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Monday, November 04, 2019

White House says VA funded at highest amount in history

WASHINGTON — In a proclamation sent out for the third time while in office, President Donald Trump has declared all of November as a time to honor those who've served in the U.S. military, and their families. Veterans events are typically scheduled throughout the month of November at VA hospitals, benefits offices and cemeteries across the country.

In 2018 the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs reported more than 300 events in the month of November, but this push by the White House for the third consecutive year aims to extend traditional Veterans Day celebrations.

Just last year, on top of the local and regional celebrations across the United States -included in the more than 300 events that the VA reported- the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs also held national events. These events have included the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, alongside an event where leaders eat together at the National Press Club. The White House also typically holds their own veterans events. The VA campaigned to promote their brands in 2018 and the first week of November has been named "Legal Services Week" for the VA, where the department provides free legal services to veterans in need.



  1. Graft skimmed off the top more than likely the highest in history also.


  2. "...VA funded at highest amount in history.."

    But let's add some perspective-- Obamacare forced a lot of new people into the system (so now it's hard to even find a parking place at the VA hospital). Though the funding is higher, the service demand is MUCH higher.

    It is still hard to get what you need there, though they've come up with some clever new ways to massage their numbers and make them look good.

    But in the end, it's still hard to get the care needed, and many of the people who need to be shown to the door are still there collecting a lot of that funding for doing nothing.


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