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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Chick-fil-A Succumbs to Gay Mafia Pressure

Chick-fil-A will reportedly stop donating money to charities including the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes following pressure from LGBT groups.

The company announced Monday that it is re-focusing its charitable foundation to a smaller number of charities, focusing exclusively on education, homelessness, and hunger.

“Our goal is to donate to the most effective organizations in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger. No organization will be excluded from future consideration – faith based or non-faith based,” Tim Tassopoulos, president and COO of Chick-fil-A, said in a statement.

“There’s no question we know that, as we go into new markets, we need to be clear about who we are,” he said. “There are lots of articles and newscasts about Chick-fil-A, and we thought we needed to be clear about our message.”

As a result, the company will no longer give money to organizations including the Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and the Paul Anderson Youth Home.

Those charities have caused LGBT activists to target Chick-fil-A due to those organizations’ stances on homosexuality.



  1. Sad; LGBT is also ripping this country apart. Too bad the majority no longer has a voice in a democratic society.

  2. In my opinion, which is worthless, Chick-fila has given up part of their first amendment rights, free speech...Anyone should be able to give to any charity they choose with out being forced to give to who a small group say you can due to the media pushing the LGBTQ agenda! Live and let live, just don't FORCE your life style on me!

  3. @ November 19, 2019 at 7:37 AM

    One of the reasons our brilliant founders penned the Bill of Rights was to prevent a tyrannical majority from infringing the basic rights of a minority.

    However, I'm game... what is the "majority" voice? What is the majority position on LGBT? Do you think it's what you believe... or do you have some backing data to show what a majority of Americans think on LGBT issues?

    I think you'll find you are more in the minority than you think.

  4. So much for gays being tolerable.

  5. @ November 19, 2019 at 7:37 AM

    One of the reasons our brilliant founders penned the Bill of Rights was to prevent a tyrannical majority from infringing the basic rights of a minority.

    However, I'm game... what is the "majority" voice? What is the majority position on LGBT? Do you think it's what you believe... or do you have some backing data to show what a majority of Americans think on LGBT issues?

    I think you'll find you are more in the minority than you think.

  6. Yielding to such groups, if counter to one’s beliefs is an acceptance of tyranny. May I have the strength to never succumb to such behavior and tactics. I have no respect for those that do, whether individuals or companies makes no difference.

  7. @ November 19, 2019 at 8:05 AM

    How exactly is it being forced on you? Detail that please.

    1. Read the article.

    2. Last line quote " following 'PRESSURE' from LGBTQ groups"!
      Evidently reading comprehension is not your forte!!

  8. They will never stop now. It’s about shamming and cancelling. They will be gone in a few years. Same as gun.

  9. 8:11 a good way to look at it may be the popular vote going to Democrats. Democrats support lgbt. Bam, majority.

  10. 8:38 brilliant logic comparing Chikfila to a firearm. That was sarcasm (I'm worried you don't pick that up easily). It is a shame you dish out the same discrimination you decry.


  11. "One of the reasons our brilliant founders penned the Bill of Rights was to prevent a tyrannical majority from infringing the basic rights of a minority."

    As usual, you show up with a phony premise and then try to distort the discussion.

    The 'gay mafia" are the fascists that try to disrupt a legitimate business because they don't like their beliefs and charitable giving, denying that business owner's right to give to whom he will, and to express his sincerely-held religious beliefs. THOSE are the things that are protected by the Bill of Rights. It is not 'majority rule' or the "majority voice".

    It is about the First Amendment and the free exercise of religion (and please spare us the phony argument about the 'wall of separation'-- it ain't in there.)

    I'm sad that Chick-Fil-A did this, but these fascist protesters have been allowed to be so disruptive to their business, I guess they finally gave up.

    And like 8:38 says-- they will never stop now. So please don't come on here and lie to us about them just wanting acceptance and equality, because we ALL know that was never true.

    This is about dominance and the obliteration of any dissent.

  12. Any man that has been married for more than 10 years totally gets this. You can only handle so much nagging until you break!!

  13. All the anti bible rants on here are incorrect. The truth does hurt and its stings these lost souls even more. The problem is the light and truth of GODS words are a forewarning. We are all sinners, but how you live your life is up to you. You can Live it up while your here and deny the truth at your own peril. As this counrty continues to slip away from these core christain principles the worse it will get for us all.

  14. The Communists are behind it all

  15. @ November 19, 2019 at 9:13 AM

    Businesses have the right to donate to what they want, this is true. People also have religious freedom, also true.

    People also have the right to choose where they spend their money based on what businesses support, as seen quite publicly with the NFL recently. Would you call those not supporting the NFL anymore "fascists", bent on dominance and the obliteration of any dissent? Would you label the people calling for the boycott of Nike as the same? Are these people a "mafia"?

    It is simply more profitable to sell sandwiches to everyone and not set your business up in such a way that some consumers wouldn't want to buy your product?

  16. What for the facts to come out.

  17. Agree with 10:14

    Businesses can support/donate to whatever they choose, the same is true of individuals.

    Money talks.

    This is why we are encouraged to purchase goods made in the USA, why we are encouraged to buy local. Where you spend your money matters!

    Remember in the aftermath of 9/11? It was said if you spent your money at a business owned by people of the Muslim belief or owned by anyone of Middle Eastern decent.... your money was supporting the Taliban ??? Ring a bell?

    This same philosophy applies this situation.

  18. Seems to me Chick-Fil-A is just exercising their first amendment rights! Good for them.

  19. @November 19, 2019 at 8:11 AM--

    "One of the reasons our brilliant founders penned the Bill of Rights was to prevent a tyrannical majority from infringing the basic rights of a minority.."

    Your words.

    Let's flip that-- what about protecting the majority from a tyrannical minority.. The Gay Mafia.

    This just posted elsewhere:

    "One of the nation’s largest gay advocacy organizations [GLAAD] is greeting Chick-Fil-A’s divestment from Christian charities like the Salvation Army with tepid praise and further demands, including an “unequivocal” denunciation of the brand’s history and values.

    Further demands. As always. Never enough.

    The gay 'rights' movement is totally fraudulent.

  20. Good for chick-fi-a, the salvation army is full of corruption. The Red kettle project is just a feel good front

  21. Good for chick-fi-a, the salvation army is full of corruption. The Red kettle project is just a feel good front

  22. Stop supporting any businesses owned or ran by members of the LGBQT community. Simple.

  23. @ November 19, 2019 at 1:56 PM

    The majority will never be at risk from a "tyrannical minority". You miss the point. The assertion was that the majority should be able to just squash the minority in a democracy. The bill of rights was penned to protect against just that.

    All Chick Fil-A had to do was nothing, keep business as usual. They didn't. The made a business decision that this "minority" was a large enough market that it made good, capitalist, business sense to sell them sandwiches to.

    Now, I know that hurts your feelings. You want to sneer, and point, and judge a group of people that you think are icky, and that your religion tells you are bad. However, your religious freedom ends with YOU. YOU get to follow your religion and YOU get to not be gay or get gay married. What you do NOT get to do is discriminate, or marginalize an entire group of American Citizens.

    While Chick-Fil-A has moved away from the Salvation Army, they still have strong ties with Focus on the Family, an organization that pumps tons of money into anti-gay legislation and politicians, actively works to block gay marriage, AND believes in debunked and damaging gay conversion therapy. GLAAD has VERY good reason to be skeptical of the olive branch being presented by Chick Fil-A.

    But again, I don't think this has much to do with Chick Fil-A or capitalism. This has to do with you being uncomfortable with gays, and trying to re-frame and re-brand with distortions and distraction, rather than working with the facts or the evidence.

    I'm happy to be wrong, you just have to make a coherent case to the contrary.

  24. @(:54 That's fine. And in return all Christians, the religious in general and any not on board with the homosexual agenda should boycott into bankruptcy any business owned by these people. I know that hurts your feelings, but who cares about your feelings? You lot don't care about anything but your own agenda.

  25. @ November 20, 2019 at 5:40 PM

    You are free to spend your dollars where you see them most well spent, and I support your right to vote with your wallet.

    The only "homosexual agenda" I am aware of involves them not being demonized, or marginalized, and to be as equal as all other citizens, with equal access and the same rights. To not be sneered and judged and denied employment, housing, work, or basic human rights.

    You do realize, there are LOTS of folks who are Gay AND Christian? Right?

    You do realize there is a decided difference in saying you wont patronize a business because they support discrimination and marginalization of a group of American Citizens, and not patronizing a business because the owners are gay? You realize this is not the same sort of motivation for boycott? These are NOT the same thing.

    An AGENDA of forcing gays to hide in the shadows and pretend not to exist is NOT the same as a group of American Citizens simply asking to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have equal access under the law.

    I'm afraid, the only one with an agenda here.... is you. I really don't care if that hurts your feelings. Sometimes, truth hurts.

  26. I am speaking for myself - but I have decided to boycott Chic- fil-a in light of their recent decision. In most other countries - the LGBT community members can be execuyed or imprisoned for up to 20 years for these moral violations.

  27. It's fast food. This is all a lot of free advertising for them. They boycotted Coors, Phillip Morris and Cracker Barrel in the past. They are all going strong now. Big Business has no moral compass. You may think your tithing and supporting a sympathetic cause but it ain't necessarily so and why would you think so ? You wanna be righteous and wholesome stay they hell home and cook.

  28. For the love of Money,OJAYS SAID IT THE BEST.....

  29. I could care less as long as they keep putting out chicken sandwiches.All of you saints need to go somewhere else.


  30. "..You do realize there is a decided difference in saying you wont patronize a business because they support discrimination and marginalization of a group of American Citizens, and not patronizing a business because the owners are gay? You realize this is not the same sort of motivation for boycott? These are NOT the same thing.

    An AGENDA of forcing gays to hide in the shadows and pretend not to exist is NOT the same as a group of American Citizens simply asking to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have equal access under the law. ."

    You should realize that the gay mafia was not just 'not patronizing' Chick-Fil-A, they were actively protesting and disrupting the business. Persecuting the business. For their beliefs which NEVER resulted in discrimination. They just hurt the intolerant people's feelings and they go and throw big tantrums at the restaurants.

    And then you play the victim. The same old (false) talking points about just wanting to be equal, and projecting the behaviors on Christians that you yourselves are doing in another way.

    You are equal. In fact, protected now in many ways. But that's not enough, and nothing will ever be enough.


  31. This isn’t about loving and serving the people who identify as LGBT, which the Salvation Army has done—and we’re all called to do. This is about affirming the LGBT identity and the politics that go with it. Those are two very different things.

    As Christians, we’re called to love—not affirm. God didn’t celebrate our sin, He loved us enough to save us from it. And that’s the difference here.

    --Tony Perkins



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