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Monday, November 04, 2019

Accident On Snow Hill Road

Multiple ambulances from various counties. Possible fatal, multi car. Snow Hill Road, a
bout 1/2 mile past Nassawango Church Road 

The road is shut down completely and you will need to use an alt route.


  1. Snow Hill Road is dangerous and needs more attention by law enforcement. Many times I have had to slow down because people are speeding and passing cars when there really isn’t time to pass another vehicle.

  2. November 4, 2019 at 1:21 PM;

    The least expensive fix would be to mandate (make it a law) headlight use on that busy two lane highway. If you are not using YOUR headlights, maybe the cars passing the slower vehicles could see you before they commit to passing. I see many cars that just don't use their headlights on that road. Cars riding in the shadow of the forest are difficult to see. For your own safety, turn on your headlights!

  3. Praying for all involved and for first responders.

  4. November 4, 2019 at 1:21 PM:

    Law enforcement IS active on that road, on a daily basis with both stationary and rolling radar in Worcester County (location of accident in the post). Speeding cars are not the problem. Cars passing slower traffic and not seeing you because you run with your headlights off, may just be the problem you have. Drive safe. Use your headlights. Stop expecting a cop to look over your shoulder every day.

  5. People passing on left when the head car is trying to turn left onto their driveway is dangerous After several close attempts to turn into my own driveway and having to waite till the driver behind passes is ridiculous. I am at a point now NO passing markings though areas that there are driveway would make it alot safer. WITH THIS BEING SAID THE STATE TROUPER WHO PASSED ME ON MY LEFT WHEN I HAD SIGNALED THAT I WAS TURNING LEFT SHOULDN'T BE DRIVING A STATE OWNED CAR

  6. There isn't always a regulatory solution. Sometimes things happen. Law of averages in a modern society. Stop being such whiny little girls and accept the odds of living in today's society.

  7. Anonymous said...
    There isn't always a regulatory solution. Sometimes things happen. Law of averages in a modern society. Stop being such whiny little girls and accept the odds of living in today's society.

    November 4, 2019 at 6:00 PM


  8. We live off Snow Hill road....

    The speed limit was reduced to 40 miles per hour as you approach Cardinal Drive past Food Lion off Snow Hill road. .

    My wife and I have been harrassed, tailgated , passed on double line by middle finger using jerks who fly down Snow Hill...

    Often a number of these people are turning into Nutters Crossing and Airport road as it increases to 50 mph as you drive.

    An easy solution is to place speed cameras on guard rails as they have on Route 50...

    Police are busy with other responsibilities, and are not available to run radar 24/7 365 days a year.

    placing a speed camera would result in incredible revenue for the County, increase safety for those who travel Snow Hill Road daily.

    Normal driver

  9. The idiots that pass on a curve are primarily responsible for these accidents...

    1. Exactly 6:59, day time running lights won't help

  10. A lot of the drivers are just impatient idiots. They don’t like driving the speed limit. State Police and deputies included.

  11. All these 'expert' drivers sharing their wisdom on how to drive makes me laugh. Everybody thinks they are a better driver than the next guy. Boy, are they so wrong.


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