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Sunday, November 24, 2019

GRAPHIC WARNING: FBI Interviews Alleged Boy Rape Victim of Bill Clinton; Chilling Details of Sex Assaults & Satanic Rituals on Yacht

Child sex trafficking investigators from the FBI’s New York field office have conducted an interview with a victim who provided chilling details about allegedly being raped by Bill Clinton on a yacht in New England when the victim was a young boy.

“We are treating him as a victim,” an FBI official told True Pundit in New York City prior the interview with FBI.

Top FBI officials arranged the interview with the victim, who said he was raped by Bill Clinton when he was just eight years old. The interview was conducted by the FBI’s task force that was established to investigate sexual assault and sex trafficking claims linked to Jeffrey Epstein and his associates. That task force, also attached to the NYPD, remains active even though Epstein reportedly committed suicide in federal custody just weeks ago.

“We still have a job to do here and that’s what we’re doing,” one FBI official told this reporter.



  1. That's not good WoW;

  2. 1 suicide down a few more to go.

  3. This what i have telling all who listen. In spite of the anti anti christain anti bible anti voices on this blog. This is real! These people are the real enemy they praise evil weclome hate confusion and lie to further their ideals. (911, False flags) their organized. They have allot of warriors all working the hidden "danger of the rainbow agenda" (read it) serving a dark majesty. lslam, progresives, masons, shrinners,CFR,UN,George Soros,Communism,LGBT,FED,and 90+% of DC and probably 75 of churches.. All praising luciferian ideals. They lie like their GOD.

    Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition, influenced by Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a liberator, a guardian or guiding spirit, or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.

    1. Exactly, people will be totally stunned when this bs comes to light in the public, the left has no clue what they are supporting, they will be totally caught off guard.

    2. Hi Jim Jones (6:15)! Is that you? How are you, “Sweet One?”

    3. 6:15 precisely. Pay no attention to the sheeple at 8:07. This type of info effects their whole belief/ trust system. You only understand when you, 1.) Willing to educate yourself beyond what you’ve been told on ABC, CNN, and Fox. 2.) Understanding the true meaning behind the vail of lies and deception through bible research

  4. Can not wait till ALL the pedophile elites are brought to light, most of Washington, most of Hollyweird, the Catholic Churches, its gonna be MIND BLOWING!

  5. Soon he will be another statistic or unexplained death contributed to the Clinton's...

  6. Lock up Bill Clinton then along with Hillary too !!!!

  7. Depends on the definition of rape is rape

  8. It is common knowledge that Hillary Clinton holds a high witch rank in the dark world

  9. people in High Places worldwide are part of this Luciferian/Pedo ring; mind blowing to say the least. when all is exposed; most will have a very hard time accepting. it's so sick and evil.

  10. Someone is about to have an "accident"

  11. All of the Gentile successful politicians have allowed themselves to be blackmailed. That is the price they pay to be in politics. The elite must have real power over the candidate or the deal is off. This is well known.

  12. He better enter Witness Protection from the Clintons !!!

  13. The walls are closing in on the Clintons and the Royal family. Queen Elizabeth however is incredibly astute and is out in front of this and will be able to save her dynasty by doing so. Good on her.

  14. Watched Monica talk about her affair with Billy on TV last night. Wow - Bill was not only a jerk but to me a very sick person. He lied to her - influenced her into sex with him at his whim - made promises he never kept. Let's not forget he turned out to be the hero and she a slut. However the truth be known she was a very young girl who was navie and he a world leader. Do you really think he should have been gotten away with his abuse of power yet Trump makes a phone call which turns into a nothing burger and they want to crucify him. The Clinton's are a disgrace to the world.

  15. This is part of why there is such a mad circus going on in DC. Many are very nervous about what may be exposed.

  16. Task Force Jenny was rebuffed by FBI on this before she was dispatched - may she rest in peace.

  17. Wow! I never thought I would see it here. I am in total agreement with you, 6:15, and those others on here who are with you. How true it is. For many of us it can be discouraging because this wickedness seems to keep winning. BUT the truth will be exposed. God will have His way.

  18. The boy was able to give a detailed description of Bill's Member and it matches what Monica said it looked like. Paula Jones said the same, and so did Kathleen Willie.

  19. Me too. I agree with that description. Well, it might have been a wee bit smaller than that.

    1. I would have pulled his member off with my registered hands

    2. Talk your statement through and listen to how it sounds before you post...

  20. Bill and Dubya were Freemasons
    This activity is common among the secret society
    Used as blackmail

  21. Job Not complete Until Bill Clinton is Locked UP !! Fact

  22. Epstein didn't kill himself.

  23. Hillary and Bill = Bonnie and Clyde.

  24. Loose ends were dealt with by the Clinton Foundation !!


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