignorance. Pure ignorance in that statement. Have a lollipop and try again. I will start a wanna be arrested for DUI campaign so I can be like him.

    2. You are right, I am mad that I didn’t get arrested for DUI. Ignorance. Pure ignorance in that statement. Have a lollipop and try again. I will start a wanna be arrested for DUI campaign so I can be like him.

  52. Now..this is a TRUE statement!

  53. Agree with 746. It is evident most of the “negative” comments are from people who know what he is like at work. You can be a successful commander and be respected and liked. That means knowing your troops, caring for them and THEIR families. Realizing a stat is never more important than a person. Brent may have been a fun guy when you played golf with him or went on a boat. At work he was never a leader, he was a tyrant and a lazy one at that. As a Sgt I do more to help my troops than he ever did. Look at the Captains who troops across the state respect; past and present. I don’t wish Brent bad will but I hope this is a wake up call. Not the DUI per se but maybe reflect on life and what you represent because we all answer for that in another court. I will pray for him and forgive him and no bitterness here because I don’t work for him, I work for God, my MSP and other family, and the public. Might sound harsh but guys like Brent are a dime a dozen. And shame on Pikesville for knowing this (how can they not) and putting him in a position of such influence over troopers lives. They should have sent him to QMD. But then again, he would try to “work from home” or get his car serviced at Salisbury or Berlin every day.

    1. Outstanding post 5:43. Great job articulating how many of us feel.

  54. I know that I am personally going to thank the brave men and women at NRP for doing the right thing and saving lives. I will be buying lunch for the Ocean City field office in the coming weeks.

  55. I heard threw the grapevine that Brent posted some of the comments on hear about what a grate guy he was. And yes, the spell misteaks are on perpose. But I did hear that.....

  56. 8:09 - "Everyone knows about CD." What have I been missing? Tell us more!

    1. ACTUALLY...Snowflake wrote the good comments about Brent. If you know Brent as well as you think..you would KNOW he cares less what you have to say! Why would he waste his time on this nonsense.

  57. ACTUALLY....
    Snowflake is the one making all the nice and TRUE comments in Brent's behalf along with everyone else who knows what an outstanding person he is. Brent would not waste his time responding to these comments. If you know Brent as well as you say...YOU would know Brent cares less of what you have to say and have been saying for years! I don't care for my supervisor(join the crowd) But..you certainly don't put it in the news over and over again. You may not see all of Brent's accomplishments and strengths that his superiors see in him. You may not have the qualities to fill a Captain's Position or any other position than what you have now. ALOT of people think they are more than what they actually are. If it wasn't Brent it would be another superior that you would be complaining and reporting to the news about for years. You will do better when you accept yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.

  58. ACTUALLY....
    Snowflake is the one making all the nice and TRUE comments in Brent's behalf along with everyone else who knows what an outstanding person he is. Brent would not waste his time responding to these comments. If you know Brent as well as you say...YOU would know Brent cares less of what you have to say and have been saying for years! I don't care for my supervisor(join the crowd) But..you certainly don't put it in the news over and over again. You may not see all of Brent's accomplishments and strengths that his superiors see in him. You may not have the qualities to fill a Captain's Position or any other position than what you have now. ALOT of people think they are more than what they actually are. If it wasn't Brent it would be another superior that you would be complaining and reporting to the news about for years. You will do better when you accept yourself and stop worrying about everyone else.

  59. Alot of people don't like their supervisors (join the crowd) BUT you don't broadcast it on the news for years. I have heard of disgruntled postal workers BUT I think you all have them beat.

  60. Alot of people don't like their supervisors (join the crowd) BUT you don't broadcast it on the news for years. I have heard of disgruntled postal workers BUT I think you all have them beat.

  61. Hahahaha....yeah...his supervisors know what he is...a DRUNK DRIVER!!!

    1. Well dam.... drop the mic. 🤣

  62. Keep laughing and telling yourself that. You will see..just wait.. you will really be cracking up and burning up this blog. Then we'll see who is laughing.

  63. Belva Dennis

    My mommy taught me eons ago that in situations like this we leave it to the lord to convict. So much hate in the world already, why do we have to add more.

    1. Belva:

      You can believe in whatever you want but that doesn’t mean that everyone else has to believe in it. People are so quick to bring up religion and race and interject it into a discussion. Just because you believe in God doesn’t make you right or make you a better person. You do know that, on average across America, 200 churches close each week due to poor attendance and support. As people become more educated, religion is dying. Religion was created in the dark ages to control people. If there was thunder and lighting, people would say that God was displeased with people. It was simply a means to control people then AND now. You can believe there is an imaginary man in the sky who controls everything. Many people simply DON’T believe that.

      Religion is like a penis, it’s ok to have one. It’s even nice to be proud of it. But please don’t whip it out and wave it around in public. And PLEASE don’t try to shove it down my children’s throats.

      Some of the most judgemental people I know go to church every Sunday and bring up God in every conversation.

    2. 7:55- The Lord does not hold court proceedings. I love my God, but when you bring religion to your argument you will lose everytime. For example, God does not stop for traffic violations, does not issue DWI'S, nor hold court subpoenas, appoints jurors, or convicts the guilty, and collect the proceeds. It also states in the Bible, if that is your go to, obey the laws. I'm not a theologian, but it's in there. I'm sure your mama was a good person, but mamma's opinion, thankfully, is not the basis of the courts.

  64. Bella you are exactly right. This is the problem today. There is no Morales or values in families today. Families used to go to church have Sunday dinners and teach their children to have respect for others. NO ONE IS SHOVING ANYTHING DOWN YOUR THROAT OR YOUR KIDS. EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY LIKE IT!

    1. Nice Christian values. Do you see the hypocrisy of your statement? Exactly as I said earlier, the most judgmental people I know go to church every ask day and bring up God in every conversation. Thanks for proving my point 10:08.

  65. you must have been an alter boy in a Catholic Church! I did not prove your point. I never said I went to church or had Christian values I was just commenting on your ignorant response when Belva just said more or less to be good to one another. Nothing was mentioned that would make you think it was being shoved down your throat or your children's. NOTHING...NOTHING at all was directed to you or your kids. You are the one talking about Penises and being proud of your penis..Now where the hell did that come from??

  66. You all have beaten a dead horse over and over again! Get over it or get another job. What ever is going to be...is going to be. You can not change a person you have to make a change to save your sanity. I used to have such respect for the MSP but after reading these comments made by the officers I can tell you there is NO respect left. I am going to send this blog information to the commanding officers so they can read all this. Your superiors would not be happy to see this information that is coming from there division.

    1. Trust me. The commanding officers have already seen it. Some have even made their own comments.

    2. 2:06- I'm sure we're all very scared of you! Oh please don't turn us in! We'll behave! Sarcasim.

    3. Sorry if you miss understood I just thought your superiors would be interested in how you feel about your working environment. I am a supervisor and I would be devastated if my people came to work feeling all this resentment. I didn't say this to "scare " anyone which I know of course no one is certainly scared. And I don't know anyone making these comments. I just thought if it was brought to your superiors attention something could be done. No one should have to work and feel like this everyday. And I am sorry but the comments does make the MSP look bad that there troopers are reporting against a Captain of MSP. YOU ALL DESERVE TO BE LOOKED AT WITH RESPECT AND BE HELD IN HIGH REGARD.

    4. 3:49- You just said you had no respect left for the MSP! It's right there in your previous comment. Written by you, winner of the "outstanding citizen" award. Backtracking in all CAPs does not erase that! Your comments were not misunderstood and were very clear. You questioned the sanity of the entire MSP even. It's not at all funny you Snowflakes strive to be noted SJW's and thusly act the way you do, but you expect the police to protect and serve your interests, and they will. Despite your ignorance. Your backtracking is profoundly obvious since I called you out. Keep threatening people. See how far that gets you.

    5. 3:49: that’s the problem, the superiors (which include Brent Black) don’t care how the employees feel. The only thing they care about is production. To them, the ends justify the means. They don’t care about the actual person that is out there doing the work. They only care that you produce. If you don’t, they beat you into submission. Their mentality is quantity over quality. If they cared about you, as a person, it would make the work environment tolerable and enjoyable. They use a lot of buzzwords but they don’t know what half of them mean and, if they do, they don’t mean what they say. If a supervisor cares about their employees they are considered weak and against the mission of the Agency.

    6. 4:25 Thank you I will accept that award. I did not threaten anyone or was I "called out" like I said before...Police DESERVE respect but...reading these comments in my opinion it is hard to have respect. You earn respect. And..it does look bad seeing these comments about their captain. I don't care who you are..this does look bad. That is the plain truth that you don't have the respect you had after reading these comments.

  67. That gosh darn freedom of speech. Keeps getting in the way and letting people have an opinion and voice it. We really need to do away with that.

  68. How LONG did he wait to get a IA Breath test ? 4/5/6 hrs what a fn joke.

  69. Brent Black is a drunk, womanizing loser. This couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. There is a reason so many people are celebrating his demise!!!!

  70. Ever since Brent didn’t get promoted to Major, he has checked out and been a major pain in the butt. The first time in his career, where he didn’t get something he wanted, and Baby Huey can’t handle it. The fact of the matter is, he didn’t deserve it. He has never earned anything that he has gotten. He has been given everything due to his daddy’s connections.

  71. Hopefully befuddled Brent will be demoted to First Sergeant and forced to retire at that rank. He does not deserve to be a commissioned officer. It won’t affect his retirement pay one bit but it will crush his ego. He deserves it for embarrassing the MSP. This wasn’t a TFC making a mistake. It was a commissioned officer.

  72. He should have been forced to take the breathalyzer in the proper amount of time, it was obviously much higher to be seen affecting his driving skills. He also should have been charged for possession of a handgun while committing a crime, thats a felony...so they wont charge him like they would an average citizen. I commend the DNR officer for upholding at least part of the law, not following it in entirety is just stirring the hornets nest.

    1. Can't force him to submit, no gun mentioned and leosa permit doesn't apply also no felony. If he didn't take a test no evidence not guiltily. Mva 90 revoked. He will be suspended with pay until after court and trial board 120 days later . With pay per federal law. Cops have double jeopardy and nothing they can do about it part of the job. He could retire now at a his current pay go to court later. Just saying don't hate the player hate the game. Be safe

  73. This isn’t our working environment. It’s his. His mess, not ours. We will always be the MSP. Past, present, and future Troopers are your best protection. We serve the public, not any one person.

  74. You goobers need to back to sleep.You have no power over anything other than when you vote.

  75. I say throw the book at him.

    I have driven citation free for almost half a century and one of his quota seeking minions pulled me for 11 over on a country road, show at court on the tax payers dime and in the wait I presented the SA with my evidence which he denied but the SA refused to pursue. That is government speak for extortion and state trooper speak for ego generated revenue. This guy should be charged for the maximum sentence his "victims" have suffered.
    Further, the politicians- working for his constituents should lobby the governor to remove him without benefits. He has negligently and reckless endangered the citizens of the County.

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