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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Teacher Defends Drag Queen at School, Condemns ‘Bigoted’ Parents

A teacher reportedly defended the presence of a drag queen during a high school class with a Facebook post in which he asserted the parents who objected are “bigoted” and “should not have the final say” in raising their own children.

English teacher Anthony Lane, of Willis Independent School District (WISD) High School in Texas, reportedly removed his Facebook post in which he defended another teacher’s decision to host a drag queen in the high school’s cosmetology class to offer makeup tips. Lane sharply criticized parents who complained about the drag queen’s presence without their knowledge.

Faithwire posted a screenshot of Lane’s post before it was allegedly removed.

The screenshot reportedly shows Lane posted on October 26 that he is “both a parent and a teacher.”

“Our society is very sensitive when it comes to criticizing parents, and teachers are often afraid of parents because they are given so much authority,” he reportedly wrote and continued:

"I believe that raising a child is the responsibility of the community, and that parents should not have the final say. Let’s be honest, some of you don’t know what is best for your kids..."



  1. GOD way is the best Way..not shoving these twisted evil luciferian death wishes down unwanted throats. This is what a national school voucher system would correct. We need to Stop funding these insane demonic policies.

  2. Disgusting and nasty are just a few words that come to mind...

  3. So now they are having clown shows at school. This is nothing but ridiculous.

  4. Our schools can barely teach reading writing and math. Why would they waste time having drag queens? Why not have businessmen/women , police officers, military members, doctors, lawyers or some other professional come to the schools?

  5. The teacher is clearly a commie fruitcake themselves

  6. These clowns portrayals of women is misogynistic and disrespectful. I find it on par with letting someone read aloud Uncle Tom's Cabin in black face. It's all gone too far and you will soon see people calling it out for how shallow and stereotypical it is. It's not about gay or gender or anything else it's about exaggerating cultural and commercial images that women have fought hard to transcend and not be objectified.

  7. Barnum and Bailey has arrived in out schools.

  8. You are a fool and should never be able to teach children.

  9. These people are Satanic and should be beaten with sticks

  10. I've started wondering what the difference is between drag queens and clowns.

  11. Why are the local Christian's, Christian women in particular not in an uproar over Jake Day's drag queen pageant complete with drag queen judges??

  12. @10:09 I've been wondering this too!! Why would the local females NOT take offense to this ridiculousness

  13. Here is this clowns FB page. Enjoy


  14. Anthony Lane and others which think like him are how this whole gender identity LGBTQ agenda/issues got started in the first place. First off he's totally WRONG in saying parents should not have the last say. Second I'll be honest, no one but a parent knows what is best for their own children. Teachers are rented by parents to teach their children Reading, Writing & Arithmetic, not gender identity nor any social issues at all. They are to be neutral in this and if they can't be they need to go find work elsewhere. There is no compromise about this.

  15. What an arrogant person. But let me correct his statement "If you want to educate your children with your value, TAKE YOUR TAX DOLLARS, find a private school that will do it."

  16. He believes the community is raising the children? So, would they like to feed, clothe and house our children? Would they like to get up in the middle of the night with a child who’s vomiting or who’s had a bad nightmare? No, of course they don’t want these parts of our children. They only want to indoctrinate them with their beliefs, telling parents that the belief systems that they have cultivated are wrong and harmful. Anything that doesn’t conform to these demonic, twisted beliefs that are being built into our children’s heads is outrageous in their sick minds. Parents are not allowed to parent, being told that if they don’t conform to the misguiding thoughts that a 9 year old is having, they will be stripped of their parental rights or thrown in jail. The globalists have taken over and don’t intend on stopping until the breakdown of the family is complete and pedophilia is the norm, rather than being the perverted evil that it truly is. Sex trafficking, torture and murder...

  17. There should be no drag queen events in public schools and that “teacher “ should be fired

  18. One of the problems with today's education is teachers at the grade school level who are grooming children for sexual exploitation.

    1. Local teachers are directed via curricula and their superiors to teach whatever mess makes it’s way through MSDE. They have no way so, lest they be fired for refusing to do so. The best teachers I know pay lip service to this and close their doors and teach what is needed. The worst drink the cool aide and do what they are told

  19. Anyone who thinks that it is OK to intentionally expose children to this sort of sexual degeneracy is someone who should never be allowed near children. Anthony Lane needs to be fired, and authorities ought to keep a close eye on him.

  20. By 2025 children turning 10 years old will be confiscated from parents for 8 years of indoctrination and only be returned on holidays. This isn't about race, they want all of our families broken up so the future generations will see the government as the parents.

  21. This is an assault on children. This is driven by an intent to legitimize pedophilia, and to make children into easier and safer prey for child molesters.

  22. Parents need to know what is being taught and advised at their child's schools. You might be surprised at what now passes for education. Not a Civics class in sight rather teachings of how non-exceptional the USA is. It's not the education we had, not by a long shot. Socialist Indoctrination from cradle to grave.

  23. If parents aren’t actively engaged in their kids’ schools’ management & academics, they’ll disservice their kids for life. Teachers do NOT know what’s best for students. They know only how to prioritize teaching, & sometimes how to actually teach. What life skills do parents really want their kids to know? This is also why teacher unions must be outlawed, & the USDept of Ed must be disbanded.

  24. This is why teachers are to be brought to heel. Teachers are the most overpaid, underworked, over appreciated group in the country. Demand school choice, demand your district be out of any teachers union.

  25. liberal mental illness thinks they have all the answers.

  26. This exposes a major reason for parents to home school, at least in America. Parents are completely responsible for the raising of their children and the final say is theirs by command of God the Creator.

  27. Now is a good time for every honest, hard-working, decent, fair-minded citizen to research Cultural Marxism. Understand the goals of those who developed this perverse strategy to incrementally destroy western society and discover and remove from power those behind the current roll-out. Quite simply, the US government, much like all western governments, is infested with agents of this misanthropic ideology.

  28. Millions of Democrats are going to be shocked and surprised when they find themselves spending eternity in Hell. YES....HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS!!!

  29. As a child I would have found him scary and disturbing. He looks like a nightmare.

  30. This shows that some teachers are as much freaks as these things are and should not have nothing to do with children, in my opinion. The teacher is lucky that they are not teaching any of my kids for sure!

  31. Wow, Anthony Lane! You are scary! When you start paying for the food and care of someone else's children; perhaps, then you may confer with the parents. Otherwise, you are just a belligerent know-it-all, and need to stick to teaching the fundamentals of the 3 R's.

  32. And if you think this guy is of the minority, then you better think again. This is what we Christian/conservative parents face against these liberal/leftist/communistic, teachers that have an agenda for our children. #indoctrinationcamps

  33. I have two children and have always been involved with their education. And I can assure you that I would have had a hissy-fit in a situation where the school had questionable speakers coming into the school without informing parents and allowing me to choose whether or not to expose them to said speaker! My husband and I were responsible for raising our children, for instilling societal values, for making sure they grew into productive adults—NOT the community or the school or the church! I would NOT have taken kindly to ANYONE trying to usurp my parental rights! Both my children are now adults with their own families, both have their Masters degrees; both own their own homes; one is a high school English teacher and the other works for IBM. I’ll take the “blame” for how they turned out!

    1. Private school. Work overtime or get a third job.

  34. Catch him coming out of school, mob him in ski masks and leave him bloody. Problem solved. Nothing will change until you bring violence to bear. They know most of you are abject cowards and will not risk your freedom for your children or your values. Harsh, but true.

  35. Did Jim Ireton invite one of his drag queens to speak at his classroom?


  37. Bring that drag queen to my kids school and there are going to be big PROBLEMS.

    1. threats to us Gays ?

      well, I'll slap you with my sweet male hand


  38. pure evil! this is what's loose in the world today. all the antifa, blm, lbgt crap is what mankind has to offer society after rejecting our God and our Lord! you reap what you sow!

  39. The hildabeast would love those clowns according to her it takes a village to raise a child.

  40. Okay, I'm bigoted. I hate those freaks that call themselves drag queens. So what? Are they bigots for hating me?


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