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Monday, November 04, 2019

County School System Settles Wrongful Death Lawsuit

SNOW HILL – A wrongful death lawsuit filed against the Worcester County Board of Education following the 2016 death of a Cedar Chapel Special School student has been settled.

School system officials confirmed Thursday that the wrongful death lawsuit filed against the school system and a former Cedar Chapel staff member by the parents of a student who died in 2016 had been settled.

“MABE (Maryland Association of Boards of Education), our insurance carrier, has been handling this case and we have been made aware that a settlement was made,” said Carrie Sterrs, the school system’s coordinator of public relations and special programs.

In January, lawyers for Pocomoke residents Patricia and Richard Richardson filed a wrongful death suit in Worcester County Circuit Court against former Cedar Chapel employee Richard Blessing, the Worcester County Board of Education and Cedar Chapel Special School.


1 comment:

  1. I guess the parents are "happy" now that they received big money for the wrongful death of their handicapped 15 year old child, that the County had to care for. They dropped the case against everybody once they got the money from the County.


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