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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bill to end marijuana prohibition in the U.S. passes key committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WSET) -- A congressional committee has approved a piece of legislation to end marijuana prohibition in the United States.

According to a press release, the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act, better known as The MORE Act (HR 3884), would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and impose a minor excise tax on the legal cannabis industry to pay for the expungement of criminal records, among other changes, passed with a bipartisan vote of 24 to 10.

"This is a truly historic moment in our nation's political history. For the first time, a Congressional committee has approved far-reaching legislation to not just put an end to federal marijuana prohibition, but to address the countless harms our prohibitionist policies have wrought, notable on communities of color and other marginalized groups," stated NORML Executive Director Erik Altieri, "Opposition to our failed war on marijuana has reached a boiling point with over two-thirds of all Americans, including majorities of all political persuasions, now supporting legalization. Congress should respect the will of the people and promptly approve the MORE Act and close this dark chapter of failed public policy."



  1. Just when I thought the Democrat Party was starting to level off on the ground floor, they just pushed the button for Basement. Dumb beyond comparison.

    1. 7:21 have another shot and drive home. That would be more dangerous than doing the same but smoking a bowl instead of alcohol. You obviously have no clue.

  2. Well it's about time.

  3. I’m on board up to the targeting minority’s and effecting them. Now I’m not for it. 2019 everything is racist even the hoaxes.

  4. Which Bill ? Bill Cosby ? He's in jail FYI...

  5. The Police will still charge you with DUI for it.

  6. They are planning to tie it to forfeiture of second amendment rights.....

    1. Same thing they did in Md until October of this year

  7. my only issue with it is driving, there is no field test

    well i guess if your driving 10mph eating a bag of chips and a meatball sub, you may be high

  8. Now Mad Maxine can legitimately yell about HIGH crimes and misdemeanors.

  9. 8:30 AM, drunk drivers can refuse to take a breathalyzer UNLESS they're involved in an accident. In these cases the officer will give a field sobriety test involving coordinated activities. If the officer's best judgement is that you are under the influence or a danger behind the wheel you go to jail. The same will be done for marijuana I assume.

  10. Finally! Now maybe I won't have to drive to DC to get my "fix" anymore.

  11. The fed now wants there cut of taxes on it.

  12. They wont do it. They give you a crumb of hope for it only to take it back

  13. ALOT of police dogs gonna be retiring! Ain’t no way to train them off of it.

  14. They can't pass a budget - but they all want legal weed!

    Get your spine out Mitch - this should be DOA!

  15. @830 I'd rather have a field of dumb high drivers next to me going too slow then one driver next to me constantly looking down to make sure they aren't going to get a $40 dollar ticket for speeding on a US highway (WIHI speed cam).

  16. November 21, 2019 at 11:36 AM:

    If you can't win your "war on drugs" in 50 years, then maybe you should stop fighting. Most of America agrees with me, and not with you. Times have changed. No more reefer madness propaganda is going to obscure the truth about marijuana anymore. The days of marijuana possession felony offenses are rapidly coming to an end. "They" (Congress) don't want legal weed. "We the people" want legal weed, and Congress is responding. And Mitch will do well to recognize that, even if you don't. Your generation doesn't have a dog in the hunt anymore.

  17. 2:35 Which generation would that be? People been smoking weed for decades.

  18. The “War on drugs” is a stupid slogan, however, the perpetual battle against the greed and evil behind selling dangerous and highly addictive drugs is real. This fight will never be won nor lost and describing it in terms of a sporting event is ridiculous. It is the perpetual fight between good and evil. Both sides can claim advances but good has not lost in the US. We don’t have cartels openly battling military and police in the streets and winning those battles. We do have a huge problem with addiction and legalizing marijuana is a step toward making this epidemic worse. Get your head out of your a$$ and stop smoking the ganja!

    1. Your absolutely right whether others like to admit it or not. The question is who do you want controlling the manufacturer and distribution of these substances. Would your prefer the likes of Capone and the Cartels controlling the manufacturer and distribution or Anheuser Busch and Pfizer? Thats what it really boils down to.

      Unfortunately it seems like you havent put enough brain power or actions into this problem our country has faced for decades.

      Drugs are not going anywhere. They are not Nazis you cant just make them disappear one day.

  19. The Schiff Committee !!!! Free drugs for congress !!!!!

  20. November 21, 2019 at 6:16 PM;

    You are so wrong on so many counts, its ridiculous. The "war on drugs" is a term concocted by the politicians for talking points in battling a lost cause. It's just like prohibition. Prohibition failed, and so has making marijuana a class 1 felony drug. Its not the same as heroin or cocaine or amphetamines. Every knowledgeable person knows that. It is a mild sedative drug for most people that consume it. Classifying it as a felony drug is like calling aspirin a felony drug. It's your head that is up your ass. Just because you don't like it doesn't give you the right to try and deny it to others. You don't know anything about marijuana. Calling pot "evil" is a show of your ignorance and backwards thinking. I say to each their own, and you should do the same. I think your thoughts are what are evil.

  21. November 21, 2019 at 5:45 PM:

    The generation(s) that have kept it illegal and support the class 1 drug classification for decades, yes decades. Like the ones that STILL want to keep it improperly classified. Its now a majority of Americans that want the laws changed. And as a government "for the people" the laws need to reflect the will of the people.

    BTW, Louis Armstrong (Satchmo) petitioned then President Eisenhower to legalize pot back in the 50's. It was the stuff of musicians and artists back in the day. It was a part of their creative processes. Still is.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:30 AM, drunk drivers can refuse to take a breathalyzer UNLESS they're involved in an accident. In these cases the officer will give a field sobriety test involving coordinated activities. If the officer's best judgement is that you are under the influence or a danger behind the wheel you go to jail. The same will be done for marijuana I assume.

    November 21, 2019 at 9:17 AM

    Anyone can refuse a breathalyzer AND a field sobriety test, regardless of an accident. They will most likely lose their license for a period of time at minimum regardless of guilt or innocence.

  23. Wow, so many sheep on here.

  24. I think I'll just fire up another doober and think about it.....

  25. You pot heads still have your heads up your a$$. When I was a high school teacher I asked my chronically addicted marijuana student if they thought the drug should be illegal- even then they had they said - yes it should be illegal- they had no ambition at all and even in the throws of addiction they had the clarity to understand the drug they were on was the problem. Marijuana is low on the totem pole of problem drugs but even most addicts admit that their problem started with weed and progressed from there. I wish you pot heads recovery and a real sense of clarity but the future is grim.

    1. Perfect example of a teacher failing to do their job. The issue in this country is knowledge. Why do so many other countries not have this epidemic like we do? Why because they are actually informed educated people in regards to drugs and alcohol. Done both by parents and schools. People like you are such a problem when it comes to freedom in this country.

      You no longer believe in self responsibility and just feel like you know whats best for everyone and you are going to protect us from ourself.

      Your a true moron who doesnt deserve the little freedom you have now.

      Instead of taking your time to fully educate children about the usage and effects of drugs in a clear complete and effective way. Youve what, forced others to agree with your opinion and if not dealt them to the swift hands of our justice system locking them up in cages for decades at a time?

      I really hope morons like you never retreat from your current mind set and just hurry up and leave us. You can take your opinions judgements and lack of real compassion for the underlying problem to the upper room. Explain why you felt incarceration was a better method then education their.

    2. You shouldn’t be high if you are teaching school. I get high. But I don’t want a high school teacher. I can tell you that.

  26. Even though I say you pot heads have your heads up your a$$ that does not mean I don’t care about you- I do actually and I have dedicated my life to trying to fight drugs in the US. I’ve had some success and some failure and lost friends and family members to addiction along the way. But you can’t honestly think that legalizing weed will be good for people. Some people might be able to just sample it and never feel the affect of addiction but most will and there will be dire consequences

  27. I’d like to give you the short story version of Jack Chaney- he was my cousin be we treated him as “Uncle Jack”. Jack was a genius who had perfect SAT scores and ended up being a Japanese linguists after learning it in an obscure Jesuit school. Jack used to carve staircases out of single tree stumps- he was a bad ass- period. Uncle Jack also had a proclivity for weed. He smoked a lot of weed and then used to hitch rides across the country on trains. He eventually fell off a train and had his arm and leg amputated by a train. He also developed lung cancer that his doctors attributed to chronic weed smoking - I loved Jack and I blame weed for his early demise.

  28. Shadow
    We just want to be left alone.
    Like your uncle Jack, who sounds like a real hoot!

  29. Dear Shadow,
    Go smoke a bowl. It’ll help with your anxiety I promise😁

  30. What, are they going to wait for the 100th anniversary of prohibition to undo the mistake?

  31. November 22, 2019 at 8:30 PM:

    Your comment makes it apparent that you know absolutely nothing about marijuana. Just thinking that everyone that uses marijuana recreationally is an addict is ridiculous. With your delusional thinking, everyone that takes a drink now and then (recreationally)is an alcoholic. If you know that is not true, then you know your premise about marijuana is false. Just uniformed thinking is all you have. Reefer Madness is a thing of the past. You need to become 21st century enlightened. Your comment sounds like a cop that will lose his job if marijuana is legalized, or you're just ignorant.


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